6 Signs You Need a Root Canal

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6 Signs You Need a Root Canal

signs you need a root canal - green dental care

Do you suspect that you could be having an infection deep inside your tooth? The best way to be certain about your need for a root canal is by visiting Green Dental Care in Parker CO. Dr. Chris Green will examine you and put together a treatment plan if needed. In the meantime, there are some of those warning signs that a root canal is in order.

Darkened or Discolored Enamel

Teeth normally darken at approximately the same rate. However, one tooth may darken at a faster rate than the teeth near it. This scenario could be an indicator that tooth decay is occurring at a high rate or the internal structures of that particular tooth are degrading very fast. Regardless of the cause, visit Green Dental Care so that appropriate treatment can be started promptly.

Dr. Chris Green explains that tooth discoloration often sounds the alarm for infected or decayed teeth that aren’t causing other easily noticeable signs, such as sensitivity and pain.


Do you feel pain when you bite crunchy food or when you apply pressure on a particular tooth? Do your teeth hurt if you jump or lay down? This pain may be alerting you that you have an infection inside the affected tooth or teeth. See a Parker dentist immediately so that the root cause of the pain can be addressed before it costs you your tooth. If a root canal is deemed to be necessary, then it will be done so that further damage to your tooth is avoided.

Lingering Sensitivity

It is common and normal to experience some tooth sensitivity when you sip a hot drink or bite into ice cream. This sensitivity normally ends a few seconds after the incident that has triggered it. However, we asked our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, about root canals. Dr. Kacos cautions that you should be concerned if the sensitivity you feel lingers even when you haven’t eaten or bitten into anything to trigger it. The prolonged tooth sensitivity can indicate that some nerve damage may have occurred and a root canal can prevent the damage from spreading.

Gum Inflammation

Gum inflammation often shows that a patient is suffering from gingivitis or periodontal disease. However, gum inflammation could also point to an infection inside the root of your tooth. See a dentist in Parker CO promptly if you notice swelling, a raised bump close to the affected site and pain accompanying the inflammation. A root canal could fix the problem and put an end to your suffering.

Headaches and Jaw Pain

You may need to visit Green Dental Care for a root canal if the pain you feel in your tooth is spreading to your jaw and even causing you a headache. If you feel some pain in your ear, then the tooth problem is originating from one of the molars on that side of your mouth. A root canal is in order if you are experiencing these symptoms since the problem is more than just a cavity.

Chipped and Cracked Teeth

You may also be a candidate for a root canal in Parker CO if one or more of your teeth are chipped or cracked. Such damage can expose the nerves inside your tooth to infection. Dr. Chris Green cautions patients against immediately thinking of undergoing a root canal once they chip or crack their tooth because not all situations of this nature warrant a root canal. The Parker CO dentist will therefore examine you and only recommend a root canal if that is the best option in the circumstances.

Steps to Take When You Suspect You Need a Root Canal

If you are experiencing any of the warning signs described above, it is imperative that you make contact with Green Dental Care immediately so that an appointment can be scheduled for you. If your symptoms, such as pain, are severe, seek emergency dental care from Dr. Chris Green.

The second thing that you should remember if you suspect that you may need a root canal is to avoid doing anything that could potentially worsen the condition of the affected tooth. For example, avoid using that side of your mouth to chew hard food substances since they can make a crack or chip worse.

Thirdly, take an over-the-counter medication to ease your symptoms. Talk to a Parker dentist about the right OTC medication to take and how to use it. For example, Dr. Chris Green warns patients not to place an aspirin on a painful tooth since this mode of administration isn’t helpful in this situation. Aspirin is systemic, meaning that it can only work after being ingested orally and absorbed into the bloodstream. Worse still, aspirin will trigger a chemical burn on any gum tissue that it comes in contact with. Talking to a dentist before you use any medication to ease your symptoms is therefore warranted.

Don’t make any assumptions about your condition. For example, don’t put off going to the dentist because an online search you have done has shown you that the treatment you need could be expensive or invasive. Instead, visit Green Dental Care sooner rather than later so that a correct professional assessment can be done. You will receive the appropriate treatment in a timely manner so that avoidable complications can be averted.

7 Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

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7 Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

signs you need your wisdom teeth removed - Green Dental Care

While most people dread having to undergo wisdom tooth removal, this dental procedure can become unavoidable. You must educate yourself about the conditions that can necessitate wisdom tooth removal so that you visit your local dentist in Parker, CO. In this article, Dr. Chris Green from Green Dental Care discusses some of the common signs you need your wisdom teeth removed.

