Your Guide to Emergency Dental Care

Your Guide to Emergency Dental Care July 1

Your Guide to Emergency Dental Care

Your Guide to Emergency Dental Care July 1

Expert advice for handling dental emergencies and finding immediate care in Parker, CO Adults

Emergencies can strike at any moment, and dental emergencies are no exception. Knowing how to promptly handle dental emergencies like toothaches, knocked-out teeth, or broken dental restorations is crucial for preserving oral health. In Parker, CO, where every minute counts, finding the best dentist to provide immediate care is crucial. Green Dental Care is here to offer expert advice on handling dental emergencies and finding immediate care in Parker, CO.

Recognizing Dental Emergencies

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize what constitutes a dental emergency. While some issues can wait for a scheduled appointment, others require immediate attention to prevent further damage and alleviate pain. Common dental emergencies include severe toothaches, loose or knocked-out teeth, cracked or broken teeth, lost fillings or crowns, and mouth tissue injuries.

Immediate Steps to Take

In the event of a dental emergency, taking swift action can mitigate the severity of the situation. Here are some immediate steps to take:

  1. Assess the Situation: Evaluate the extent of the injury or pain. If there is bleeding, swelling, or severe discomfort, it’s likely a dental emergency.

  2. Contact Your Dentist: Reach out to your trusted dentist as soon as possible. Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, provides emergency dental services and can offer guidance over the phone.

  3. Manage Pain: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort temporarily. Avoid placing aspirin directly on the gums, as it may cause irritation.

  4. Handle Knocked-Out Teeth: If a tooth is knocked out, handle it gently by the crown, rinse with water without scrubbing. Try to reinsert the tooth or keep it moist in milk or saliva until you see your dentist.

  5. Address Soft Tissue Injuries: Clean the injured area with warm water and apply pressure with sterile gauze to stop bleeding.

Finding Immediate Care in Parker, CO

When a dental emergency strikes, having access to immediate care is paramount. In Parker, CO, Green Dental Care stands out as the go-to destination for prompt and compassionate dental services.

Why Choose Green Dental Care?

  1. Experienced Professionals: Led by Dr. Chris Green, a highly skilled dentist with years of experience, the team at Green Dental Care is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies with expertise and precision.

  2. State-of-the-Art Facility: Our modern dental clinic in Parker, CO, ensures your comfort and safety during emergency visits with advanced technology and amenities.

  3. Compassionate Care: We understand the anxiety and pain associated with dental emergencies. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient comfort and strives to provide gentle care in a welcoming environment.

  4. Convenient Hours: Green Dental Care offers extended hours and flexible scheduling to accommodate urgent dental cases because emergencies don’t follow a schedule.

  5. Emergency Services: For any dental emergency, Green Dental Care promptly offers emergency services to address your needs.

Contact Us

Knowing how to effectively handle dental emergencies can greatly preserve your oral health despite their stress and fear-inducing nature. In Parker, CO, Green Dental Care is your trusted partner for emergency dental care, providing expert guidance and immediate services when needed. Remember, when dental emergencies arise, don’t hesitate to reach out to the best dentist in Parker, CO, for prompt and compassionate care. Your smile deserves nothing less than the best.

Can You Fracture A Tooth?

Can You Fracture A Tooth

Is It Possible To Fracture A Tooth?

Trust our expert dental team in Parker, Colorado for reliable information on teeth health! Not only does our practice specialize in preventative care and treatments for all your family’s dental needs but we also prioritize educating our patients on the importance of proper oral hygiene. In this post we will cover one particular question – “Can You Fracture a Tooth?” We here at Green Dental Care see many cases involving chipped or fractured teeth, so if you have been experiencing similar issues it is important to act now. Read on as we discuss why tooth fractures happen and different ways they can be treated.

