5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Dentist

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Dentist

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Dentist

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Dentist

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a New Dentist

Regular examinations and cleanings with your Parker Co dentist are part of successful oral health practices. Dentists are so important to the health of your smile, and overall health. We know you are taking the time and effort to select the Dentist you can trust and feel comfortable with. Take a look at some basic pointers to keep in mind while looking for a dentist in Parker CO.

Dentist That Accepts My Dental Insurance

Depending on your dental insurance plan, you will be covered by a specific dental network. Some dentists will join the network, while others will not. Choose an in-network dentist in Parker CO to save the most money. This provider has agreed to establish costs for certain services, and your benefits will cover most of the cost of in-network treatment.

Location of The Office

Choose a dentist near your home or job, whatever is most convenient for you, so traveling to and from appointments is a snap. This is particularly useful for those who suffer from dental anxiety since it may make the travel to the appointment quicker. In addition, your dental coverage provider may feature an online tool to search for in-network dentists within a specified radius of your home or business for added convenience.

Operating Hours

Before making an appointment, ask the receptionist or look it up online to determine what hours the clinic is open. Look for hours that are convenient for your job or family schedule. It’s also good to choose a dentist who has an after-hours phone number if you have a dental emergency in Parker CO beyond regular office hours.

Confidence and Comfort

The dentist you choose should make you feel at ease before, during, and after your visit. To determine your degree of comfort, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the workplace neat, clean, and well-organized?
  • Do you get along well with your dentist?
  • Do you believe your dentist listens to you and reacts properly to your concerns?
  • Do you trust him or her to provide dental recommendations that are in your best interests?

Furthermore, some dentists may go out of their way to make you feel more at ease during sessions. This might involve playing soothing music or having televisions in the exam room. Some dental offices even offer sleep dentistry. Don’t be afraid to ask the receptionist or dentist what concessions they can provide to help you relax.


You don’t necessarily need a reference from your regular dentist if you’re searching for a specialist as talked about by our friends over at High Desert Dental, a dentist in Grand Junction CO. Check your policy or call to check whether seeing a specialist requires a referral. When looking for an expert, look for information from reputable sources. Inquire with your friends, neighbors, and family members about their experiences with experts. Do an internet search or contact your local dental society for further information.

If you don’t already have a dentist, try these methods to locate one and make an appointment. To discover an in-network dentist near you, contact your provider.

Contact Green Dental Care Today

Our team is here to make sure that you are having the best experience that we can provide. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can better assist you and if we are the right fit for you.

How is Sleep Apnea Treated?

How Is Sleep Apnea treated?

How is Sleep Apnea Treated?

How Is Sleep Apnea treated?

How is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Sleep apnea is one of the most prevalent sleeping problems, affecting millions of people in the United States each year. Dr. Green, the best dentist in Parker CO, talks about how most persons with mild to severe sleep apnea are completely unaware that they have the disorder. Even mild cases of sleep apnea, on the other hand, impair sleep quality and may raise the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

The Most Common Type Of Apnea Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Our friends over at 4th Street Family Dentistry, the best dentist in St. Petersburg FL, talks about how the most frequent kind of apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when the soft tissues of the mouth, palate, and throat relax during sleep and block the airway, disrupting regular breathing cycles. This typically hinders normal breathing for a few seconds, but it can persist for up to ten seconds or more, interfering with oxygen delivery to the lungs. It is vital to understand that snoring and sleep apnea are not the same thing. Snoring is simply produced by turbulent airflow in the airway, which generates soft tissue vibrations.

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis – Signs And Symptoms

Do you suspect that you or your partner has sleep apnea? Here are a few warning signs and symptoms to look out for.

  • Having a gasp or choking fit in the middle of the night.
  • Long-term, intense snoring with pauses, interruptions, and “snorting.”
  • Morning drowsiness and irritation.
  • Mood Swings
  • Even after a full night’s sleep, I don’t feel refreshed (7-8 hours)
  • When you wake up, you may have a sore throat or a dry mouth.
  • Migraines and headaches in the morning.

Do you have any of these symptoms? You may need to see Dr. Green or a sleep doctor for a more thorough evaluation for sleep apnea in Parker CO.

What Is The Treatment for Sleep Apnea?

A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine was formerly the most frequent treatment option for sleep apnea. A mask and a pump are used to gently push air into the lungs and throat, preventing soft tissues from “sagging” and closing the airway.

As a result, the “oral appliance” is becoming increasingly popular among patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. An oral appliance, which resembles a retainer or mouthguard in shape, is created by a trained dentist like Dr. Green and moves the jaw muscles and tissue to prevent airway blockage. Surgery may be required in some situations, although it is exceedingly rare and is only required in the most severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea.