Jaw Stiffness

As your wisdom teeth emerge, they can push against the existing teeth in your mouth. This pressure can cause your other teeth to shift from their positions, and this could trigger discomfort in your mouth and jaw. If you don’t see a Parker dentist about this discomfort, the situation can deteriorate, and you will start feeling pain. When the pain develops, Dr. Chris Green may be compelled to extract the wisdom tooth, which is the instigator of your pain and discomfort.

Gum Sensitivity

For many people, the development of wisdom teeth causes teeth crowding. The crowding is due to the lack of space available to accommodate the emerging and the existing teeth. As a result, wisdom teeth will cause pain in your mouth and jaw. We asked our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown KY about gum sensitivity and wisdom teeth. Dr. Neda says the gums can also become extremely sensitive to cold, heat, and pressure. The swelling, tenderness, and soreness make it harder for you to brush or eat, and an infection will set in before long. It is therefore wise to have your wisdom teeth removed as soon as you suspect that it could be responsible for the gum sensitivity that you are experiencing.

Unrelenting Wisdom Tooth Pain

If you experience pain around a wisdom tooth while eating or drinking something, or randomly throughout the day, consider seeing a dentist in Parker, CO about removing the wisdom tooth triggering this pain. Tell your Parker dentist the level of pain as well as how long you’ve experienced the pain. Dr. Chris Green will complete an oral exam and determine whether wisdom tooth removal will put an end to the pain.

Tooth Damage and Decay

You may also need to visit Green Dental Care to have your wisdom teeth removed if your tooth is causing nearby teeth to decay or become damaged. For example, an impacted wisdom tooth can cause nearby teeth to move out of position and become hard to clean. The resultant decay may then easily spread to the other teeth unless appropriate treatment is provided. In this case, a lasting solution would be for your Parker dentist to extract the wisdom tooth.

Frequent Tooth Infections

Problematic wisdom teeth can cause recurring tooth infections in their vicinity. Several factors could explain this recurrence, but the most likely reason is that your wisdom tooth in the affected area didn’t grow properly, and it is creating room for bacterial infections to develop.

A visit with Dr. Chris Green at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, could shed light on the reasons behind the recurrent tooth infections. If these frequent infections can be attributed to problems caused by the wisdom tooth, then a decision will be made to extract that wisdom tooth before it causes more serious oral health problems.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth is one which erupts when it is crooked. Because its angle of growth differs from that of the teeth which are already grown, the impacted wisdom tooth can cause tenderness, pain, swelling as well as damage to the nearby teeth. In such a situation, your dentist in Parker, CO, will remove the wisdom tooth so that your remaining teeth don’t continue to be affected by this problematic wisdom tooth.

Elective Wisdom Tooth Removal

Many times, people choose to remove their wisdom teeth when they have not yet developed deeply-embedded roots. This elective extraction is better than waiting for teeth that have shown signs that they will be problematic to start causing problems. Parker dentists say that if the problem wisdom teeth will be removed sooner or later, it is far better to remove them sooner when they aren’t embedded in your jaw so firmly as yet.

Not everyone must have their wisdom pulled, and not everyone needs to have all the wisdom teeth in their mouth pulled. However, some situations warrant the removal of your wisdom teeth that develop in the mouth. Contact Dr. Chris Green as soon as you develop any of the signs indicating that one or more wisdom teeth could be threatening your dental health. Your Parker dentist will assess the wisdom teeth and schedule the tooth extraction procedure so that you don’t suffer needlessly because of these wisdom teeth.

Sedation Dentistry

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Sedation Dentistry

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Each year, millions of people in the U.S. keep away from making a needed visit to the dentist because of dental anxiety. If you get the jitters each time you think of a dentist, you are not alone. The Green Dental Care team in Parker, CO, understands your concerns, which is why they provide conscious sedation to ease any fear or pain that you may have. This article gives you an overview of what you need to know about conscious sedation dentistry in Parker, CO.

What Is Conscious Sedation?

Dr. Chris Green explains that conscious sedation refers to the ways through which a dental patient who panics or becomes anxious during a needed procedure can be helped to relax and go through that procedure comfortably.

The technique is called conscious sedation because you remain responsive throughout the procedure. The medication simply helps you to relax. This is different from general anesthesia that makes you unconscious until the medication wears off, or its effects are reversed by your Parker, CO dentist at the end of the procedure.

What Dental Procedures Can Conscious Sedation Be Used For?

Green Dental Care can offer conscious sedation dentistry for patients who feel anxious or have a low pain threshold yet they need to undergo procedures like dental cleanings, cavity treatment, root canals and many other procedures. Discuss your dental fears with Dr. Chris Green, and he will determine your suitability for conscious sedation dentistry.

How Are the Sedatives Administered?

