Sedation Pre Op & Post Op Instructions

Sedation Pre Op and Post Op Instructions
Once you decide to undergo oral conscious sedation at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, we will give you oral medication before your appointment, and this medication will put you in a dream-like state in which you will be very relaxed throughout your dental procedure. You will have no recollection of the procedure, and the oral sedation medication is very safe. Read on and learn what Dr. Chris Green will explain to you as the sedation pre-op and post-op instructions.
Sedation Pre-Op Instructions
Smoking. The bodies of people who smoke cigarettes are more resistant to the sedative, so you should stop smoking until after your dental procedure.
Alcohol and Other Drugs. It is also advisable for you to refrain from taking any alcohol or other street drugs, such as marijuana, within 24 hours before your dental procedure. Alcohol and drugs slow down the effectiveness of the sedative you will be given, so it is best to avoid these substances.
Caffeine, Food, and Drinks. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything, especially caffeinated drinks, 8 hours before your dental procedure under a sedative. Anything in the stomach delays how soon the sedative can kick in. Dentists in Parker, CO also explain that there is an increased risk that you will throw up during the dental procedure if you eat or drink anything within 8 hours of the procedure.
Medications. Dr. Chris Green urges patients to reveal what medication they are currently taking so that he can review that medication and assess how it will interact with the oral sedative. The sedation dentistry procedure may be put on hold if you are taking any medication other than that for diabetes or hypertension. If you take sleeping aids or any medication that induces sleep or makes you drowsy, then you will need to stop taking such medication the night before the sedation dentistry procedure. Any medication that you have been cleared to take on the morning of the dental procedure should be taken with a little water so that your stomach is empty at the time of the procedure.
Pregnancy. If you are pregnant, then Dr. Chris Green will not sedate you because it may not be safe for you and your unborn baby.
Dressing. Green Dental Care recommends that you wear comfortable clothing on the day you are coming in for your sedation dentistry procedure. Avoid wearing jewelry or any other accessory that could get in the way during the procedure.
Contact Lenses. People who wear contact lenses should use their glasses instead of on the day of the procedure. You will be sleepy, so it isn’t advisable for that to happen while your contact lenses are in place.
Driving. Ask a family member or a friend to drive you to your dental appointment, and then drive you back home. The sedative may take a few hours to wear off, so it isn’t safe for you to drive or be alone during this time.
Sedation Post-Op Instructions
Driving. As already mentioned, it isn’t safe for you to drive in the first 24 hours after your sedation dentistry procedure, so avoid sitting behind the wheel during this time.
Operating Equipment and Machinery. Parker, CO dentists also recommend that you don’t operate any machinery or hazardous devices until a minimum of 24 hours has elapsed after the sedation dentistry procedure.
No Heavy Lifting. In the same vein, it isn’t advisable to engage in any heavy lifting in the first 24 hours after you have undergone a dental procedure in which sedatives were used.
No Important Decisions. Put off making any important decisions in the first 24 hours from the time of your dental procedure. You may not be in the best state of mind to think clearly and make the right decisions within this time window.
No Stairs. Do not climb any stairs in the first 24 hours after the sedation dentistry procedure at Green Dental Care. You risk falling and hurting yourself if you attempt such an exercise. Stay in a room downstairs if you live in a storied house.
No Staying Alone During the First 24 Hours. As already mentioned, it is unsafe for you to be alone during the first 24 hours because you may still be groggy after your dental procedure. Ask the companion who drove you to Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, to stay and monitor you during this time. The staff at the dental practice will also give your companion a printed copy of these instructions so that he or she knows what is or isn’t permitted before and after your procedure.
Your safety is our number one concern, so get in touch with Dr. Chris Green if you have any questions. Also, get a printed copy of these instructions and follow them so that your procedure goes without a hitch!