Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

Caring for Your Child's Teeth

Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

Caring for Your Child's Teeth

Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

Helping your child form dental care habits at an early age will ensure strong healthy teeth that will last a lifetime. Experts at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO share the following tips for taking care of your child’s teeth.

Don’t Wait for Teeth to Erupt Before Commencing Oral Care

Oral care begins as soon as a baby is born. Don’t wait until you see the first teeth erupting in order to start taking care of your child’s oral health. Instead, Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker CO, recommends that you use a damp cloth to wipe the gums of the baby after every feeding session. This will remove any food residues which may have fed bacteria and triggered oral health issues, such as infections.

Regulate Feeding Schedules

It is also unwise to leave your baby with his or her feeding bottle throughout the night or day while the baby is in the crib. Unregulated feeding increases the likelihood that oral bacteria will thrive in the mouth of your baby since there is unlimited access to sugary substances. Dentists in Parker, CO recommend that you take away the feeding bottle as soon as the baby is full. Follow this with wiping the gums using a damp cloth as suggested earlier.

Start Brushing Once Your Child’s Teeth Erupt

Dr. Chris Green explains that two front teeth in the lower jaw are normally the first to erupt in a baby’s mouth. Once these teeth appear, start brushing them without using any toothpaste. A baby toothbrush and plain water are sufficient at this stage. Why wouldn’t you use toothpaste at this stage? Our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley CO explains that the ingredients of toothpaste may be very harsh for your young child at this point in their lives. Brush the teeth each morning and night for maximum benefit from this habit.

Know When to Introduce Toothpaste

Toothpaste contains compounds which kill bacteria, fight bad odor and strengthen teeth. It is therefore important for you to introduce toothpaste to the oral care routine of your child as soon as possible. This should happen once your child learns how to spit when instructed. When this milestone is reached, introduce fluoride-free toothpaste and use it to brush your child’s baby teeth.

Instruct the child to spit the toothpaste out. Don’t worry if the baby swallows some of this toothpaste. Fluoride-free toothpaste isn’t harmful when swallowed, so the idea of using it is to get the child used to spitting out all the contents of their mouth as you brush their teeth. Once the child can spit out everything, start using fluoride toothpaste. Use only a pea-sized portion until Dr. Chris Green recommends otherwise.

Introduce Flossing at Age 3

As soon as your child turns 3, introduce him or her to the habit of flossing. This will ensure that the dental plaque forming between teeth is removed together with any food particles. This will keep those areas of the teeth and gums clean even when a toothbrush cannot reach those sections to clean them properly.

Watch Your Child’s Diet

Green Dental Care also recommends that you pay close attention to your child’s diet as a way of supporting good oral health. Limit the intake of sugary and acidic foods. Soda, gummy bears, and citrus fruits and juices should be consumed in moderation to prevent cavities. Remember to brush the child’s teeth each time they consume sticky substances so that oral bacteria doesn’t get a feast. Sugar-free gum can be a good way to extract food remnants from teeth after a meal. Drinking water also helps in this regard.

Take the Child for Their First Dental Visit

Dr. Chris Green recommends that you take your child to Green Dental Care for their first dental visit once they celebrate their first birthday. The pediatric dentist will examine your baby’s teeth and oral structures in order to identify any issues of concern at this point in time. The dentist in Parker, CO will also advise you about what you need to do to enhance the oral care of your child at home. This is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have about taking care of your child’s oral health. The common questions which Dr. Chris Green encounters include questions on what type of toothbrush is ideal for the child, whether the child can use mouthwash as well as concerns about pediatric dental x-rays.

Like any other person, your child also needs to see the dentist every six months for professional dental cleanings and checkups. Schedule these visits accordingly so that any developing issue can be identified and addressed early.

How to Make Oral Care Fun for Your Child

As already mentioned, your kids need to get into the habit of taking proper care of their teeth as early as possible. However, you should not try to reason with your baby as a way of convincing him or her to embrace good dental care habits; the child is too young to appreciate logical arguments at that age! Dr. Green suggests that you instead use other means to make oral care fun for the child so that they participate willingly in the different routines.