The drugs used during conscious sedation dentistry can be administered in a variety of ways depending on the specific circumstances of a patient. For example, you may simply inhale the sedative through a mask placed on your face. Alternatively, the dentist in Parker, CO, may give you a pill that you take before your appointment. Some sedatives can be administered by giving you a shot in your arm or butt. If the situation warrants, Dr. Chris Green can also administer the sedative intravenously (using an IV).

How Long Do the Drugs Take to Kick In?

The mode of administration used has a bearing on how long you will have to wait before you start feeling the effects of the conscious sedation drugs that you have been given.

For example, sedatives administered orally could take anywhere between 30-60 minutes after ingestion while those given through an IV line kick in almost immediately. Dr. Chris Green will explain to you how long the sedative you receive will take to kick in before your procedure. Be assured that the professionals at Green Dental Care will not start the dental procedure until they are certain that the sedation is working as expected.

How Quickly Does Conscious Sedation Wear Off?

One key advantage of conscious sedation over general anesthesia is that conscious sedation wears off quickly. So, most people are able to go back home on their own. However, dentists in Parker, CO usually take the precaution of asking patients who undergo sedation dentistry to have a designated driver. The sedation usually wears off in an hour or so, but some side effects, such as feeling sluggish, could last the rest of the day.

What Are the Stages of Conscious Sedation?

Your Parker, CO dentist determine the degree to which you will be sedated after talking to you about your dental anxiety and other related factors. Three distinct stages of sedation exist.

The first is mild conscious sedation. This minimal sedation is also called anxiolysis. When you are minimally sedated, you become relaxed but remain fully aware of your surroundings and are responsive.

The second degree of sedation is moderate sedation. In this stage, you will be sleepy and may lose consciousness, but are still responsive to some extent.

Deep conscious sedation is a stage of sedation in which you fall asleep once the medication kicks in, and you will be unresponsive most of the time. This stage of conscious sedation is suitable for people with intense dental phobias.

Can I Develop Complications?

Like any other medicine, conscious sedation also carries some risks, even if it is considered safe. To minimize these risks, Dr. Chris Green will conduct a detailed evaluation of your overall health before deciding to administer conscious sedation.

It is therefore helpful for you to give the Parker, CO dentist your medical history as well as information about any medication and supplements that you are taking. This information will help Dr. Chris Green to design an appropriate plan for the sedation dentistry procedure. He may postpone the treatment if he discovers any circumstance, such as pregnancy, which elevates the risks of undergoing sedation.

If you are afraid, apprehensive or anxious, let Dr. Chris Green know. Your Green Dental Care team will use conscious sedation to help you keep your attention focused on your dental health rather than on the discomfort that you experience each time you undergo a dental procedure.


What to Consider Before You Choose a Dentist

What to consider before you choose a dentist - Green Dental Care

What to Consider Before You Choose a Dentist

What to consider before you choose a dentist - Green Dental Care

Are you new to Parker, Colorado, or don’t love your dentist? Or maybe you have switched dental insurance plans and you need to find another service provider? Whatever your reasons for needing a new dentist are, you’ll need to exam the following to make the right choice. In this article, we discuss the 5 things to consider before you choose a dentist. 

Is the Dentist in Your Current Provider Network?

We asked our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, about choosing a new dentist. Dr. Neda explains that you need to pay special attention to your dental insurance plan during your selection process. Only shortlist dentists who participate in the dental insurance plan to which you belong.

If you aren’t sure about this particular factor, talk to your primary healthcare provider (your doctor) and ask him or her to give you a list of participating dentists in your area.

Alternatively, you could visit the website of your dental insurance provider and extract a list of the dentists who are service providers in that network. The HR department at your place of work can also be helpful in this regard since the company could be having an updated list of the different participating dentists that company employees can see.

Should You Restrict Yourself to ADA Members Only?

You may have read or seen numerous recommendations advising people to only see dentists who are registered with the American Dental Association (ADA). This advice is primarily aimed at helping patients to identify a high-quality dentist in Parker, CO.

However, ADA membership isn’t the only factor that shows that a dentist is competent. For example, other professional associations for dentists exist and these include the Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) and American Academy of Oral Systemic Health.

A dentist is free to choose which professional body to belong to based on his or her own needs. For example, one dentist may prefer to associate with the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine because he or she has a keen interest in helping patients with sleeping disorders, such as teeth grinding, which affect their oral health.

Once a dentist enrolls as a member of a given academy or dentists association, he or she must adhere to the code of conduct of that body in addition to undertaking continuing education classes with them.

Dr. Chris Green also points out that one pays to be a member of those bodies, but the associations aren’t very vigilant in enforcing the standards indicated in the code of conduct.