Can I Replace My Metal Dental Filling?

Can I Replace My Metal Dental Filling?

Can I Replace My Metal Dental Filling?

dental fillings post op instructions - Green Dental Care

Dental fillings are used to restore the function and appearance of teeth that have been damaged by decay. Metal fillings are made from a variety of materials, including gold, silver, and mercury amalgam. While metal fillings are strong and durable, they can also be visible when you smile or talk. For this reason, many people choose to replace their metal fillings with tooth-colored composite fillings. Composite fillings are made from plastic resin and are matched to the color of your natural teeth. In addition to being more aesthetically pleasing, composite fillings also bond more strongly to your teeth than metal fillings. As a result, they can provide greater support for teeth that have been damaged by decay. If you are considering replacing your metal filling, be sure to consult with the best dentist in Parker CO to find out if composite is the right choice for you.

Why Would You Need To Replace Your Metal Dental Fillings?

Most people will experience a cavity at some point in their lives. Cavities occur when bacteria drill into the enamel of your teeth. Over time, the bacteria make the hole bigger and deeper. Eventually, if it isn’t treated, it will cause you pain. Fillings are used to treat cavities. They help to restore the function and appearance of your tooth. Fillings are made from a variety of materials, including gold, silver, composite resin, and porcelain. The type of filling that is best for you will depend on the location and size of the cavity. Therefore, our friends at 4th Street Family Dentistry, dentist in St. Petersburg, believe fillings are an effective way to treat cavities and prevent further damage to your tooth.

How Would You Replace Them

Metal fillings are one of the most common methods of restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay. However, over time they can become loose and fall out, leaving the tooth vulnerable to further damage. When this happens, you will need to have the filling replaced. The first step is to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Parker CO. They will examine the tooth and determine if it is strong enough to support a new filling. If so, they will clean out the cavity and prepare it for the new filling. Then, they will place the new filling and shape it to match your natural tooth. Finally, they will polish the filling to give it a smooth, natural appearance. With proper care, your new filling should last for many years.

The Benefits Of Dental Fillings 

You may not realize it, but your teeth are actually slightly flexible. When you chew, your teeth bend to distribute forces evenly. However, metal amalgam doesn’t bend in the same way as natural teeth. The uneven distribution of force can lead to microfractures in your teeth that put you at risk for cavities and painful sensitivity. Dental composite is designed to behave just like natural tooth enamel. It’s flexible and resists fracture, making it an ideal material for fillings and crowns. If you’re concerned about the strength of your teeth, talk to your dentist about dental composite. It may be the best solution for you.

Contact Green Dental Care Today!

At Green Dental Care, we understand that your smile is important to you. That’s why we offer high-quality dental fillings that are designed to last. If you’re interested in replacing your old dental fillings, we encourage you to contact us today. Our experienced team of dentists will be happy to help you choose the right type of filling for your needs. We offer a variety of different materials, including composite resins and porcelain, designed to match your teeth’ color. We also offer a variety of different shapes and sizes to choose from, so you can be sure to find the perfect fit for your smile. And because we understand that cost is important to our patients, we offer competitive pricing on all of our dental services. So if you’re ready to take the next step in achieving a beautiful smile, contact Green Dental Care today. We look forward to serving you.

Invisalign For Adults

Invisalign For Adults

Invisalign For Adults

Benefits Of Invisalign For Adults

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth. Because they are almost invisible, Invisalign is a popular choice for adults who want to improve their smiles without drawing attention to their treatment. They can be used to treat a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crowding, spacing, and bites. Treatment with Invisalign typically takes 9-18 months, and patients will need to wear the aligners for 20-22 hours per day. One of the major benefits of Invisalign for adults are that they are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want during treatment. In addition, the aligners are comfortable and won’t cause any pain or irritation. If you’re looking for an invisible way to straighten your teeth as an adult, Invisalign may be the right treatment for you.

Are You A Candidate For Invisalign?

