Oral Care for Dentures

The importance of keeping your mouth healthy doesn’t reduce once you lose some or all of your natural teeth and replace them with dentures (partial or full dentures). This article discusses some of the care suggestions made by the dental health professionals at Green Dental Care in Parker CO if you wear dentures.
Give the Dentures a Break
It is advisable for you to remove your dentures before you go to bed. This step is important because it allows your gums to recover and breathe while you sleep. Dr. Christopher Green, a dentist in Parker CO, cautions that people who don’t take out their dentures periodically experience a number of problems, like sore and irritated gums.
If you are unable to remove the dentures at night, for example, if you work at night, find an uninterrupted stretch of at least six hours to take a break from your dentures. Dr. Andrei Ionescu, a Parker CO dentist, explains that this time allows your gums to get a break and recover from any stress they may have suffered while the dentures were in place.
Soak Your Dentures
This may be surprising to someone inexperienced, but germs and plaque accumulate on dentures. The hours that you spend when you have taken out your dentures provide an excellent opportunity for you to soak those dentures in a cleaning solution. This will help kill any bacteria present. The doctors at Green Dental Care in Parker CO normally recommend that you use lukewarm (not hot) water and an effervescent tablet to clean your dentures. The effervescent tablet will get rid of any stains or food particles on the dentures and the water will keep the dentures pliable and ready to use when you need them.
As you clean your dentures, refrain from using toothpaste and your regular brush. Instead, use the cleaning products recommended by your Parker CO dentist since regular toothpaste and a normal toothbrush may be too abrasive for the material from which your dentures are made. If in doubt about the right products to use, contact Green Dental Care and you will be guided on what to use to keep the dentures clean.
Clean Your Gums and Mouth
Once you have removed the dentures, Dr. Andrei Ionescu recommends that you clean any remaining teeth with the gums and mouth. If you wear partial dentures, brush your natural teeth as usual. Thereafter, take some gauze or a wet washcloth and use it to wipe your gums clean. You may also use an alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse your mouth to keep it smelling fresh.
Handle Your Dentures With Care
Dentures don’t come cheap, so you should do everything possible to protect them from damage. Parker CO dentists recommend that you fill your sink with water before you start cleaning the dentures. This is so if they drop, the impact is reduced since they will fall into the water in the sink.
Another option is to fold a towel and place it in the sink to cushion any fall. A bowl of water can also suffice if you aren’t using the sink while cleaning the dentures.
It is not advisable to use toothpicks and other such devices to clean your dentures because they may be damaged. Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown KY, also recommends that you never let your dentures dry out. Keep them in cool water each time you take them out.
See Your Dentist
Whether you have complete or partial dentures, you need to visit Green Dental Care once every six months or as frequently as Dr. Christopher Green recommends. During those visits, the Parker CO dentist will check the dentures to confirm that they are free from damage and are fitting properly. He will also examine your gums and overall oral health in order to catch any problems early. With the Green Dental Care team on your side, you will always step out with a confident smile each day!