What is a tooth fracture and what causes it to occur

A tooth fracture is an unfortunate dental problem that many people may experience in their lifetime. This occurs when the tooth becomes cracked or broken due to various factors. Tooth fractures often result from biting hard objects, facial injuries, or dental decay. Tooth grinding, clenching, and age-related wear can contribute to tooth fractures. Fortunately, many tooth fractures are treatable with professional dental care. A tooth fracture can be fixed with the right treatment, restoring a healthy, beautiful smile.

How can you prevent a tooth fracture from happening

A tooth fracture is a painful experience that can be both costly and time-consuming to fix. Thankfully, there are steps that you can take to prevent it from happening in the first place. Care for your teeth with daily brushing, flossing, and regular dentist check-ups. You should also avoid biting hard objects, such as ice or candy, as they can cause damage to your teeth. Use a mouthguard for added tooth protection during sports or high-impact activities. Follow these tips to keep your teeth strong, healthy, and avoid tooth fractures.

Steps to take if you have already fractured a tooth

A broken tooth can be a scary and painful experience, but don’t worry! There are several steps you can take to fix the situation. First, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. Apply a cold compress to your face to reduce any swelling or pain. If the fracture is small, your dentist may be able to use bonding to repair the tooth. However, if the fracture is severe, a crown or root canal may be necessary. It may seem intimidating, but remember that your dentist is there to help and provide you with the best treatment possible. With the right steps and proper care, your tooth will be on its way to a full recovery.

Different types of tooth fractures and their corresponding treatments

Our teeth are essential to maintain not just a beautiful smile, but also to ensure proper chewing and digestion. However, tooth fractures are a common issue faced by several individuals, causing discomfort and affecting their daily routine. Different types of tooth fractures have specific treatments to restore your teeth. From minor cracks that require simple bonding or filling to severe cracks that may require root canal treatment or even tooth extraction, dentists have various options to meet your needs. Overcome tooth fractures with the right treatment and get back to smiling!

Common dental procedures used for treating fractured teeth

Coping with a fractured tooth can be unsettling, but common dental procedures offer effective treatment. Dental bonding repairs fractures using a tooth-colored resin, restoring the natural look of the tooth. Another option is a dental crown, which covers the entire tooth and provides added protection and support. In some cases, a root canal may be necessary to remove damaged tissue and prevent further damage. Your dentist can effectively treat a fractured tooth, ensuring a healthy and functional smile.

The importance of regular check-ups and preventive care for good oral health

Oral health is vital for overall well-being, and preventive care is key to good dental hygiene. Regular check-ups help identify potential issues before they become serious problems. Prevention-oriented oral care can reduce the risk of oral diseases, decay, and gum issues. Plus, early detection can save you time, discomfort, and often even money. It’s vital to implement a regular dental check-up routine to keep your healthy and confident smile shining bright. Investing time in preventive dental care pays off for a big and beautiful smile.

Contact Us Today

Care for your teeth for a healthy smile and be mindful of the risks of fractures. Preventive measures like brushing and avoiding hard foods protect teeth from injury. Fractures, if untreated, can lead to serious dental issues, but various treatments can restore damaged teeth. Trust your dentist for repair or preventive care to maintain your oral health. Nothing compares to the importance of having a healthy smile that will last you a lifetime! Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

Preventing Dental Problems

preventing dental problems - Green Dental Care

Preventing Dental Problems

preventing dental problems - Green Dental Care

Clichés may be tired and overused, but there is often an element of truth to them. This is particularly true when considering “prevention is better than a cure.” When it comes to dental problems, there are certain treatment solutions for each issue. However, preventing dental problems from becoming an issue in the first place could save you a significant amount of time, money, and discomfort.

At Green Dental Care, we are always happy to offer you the best treatment solutions for any number of dental concerns. Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Ionescu offer a compassionate touch that will help to put you at ease while restoring your beautiful smile. They also offer some great handy tips on preventing dental problems.