The helpful ways to make oral care fun include letting the child select a toothbrush for themselves (such as one in their favorite color or with their favorite cartoon character), selecting their preferred toothpaste flavor, playing their favorite song and telling them to brush until the song comes to an end (this ensures they will brush for at least two minutes) and planning a fun activity after making dental visits.

Remember to contact Dr. Chris Green at Green Dental Care if anything unusual, such as tooth pain or an oral infection, develops in your child. Prompt action will address the issue and prevent your child from losing a tooth at this early stage in their life. Call Green Dental Care anytime you have a question regarding your child’s oral health.


Teeth Whitening Instructions at Green Dental Care

teeth whitening instructions

Teeth Whitening Instructions at Green Dental Care

teeth whitening instructions

Teeth Whitening Instructions for Our Take-Home Kit

When you receive your take-home teeth whitening kit provided by Green Dental Care, the package will contain various items, such as a number of syringes containing a whitening (bleaching) gel, custom dental trays and instructions on how to use the kit for best results. Here is a summarized version of what you need to know to get the best teeth whitening outcomes.

Dental Work

The teeth whitening gel will neither whiten (bleach) nor harm any artificial dental work in your mouth, such as crowns, fillings, caps, and bridges. The bleaching compound will only work on your natural teeth.

It is therefore wise for you to skip putting any whitening gel on the part of the dental tray that will cover the teeth with artificial dental work on them. Dr. Green suggests that you consider having any dental work redone so that its appearance matches your new look after whitening your natural teeth.

Tooth Sensitivity

We asked our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley, CO, about tooth sensitivity and teeth whitening kits. Dr. Dhoon says that the chances are high that your gums and teeth will become sensitive to hot, cold, or pressure while you are whitening your teeth. Discontinue the teeth whitening process if the sensitivity is more than mild. Resume bleaching the teeth after a few days if you notice that the sensitivity has subsided.

For preventive purposes, you could brush with Sensodyne as a precaution to prevent sensitivity from developing. Alternatively, you can talk to Dr. Green, a dentist near Parker CO, about using a desensitizing gel after every teeth whitening session. The desensitizing gel is applied following the same procedure that is used for the teeth whitening product.


Parker dental care professionals recommend that you store the teeth whitening gel in the refrigerator. Refrigeration extends the shelf life of the gel from one to two years. You can, therefore, use the stored gel months later when you want to touch up some teeth that have developed stains. You can also keep the bleaching gel in a cool, dry place that is away from direct sunlight. Don’t freeze the teeth whitening gel.

Prior to Teeth Whitening Treatment

Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before you start using the teeth whitening kit. This will allow the bleaching gel to adhere to the teeth properly for the best results.

It is also prudent for you to try on the custom tray to confirm that it fits well before you add the gel to the tray.

Also, ensure that the whitening tray is clean and dry before you place any whitening gel on it. Dr. Green explains that moisture interferes with the effectiveness of the gel and increases the bleaching time.

Applying the Teeth Whitening Gel

Add just a tiny dab (the size of a grain of rice) of the whitening gel in the portion corresponding to the teeth which you want to whiten. As earlier stated, skip the teeth with any dental work since the gel will not whiten them. Also, it may be wasteful for you to whiten the back teeth since they aren’t visible when you smile. Don’t try to spread the gel in the tray; this will happen on its own once you wear the tray.

Inserting the Bleaching Tray

Insert the bleaching tray gently over the teeth. Make sure that the tray sits firmly over the teeth. Wipe away any excess gel that seeps out to your gums. Otherwise, your gums will be burnt by the gel.

Wearing Time

Dr. Green recommends that you wear the teeth whitening tray for 2-4 hours each day. Do this for 10-14 days. This wearing time will be sufficient to give you the desired results. After wearing the tray for the recommended duration, refrain from consuming any substance, such as coffee, which may stain your teeth.

Experienced Parker dental care experts also advise patients to keep the custom trays even if they have obtained the results that they wanted. This is because the same trays can be used later on to touch up any tooth or teeth that develop stains. You will therefore simply buy more bleaching gel if what you have runs out.

After a Teeth Whitening Session

After keeping the whitening tray in your mouth for 2-4 hours, remove it and rinse your teeth. Brush away any gel remaining on your teeth. Brush and floss as usual during the days when you are whitening your teeth.

Caring for Your Custom Teeth Whitening Trays and Gel

Use a Q-tip/toothbrush and cold water to clean the custom dental tray after wearing it. Thereafter, place the tray inside the tray holder. Place the gel in the refrigerator as earlier recommended.

Warnings and Precautions

The specific instructions (how long to wear the tray, for example) may vary depending on the product that Dr. Green recommends based on your unique requirements. Adhere to the guidelines given to you, rather than those you read elsewhere.

Don’t use the whitening tray if you are pregnant or when breastfeeding. Desist from smoking, eating, or drinking anything while the dental bleaching tray is in your mouth. Needless to say, keep the bleaching gel out of reach of children.

Still, have more questions about whitening your teeth at home using a kit provided by a dentist? Call Green Dental Care today or schedule an appointment so that all your questions and concerns can be adequately addressed.


Dental Fillings Post Op Instructions

dental fillings post op instructions - Green Dental Care

Dental Fillings Post Op Instructions

dental fillings post op instructions - Green Dental Care

Dental Fillings Post Op Instructions

Have you just had a tooth fixed with a filling at Green Dental Care? In this article, you’ll discover what you should expect once you leave our office. Read the instructions carefully and do as advised so that nothing goes amiss with the newly fitted filling.

Tooth Sensitivity

Some sensitivity to cold, heat or pressure is normal after getting a dental filling. The degree of sensitivity depends on how deep the cavity was. Dr. Green also reveals that tooth sensitivity is normally greatest within the first 24 hours after the dental filling has been fitted. This sensitivity will gradually reduce over the coming days. For some people, the tooth sensitivity can last a few weeks while others no longer experience it after a few days.

Contact your Parker dental care professional if the tooth sensitivity seems to get worse instead of reducing during the days after you get the dental filling.


It is advisable to wait until you no longer feel numb, and then eat. Eating when still numb can result in biting your tongue, cheek or lip. Composite fillings usually set immediately, so the only thing stopping you from eating as soon as you leave Green Dental Care is the numbness.

If your child had a filling, watch him or her closely in the hours after the procedure. This is because the strange feeling caused by the anesthetic can make the child to chew on his or her lips, cheeks or tongue. Avoid the resultant damage by restraining your child from making this mistake.

Gum Soreness

Dr. Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, explains that your gum is likely to feel sore for a day or two after you get the filling. This is especially true for the injection site used to administer the numbing agent.

To reduce this soreness, prepare a warm salt water solution and rinse your mouth with it several times each day. Simply add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth about four times each day until the soreness stops bothering you.

Bite Issues

We asked our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley, CO, about dental fillings. Dr. Dhoon says that the filling will feel strange in your mouth for a few days. This is because the filling is contoured differently and has a different texture from your natural teeth. Don’t let this textural difference bother you because your tongue will soon get used to it.

However, you should contact Dr. Green if your teeth don’t meet properly within a week or two after the filling was placed. The Parker dental care professional will schedule a simple adjustment in order to rectify that bite issue which you have identified.

Home Care

Dental fillings are designed to last a long time if properly taken care of. It is therefore imperative that you brush and floss on a daily basis. Have your teeth cleaned professionally at least twice each year, and go for a dental exam once a year. This will prevent the tooth with a filling from suffering from tooth decay.

As always, don’t wait for a scheduled visit to Green Dental Care if you have a query or concern about your fillings. Simply give Dr. Green a call or visit the dental office so that your concerns can be addressed as soon as possible.