During a consultation with Dr. Green, he will assess your smile and help you determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign. He will evaluate your oral health and discuss your desired results so that he can help you explore all of your orthodontic options and decide which one is best suited to your needs. Together, you can work towards achieving a healthy, beautiful smile that you feel confident showing off to the world. Our friends at OG Dental in Denver believe if you’re looking for a discreet way to achieve straighter teeth and a more confident smile, talk to Dr. Green about Invisalign today.

The Process Of Invisalign 

The process of orthodontic alignment using clear aligners follows a step-by-step procedure. The first step is to schedule an appointment with your dentist or orthodontist, who will take x-rays and other measurements to evaluate your dental condition. Secondly, begin wearing a set of clear aligners, which you will wear for 20-22 hours per day. During this time, you will need to swap out each aligner every two weeks, so that you are always wearing the correct one for your current stage of treatment. After about six weeks of use, you will return to Dr. Green for an evaluation and receive your next set of aligners. The entire process usually takes about 20-24 sets of aligners, or roughly one year in total. While this timeframe can vary depending on your unique dental situation, it is important to stick with the prescribed treatment plan in order to achieve the best results possible. So if you’re looking for a fast, effective way to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. 

Contact Green Dental Care!

At Green Dental Care, we believe that good oral health is key to maintaining overall wellness. Our team of dentists and hygienists are dedicated to providing the highest quality care in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Whether you are looking for general check-ups or specialized treatment for more serious conditions like gum disease or tooth decay, we have the expertise and resources needed to help keep your smile healthy and vibrant. So if you’re looking to make an appointment with a trusted dental professional, contact Green Dental Care today. We look forward to helping you achieve your best smile ever!

Can My Dentist Help Treat Sleep Apnea?

Can My Dentist Help Treat Sleep Apnea?

Can My Dentist Help Treat Sleep Apnea?

Can My Dentist Help Treat Sleep Apnea?

Everything You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. The pauses can last 10 seconds or more, and they may occur 30 times or more an hour. This can cause snoring, but it can also cause you to wake up to breathe. Waking up 30 times an hour can leave you feeling tired all day, even after a full night’s sleep. Sleep apnea is caused by a variety of factors, sleep position, the use of alcohol or sedatives, and weight gain. 


Therefore, sleep apnea can be treated with lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or sleeping on your side, and with medical devices or surgery. If this is untreated for a while this can lead to hypertension, stroke, heart failure, and other health problems if left untreated. One question that is asked is Can My Dentist Help Treat Sleep Apnea? Keep reading to find out more.

Sleep Apnea Treatments 

The traditional treatment for sleep apnea has been the use of a CPAP machine. Which uses air pressure to help widen the airway and prevent it from becoming blocked. This machine consists of a pump that pushes fresh air through a mask or nasal tube, directly into the lungs and throat. Overall, this treatment option is effective in treating sleep apnea and helping patients to sleep more soundly and restfully. However, many people still struggle with using CPAP machines due to discomfort or issues with compliance. Our friends at New Providence Dentistry have hope that this ongoing research will lead to improved treatment options for those with sleep apnea.

Oral Appliance 

Dr. Green is a qualified dentist who can help patients with mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea. Similar in shape to a retainer or mouthguard, an oral appliance is built by a qualified dentist. What this does is shifts the jaw muscles and tissue to prevent airway obstruction. The “oral appliance” is becoming popular for patients with mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea because it is less invasive than other treatments, such as CPAP machines. Dr. Green will work with you to find the best treatment for your sleep apnea.

Contact Green Dental Care!

Contact Green Dental Care today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Green. With years of experience in the dental field, he is dedicated to providing his patients with the best possible care. From routine cleanings and checkups to more complex procedures, you can rest assured that you are in good hands with Dr. Green. He takes the time to listen to his patients and answer any questions they may have, so you can make informed decisions about your oral health. Contact Green Dental Care today to see how Dr. Green can help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile.