Signs an Infection is Spreading

signs an infection is spreading

Signs an Infection is Spreading

signs an infection is spreading

It can be all too easy to ignore a minor irritation caused by an infection in the mouth. Your tooth may ache or your gums may look inflamed, but the pain may not yet be serious enough to seek out an appointment with Dr. Christopher Green. However, it’s important to never put off receiving dental services for any type of tooth infection. The infection could spread beyond the tooth, beyond the gums and into other parts of your body. Your health and your very life could be compromised, even if you never experience much by way of tooth pain.

To stay healthy and keep your mouth healthy, it’s important that you learn to recognize the symptoms of an infection that has started to spread beyond the tooth.

Understanding a tooth abscess

Just what is an abscess in your tooth? Put simply, it is a pocket of infection inside your tooth. While it can occur anywhere inside of the tooth, it is most often seen at the very tip of the root. There are typically some very clear indicators of an abscessed tooth, including the following.

  • A persistent toothache that intensifies
  • Rapid onset and extreme sensitivity to cold or hot
  • Sensitivity felt when biting or chewing 
  • Swelling on one side of the face
  • Seeing a pocket of pus, often taking on the appearance of a large pimple, on the gum line near the affected tooth
  • Swollen lymph nodes beneath the jaw

If you reach out for treatment in a timely manner, a tooth abscess may not get too severe. When you come in for emergency tooth repair, Dr. Green will drain the infection and may need to perform root canal therapy on the tooth.

Signs of a spreading infection

There are several signs that your infection is spreading beyond the abscess. If it ruptures, you may notice a sudden metallic or salty taste in your mouth. The pain may be relieved at this point, and it can be easy to think that the infection is no longer a concern. In reality, a rupture could just be one of the very first signs an infection that is spreading.

If the infection enters your bloodstream, this can lead to a serious condition known as sepsis.

Other signs an infection is spreading could include the following.

  • A general feeling of being unwell. You may have a persistent headache, pain in your jaw and you may also have an earache.
  • You may feel fatigued and dizzy.
  • You may develop a fever. Fever is your body’s response to an infection in the body. While a fever is a natural and normal response that can help you heal, if your temperature stays consistently over 101F, this could be a sign of sepsis developing.
  • Seeing swelling is a normal side effect of having an abscess. If it persists and the pain is unbearable, you need to seek out emergency treatment. Untreated swelling could start to impact your ability to breath and swallow.
  • Rapid heart and breathing rates are indicative of sepsis taking hold in your body. If this does happen, Dr. Green recommends that you seek out emergency medical treatment.
  • Stomach pain, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea are very common when you’re struggling with sepsis, and can quickly further the dehydration that is common with sepsis.

Preventing the spread of infection

Dr. Kacos, a dentist from Shreveport’s Dentist, adds that there are several things that you can do to avoid developing an abscess. Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is to maintain good oral health habits, including the following.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day
  • Use a good quality mouthwash
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months
  • Visit your dentist, to keep up with your examinations and cleanings

Any signs of inflammation, sensitivity or swelling should be addressed as soon as you notice it. This will allow your dentist to prescribe antibiotics if needed, and to treat the infection before it is allowed to spread beyond the infected tooth.

If you have an abscess or tooth pain that you’d like to get relief from, call Green Dental Care to schedule your appointment.

What You Need to Know About a Tooth Abscess

What You Need to Know about a tooth Abscess Green Dental Care

What You Need to Know About a Tooth Abscess

What You Need to Know about a tooth Abscess Green Dental Care

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that forms in different sections of a tooth due to a bacterial infection. This condition often comes with moderate or severe pain that can radiate or spread to your neck or ears. Experts at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, share what you need to know about a tooth abscess and what they can do for you when you are diagnosed with an abscessed tooth.

Types of Dental Abscesses

Dr. Christopher Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, explains that tooth abscesses are distinguished from each other depending on where they are located. The first type is the periapical tooth abscess. This type of abscess is found at the tip of the root of one’s tooth.

The second type is referred to as a periodontal abscess. The professionals at Green Dental Care explain that this kind of tooth abscess is located on the gum near the root of your tooth. This abscess often spreads to the nearby bone and tissue.

The third type of dental abscess is a gingival abscess. This abscess is found in the gum, but not close to the root of the tooth.

Causes of an Abscessed Tooth

Dental abscesses can usually be traced to dead dental pulp resulting from trauma or tooth decay. That dead pulpal tissue gives bacteria a chance to thrive and spread right through to the root of the tooth. Parker, CO dentists, explain that once the infection reaches the root, a pocket of pus develops.

A dental abscess can also result from the growth of bacteria in the gingival pockets (the gaps between your teeth and the gums). This bacteria will trigger an infection that can spread and affect your jawbone. When this happens, you may feel some relief because the deterioration of the bone tissue creates room for the pus that was exerting pressure on the nearby tissue. The deterioration of the jawbone eventually causes your tooth to become loose, and you could lose that tooth if you don’t see an emergency dentist immediately.

The Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth

It is important for you to recognize when you have a dental abscess so that you can see a professional. Here are some of the symptoms that could indicate that you have an abscessed tooth:

  • Intense tooth pain that persists.
  • Feeling that there is unexplained pressure in the vicinity of an affected tooth.
  • Swollen or red gums.
  • Swelling around your jaw or face.
  • Fever.
  • An unpleasant or salty taste in your mouth.
  • Generalized lethargy (you feel generally unwell).

Treatment Options for an Abscessed Tooth

Depending on the severity and type of your dental abscess, Dr. Christopher Green will pick one of the following treatment options:

  • Draining the Abscess. The emergency dentist in Parker, CO, may decide to make a small incision in the abscess and drain out the pus therein. Dr. Christopher Green will then clean the area thoroughly using a saline solution.
  • A Root Canal. If the abscess is inside the tooth, the Parker, CO dentist may drill a hole into the tooth and drain the abscess. He will then clean out the root canal by removing all the infected pulp. You may need to have your tooth capped, or a dental crown placed.
  • Tooth Extraction. As mentioned earlier, dental abscesses can be linked to tooth damage, such as trauma, which allows bacteria to enter the root and cause an infection. In such a situation, the expert at Green Dental Care could examine you and conclude that the tooth has suffered such extensive damage that it is beyond saving. In that case, Dr. Christopher Green may extract the tooth and then drain the pus from the abscess.
  • Use of Antibiotics. If the tooth infection hasn’t spread inside of the tooth, then it can be managed using antibiotics. Let your emergency dentist in Parker, CO know you’re experiencing a tooth abscess, and they can prescribe antibiotics.
  • Extraction of the Foreign Object. Some dental abscesses can be caused by the presence of a foreign object in the gum. This foreign object can get lodged in the gum during an accident or some other kind of trauma. For such situations, the Parker, CO dentist, will remove the foreign object, drain the abscess, and send you home to recover.

Abscessed Tooth Pain Relief

Our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, says that when draining the tooth abscess, you will often experience immediate relief. However, some pain may still remain, and over-the-counter pain medication may be prescribed to deal with that pain. You could also apply an ice pack to your cheek to relieve the pain and discomfort.

There is no reason for you to suffer with the pain resulting from an infected or abscessed tooth. Dr. Christopher Green and his team can help you to get relief from the infected or abscessed tooth. Call today and make an appointment if you live in or near Parker, Colorado.