Don’t Forget to Brush Your Teeth

It should go without saying that brushing your teeth is one of the most effective tools you have to combat tooth decay and gum disease. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day, to help get rid of the food debris and bacteria that are responsible for decay and disease.

Our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, suggests using a toothpaste that contains fluoride, as it can offer added protection for fighting bacteria. She says that people who use fluoride toothpaste see an improvement in their overall oral health. 

Wait To Brush After Drinking Coffee

We need that cup of java to get our day started off right. However, it’s suggested that you wait at least 30 minutes after drinking your coffee before you brush your teeth. This is because coffee is very acidic and could result in damage to the teeth if you brush too soon after drinking that cup of joe. Of course, you should also avoid brushing after drinking orange juice too, but that’s only because of the shudder-inducing taste combinations.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Everyone knows that they should be brushing and flossing daily. But many simply skip the flossing part for one reason or another. Flossing is so important, however. It can help to remove food that gets stuck between your teeth, while also helping to remove buildups of plaque between the teeth and along the gum line. Brushing will get most of this, certainly. It won’t be able to get it all, however. 

Flossing, combined with a good brushing routine and the use of a good mouth wash will go a long way towards ensuring good oral health.

Considering the Foods You Eat

No matter how good your daily oral hygiene routine is, there are some foods and drinks that can contribute towards the breaking down of the enamel on your teeth. This can result in tooth decay, and may even result in the loss of teeth. Some of the things that you should skip or at least enjoy only in moderation include the following.

  • Sugar-filled sodas, as they can lead to excess acid that can impact the enamel. Even diet sodas are a concern.
  • Candy and other sugary treats aren’t the best in choice if your ultimate goal is to ensure a healthy mouth. There’s no need to avoid them completely if you want to indulge, but try to avoid candies that are sticky and chewy, as they can stick to your teeth much longer than other sweet treats. This can give the acid and bacteria more time to wear down your enamel.
  • Wines, both red and white, can have an impact on your teeth. Red wine, along with coffee and tea, can stain your teeth. White wine is much more acidic and can contribute towards the breakdown of the enamel. 
  • White bread, pasta, and other starch-filled foods can prove to be damaging due to your saliva breaking them down into sugars that can stick to your teeth. Whole wheat products are often the better option if you’re needing your carbs.

Keep your teeth healthy scheduling your dental appointments with the best dentist Parker CO. At Green Dental Care, we offer restorative solutions, cosmetic dentistry options to include veneers and teeth whitening. To learn more about our dental services, contact our dental office in Parker, CO.


Signs an Infection is Spreading

signs an infection is spreading

Signs an Infection is Spreading

signs an infection is spreading

It can be all too easy to ignore a minor irritation caused by an infection in the mouth. Your tooth may ache or your gums may look inflamed, but the pain may not yet be serious enough to seek out an appointment with Dr. Christopher Green. However, it’s important to never put off receiving dental services for any type of tooth infection. The infection could spread beyond the tooth, beyond the gums and into other parts of your body. Your health and your very life could be compromised, even if you never experience much by way of tooth pain.

To stay healthy and keep your mouth healthy, it’s important that you learn to recognize the symptoms of an infection that has started to spread beyond the tooth.

Understanding a tooth abscess

Just what is an abscess in your tooth? Put simply, it is a pocket of infection inside your tooth. While it can occur anywhere inside of the tooth, it is most often seen at the very tip of the root. There are typically some very clear indicators of an abscessed tooth, including the following.

  • A persistent toothache that intensifies
  • Rapid onset and extreme sensitivity to cold or hot
  • Sensitivity felt when biting or chewing 
  • Swelling on one side of the face
  • Seeing a pocket of pus, often taking on the appearance of a large pimple, on the gum line near the affected tooth
  • Swollen lymph nodes beneath the jaw

If you reach out for treatment in a timely manner, a tooth abscess may not get too severe. When you come in for emergency tooth repair, Dr. Green will drain the infection and may need to perform root canal therapy on the tooth.

Signs of a spreading infection

There are several signs that your infection is spreading beyond the abscess. If it ruptures, you may notice a sudden metallic or salty taste in your mouth. The pain may be relieved at this point, and it can be easy to think that the infection is no longer a concern. In reality, a rupture could just be one of the very first signs an infection that is spreading.

If the infection enters your bloodstream, this can lead to a serious condition known as sepsis.

Other signs an infection is spreading could include the following.

  • A general feeling of being unwell. You may have a persistent headache, pain in your jaw and you may also have an earache.
  • You may feel fatigued and dizzy.
  • You may develop a fever. Fever is your body’s response to an infection in the body. While a fever is a natural and normal response that can help you heal, if your temperature stays consistently over 101F, this could be a sign of sepsis developing.
  • Seeing swelling is a normal side effect of having an abscess. If it persists and the pain is unbearable, you need to seek out emergency treatment. Untreated swelling could start to impact your ability to breath and swallow.
  • Rapid heart and breathing rates are indicative of sepsis taking hold in your body. If this does happen, Dr. Green recommends that you seek out emergency medical treatment.
  • Stomach pain, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea are very common when you’re struggling with sepsis, and can quickly further the dehydration that is common with sepsis.

Preventing the spread of infection

Dr. Kacos, a dentist from Shreveport’s Dentist, adds that there are several things that you can do to avoid developing an abscess. Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is to maintain good oral health habits, including the following.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day
  • Use a good quality mouthwash
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months
  • Visit your dentist, to keep up with your examinations and cleanings

Any signs of inflammation, sensitivity or swelling should be addressed as soon as you notice it. This will allow your dentist to prescribe antibiotics if needed, and to treat the infection before it is allowed to spread beyond the infected tooth.

If you have an abscess or tooth pain that you’d like to get relief from, call Green Dental Care to schedule your appointment.

Post Root Canal Instructions

Post Root Canal Instructions - Green Dental Care

Post Root Canal Instructions

41,000 root canals are being performed daily in the U.S, which sums up to around 15 million procedures per year. For those patients whose teeth cannot be saved by a simple filling, a root canal is a perfect option for them. So, what exactly is a root canal? A root canal is a dental procedure that focuses on removing damage to the interior pulp so that the natural tooth is reinforced and protected from any possible future damages to the teeth.

Those patients who follow their dentist’s instructions on how to take care of their teeth after the root canal are the ones most likely to not face problems later on.

Post Root Canal Instructions

If you are going to undergo a root canal, it is in your best interest to follow these aftercare instructions.

Following these instructions will help speed up the recovery time after the procedure.

 DO’s                                         DON’Ts

Keep up with hygiene Brush overly aggressively
Take non-prescription pain relievers as neededAvoid signs of complications; call your dentist 
Avoid stress on the tooth Chew hard/crunchy foods 
Get the crown placed as soon as possibleAvoid or skip follow -up appointments 

Reduce Stress on the Tooth

The tooth is unprotected until the crown is placed so, it is best to avoid chewing on that side of your mouth so that the amount of stress placed on that tooth is minimized.

Brush Teeth Gently 

After the procedure, the tooth needs proper care. Hence, you have to be careful while brushing and flossing in the treated area. When trying to floss this particular area, you may face some difficulty so, take your time and be patient. You can also consult your dentist when you are having difficulty in dealing with your tooth that was operated on.

Choose Soft Foods

We asked our friends Dr. Jordan Smith, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, about post root canal instructions. Dr. Smith says eating soft foods is a must. After having a root canal, you may be curious about what to eat. Patients can eat normal foods whenever they think they’re ready but, it is advised to stick to soft foods and avoid hard or crunchy foods.

Get the Crown Placed 

The structure of your tooth is weakened by the root canal because during the procedure the interior portion of your tooth is removed.

Treat Discomfort as Needed

Due to advancements in techniques and pain management, the patients in today’s day should not be worried before undergoing the root canal therapy. At Green Dental Care, we help patients preserve their natural teeth with our modern restorative procedures after the treatment is complete. The most advanced pain relief techniques, such as sedation, are used by our team of specialists, Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Andrei Ionescu, to ensure that the whole process is pain-free for the patient as patient satisfaction is our top priority.

To take care of any discomfort you may take pain relievers. Non-prescription, anti-inflammatory medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen will help in removing the pain you’ll feel the first few days after the procedure

Why Root Canal Aftercare is Important

Root canal procedures, in general, are rather routine procedures that offer promising outcomes. The fact that it affects the structure of the root, is the reason why it’s aftercare should not be overlooked. There are certain rules that the patient needs to follow to guarantee a successful recovery.

Sadly, some patients lose teeth after a root canal because the tooth splits or gets fractured. If a tooth gets fractured, there is no way to save it and it will need extraction. In most cases, the teeth require a protective dental crown. Patients who do not visit the dentist for dental crown placement over time, risk fracturing their teeth. 

What to Expect After a Root Canal?

As mentioned above, there is little to no pain during the root canal procedure. The mild discomfort that the patients feel is mostly related to bruised tissue around the operated tooth. This pain usually goes away in about two to three days after the procedure, but if this is not true in your case and the pain is increasing, then it can be a sign of a problem and you should contact Green Dental Care about this issue immediately.

After the root canal is complete, the purpose of your next visit will be just to make sure things are running smoothly and there aren’t any complications. Skipping these visits can lead to possible tooth infection.                                                        

Post Root Canal Instructions - Green Dental Care

Need An Emergency Dentist NOW?

Need An Emergency Dentist NOW?

I think we can all agree that dental emergencies happen at the most inopportune times, but when you have a toothache you will do anything to get relief.

You’re probably asking yourself…

“Where can I find an emergency dentist near me?”

Well, Green Dental Care is here to help. While most dentists are booked out for weeks or out of town when you need them most, we know how important it is to address your dental emergency in a timely manner. Whether you need an emergency extraction or a root canal, our office can help relieve your dental pain without sending you around town to different dental specialists.

In fact, Dr. Green makes it a point to leave time in the schedule for same-day dental emergency treatment. When a tooth breaks, a crown falls off, your jaw becomes swollen, or tooth pain keeps you up all night, you need to see a dentist right away. Call us now at 720-845-5252 or request an appointment online today! Green Dental Care has had the opportunity to relieve many toothaches for residents of Parker, Castle Rock, Elizabeth, Aurora, Kiowa, Franktown and many more throughout Colorado.

Also, if you are on vacation or visiting family in Colorado and have a dental emergency, give us a call; we know how frustrating it can be and we want you to be able to enjoy the rest of your time visiting our lovely state.

A Dental Team That Understands

We understand the serious nature and helpless feeling you have when teeth problems arise. When new or existing patients call with an emergency, our response is “How soon can you be here?” Even if it’s been years since you have seen a dentist, we pass no judgment. Our goal is to get you out of pain and get you back to your normal life.

What’s The Bottom Line?

Tooth pain is no joke. Swollen and painful gums, throbbing teeth, broken fillings, cracked teeth, and wisdom teeth pain are all very serious dental issues. Avoiding treatment of any of these dental problems (especially dental infections) can lead to serious consequences including hospitalization. The good news is that this can all be avoided if you call a dentist near you in a timely manner to address the situation.

Call Today, Get In Today:

Green Dental Care offers same-day dentistry and emergency appointments. Even if you do not have dental insurance we have flexible payment plans and an in-office discount plan to help you get the care you need, now.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, don’t wait. Call our office at 720-845-5252 to get an emergency appointment today. Or stop by our offices at 19551 Hess Road, Suite 100, Parker, Colorado 80134. Let us help you get out of pain!