Contact Green Dental today for Sleep Apnea Related Questions

Dr. Christopher Green at Green Dental Care, dentist in Parker CO, can help you with sleep apnea treatment. Learn more about this disease and make an appointment as soon as possible.


Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Common Signs That You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Most people think of newborns and tiny children when they think about teeth growing in. However, from your late teens to your early twenties, you begin to get additional teeth. When this happens, it can cause a lot of discomforts and can cause you to need a tooth extraction in Parker CO

What Exactly Are Wisdom Teeth?

Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth do not make you smarter or wiser. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that appear between late adolescence and early adolescence. The size of the human jaw has shrunk through time, leading teeth to become crowded or impacted as the wisdom teeth begin to emerge. When this occurs, the teeth must be pulled. However, some people’s mouths are large enough to support this third row of molars growing in.

Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth May Need To Be Removed

Some people may not be bothered by the pain associated with approaching wisdom teeth. That isn’t to say there aren’t additional indicators pointing in the direction of elimination.

Pain – Usually, the first and most prevalent indicator that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted is pain. This dull aching pain is located in your jaw and can be so severe that it produces headaches or migraines. It can also make chewing difficult.

Overcrowding occurs when teeth that were initially straight begin to move, overlap, and crowd together. It can also cause gum problems and food to become stuck, which can lead to infections.

Sensitivity – Sensitivity to warmth and/or cold is another sign that you should get your wisdom teeth removed.

Impacted Teeth – Another typical symptom is impacted teeth. When there isn’t enough space in the mouth, the teeth will come in at an angle. Impacted teeth can lead to jaw difficulties and other significant complications.

Surgery: What to Expect

Our friends over at New Providence Dentistry, family dentist in New Providence NJ, talk about how they have realized that many individuals are concerned about having their wisdom teeth out when. In fact, it is a relatively common and regular process. This procedure is often performed by a dentist; however, if the teeth are impacted or require any cutting into the gums, the operation will be performed by an oral surgeon.

Following the removal, the dentist will use surgical, dental sutures to seal the incision and enable it to recover properly. You will be given pain and swelling medication, a mouth rinse, and instructions for specific post-operative care. It is critical to properly follow the dentist’s advice. You should avoid consuming solid meals until you are fully recovered, and you should always carefully clean the region after eating or drinking anything. It’s also critical that you don’t smoke. Smoking (and any other sucking motion, such as using straws) can result in a “dry-socket” infection, which can be exceedingly painful and necessitate another visit to the dentist or oral surgeon.

It may take some time to recover following wisdom tooth removal. It is critical to carefully follow your Parker CO dentist advice in order to recover as quickly as possible. If you experience inexplicable jaw discomfort, see your dentist; it might be your wisdom teeth. You’ll be feeling better in no time with such a quick and easy operation!

Contact your Local Dentist At Green Dental Care Today

Our team is ready to help you find out if you are in need of getting a wisdom teeth removal in Parker CO. Contact our office today to get an appointment today.

Tips From Our Dental Hygienists

Tips From Our Dental Hygienists

Tips From Our Dental Hygienists

Tips From Our Dental Hygienists

When we want to discover what the best rules are in any business, we turn to the experts. The same is true in the realm of dentistry. Speak with a dental hygienist if you want the greatest oral hygiene advice! Fortunately, our team of dental hygienists and dentists in Parker, CO has put together an excellent resource for patients wishing to “raise their game” in the dental industry.

Best Dental Hygienist Advice

Tip #1: Do Not Avoid Visiting the Dentist

You may believe that if you brush often (but not excessively), you shouldn’t need to see a dentist more than once over a couple of years, perhaps only when you have to go in for an emergency tooth repair. This assumption is not only incorrect, but it is also harmful. Skipping the dentist can have serious consequences, such as failing to diagnose tooth decay, gum disease, infection, and even oral cancer. The American Dental Association suggests getting your teeth cleaned at least twice a year or once every six months. Keep in mind that a small margin of prevention is worth a pound of treatment.

Tip #2: Invest In a Quality Toothbrush

It makes no difference if you clean your teeth twice a day or five times a day if you don’t have the necessary tools for the task. If you’ve had your toothbrush for more than three months, it’s probably doing more damage than good. Our friends over at OG Dental, dentist in Denver CO, tell us how a good rule of thumb to follow is to replace your toothbrush every three to four months, especially after recuperating from an illness. If you can’t recall how old your toothbrush is, it’s time to replace it. Purchase one with gentle bristles. Bristles with medium to firm bristles will harm your enamel, increasing the likelihood of cavities and tooth decay.

Tip #3: Avoid Sugary Foods.

This is a difficult one, especially with Halloween approaching. While we don’t want you to abstain from all sweet bliss entirely, it’s vital to remember that sugar is what causes cavities in the first place. If you must have a sweet beverage or snack, do it with water. Brush your teeth as soon as possible after eating a sweet treat to guarantee that those sugar bugs don’t become caught in your mouth and live their greatest life. You may go the additional mile and consume chocolate as a delicious treat. Hard and sticky candies adhere to your teeth for a longer period of time, making them more difficult to clean and providing germs with a better opportunity to develop tooth decay. Chocolate dissolves rapidly and is easily rinsed away with a large glass of water.

Obviously, our most important piece of advice is to have a dental cleaning. Even using the greatest toothbrush and according to the ADA’s suggested length standards, is insufficient to fully clean up all of the ‘gunk’ that has accumulated over the past few months. Furthermore, a hygienist and Parker CO dentist will examine your mouth for any new problems that may occur. 

Contact Green Dental Care Today For A Cleaning

Contact our team today to schedule a dental cleaning with our amazing staff in our dental office in Parker Co. We are here to help in any way possible. Our dental hygienists are available to discuss with you any more tips they may have to improve the look of your smile.

Porcelain Veneers Must-Knows

Porcelain Veneers Must-Knows

Porcelain Veneers Must-Knows

Porcelain Veneers Must-Knows

Have you ever looked at beautiful magazine photographs or Instagram squares and wondered how everyone has such flawless teeth? How do they keep their teeth so pearly white and perfectly aligned?

Things to Consider Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

Many people are turning to porcelain veneers Parker CO to get the ideal white smile. Do you have a habit of not displaying your teeth? Are you hesitant to flash a wide toothy grin because you’re self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth? It might be time to explore porcelain dental veneers to improve the appearance of your smile.

What Exactly Are Porcelain Veneers?

Dental porcelain veneers are a thin covering of porcelain that clings to the tooth’s surface. They are designed specifically for the person receiving them, including size, shape, and color.

While porcelain veneers are commonly utilized for aesthetic purposes, Dr, Green the best dentist in Parker CO explains, they can also be used for restorative purposes. For example, they may be less intrusive than installing a full-coverage crown on a tooth. Instead, only coat the tooth’s surface. Because the veneer sticks to the person’s original tooth, they are an excellent solution for repairing existing teeth rather than replacing them with an implant or denture.

Who Should Consider Getting Porcelain Veneers on Their Teeth?

Do you want to know if porcelain veneers might work for your teeth? While veneers are effective for many people, not everyone is a good candidate. Anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their smile may be a candidate for veneers.

Our friend over at College Hill, a dentist in Easton PA, helps explain that dental veneers have the ability to modify the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth. While your teeth may not look spectacular, if you have healthy gums and bone structure, you are likely a suitable candidate for veneers.

Veneers can help you with the following dental issues:

  • Chipping\Staining
  • Old fillings and repairs
  • Uneven or thin teeth
  • Spacing issues
  • Bite Issues Due to Crowding
  • Antibiotic or fluorosis staining

Because having veneers is a bespoke process, a good cosmetic dentist can work with you to repair any issues with your teeth using porcelain veneers.

Veneer Obtaining Procedure

Once it’s determined that you’re a suitable candidate for porcelain veneers, you’ll only need two visits to acquire them. First, you should consult your Parker CO cosmetic dentist. Examine your mouth to see whether you’re a good candidate. If you require any additional dental work, you should schedule it first.

You wouldn’t want to obtain veneers only to have a root canal (more on this later). If you require an implant or have any cavities filled, you should do so before proceeding with the veneer procedure. On your initial veneer visit, the dentist will remove a very thin layer of enamel from your teeth. Consider it to be the thickness of a fingernail. The dentist will then take impressions to produce a mold from which your permanent veneer will be manufactured.

After that, you will be fitted with a temporary restoration on your teeth. This is a perfect moment to think about how they look and feel. Before deciding on a permanent one, consider the form and color. The temporary repair is removed on the second appointment. The bonding glue is applied to your teeth before the permanent veneer is applied.

Recuperation and Post-Veneer Care

Both the first and second sessions for veneer placement should be pretty painless. You may notice that your teeth are first temperature-sensitive. You may possibly have little discomfort, but it should be minor. Except for the dazzling new grin, you should notice no difference.

Your veneers do not necessitate any more special attention than your teeth did. However, you should schedule frequent dentist appointments and tooth cleanings. Maintaining proper dental hygiene and keeping your teeth and gums clean is essential. The more you take care of your teeth, the longer the veneers will endure and appear healthy.

How Long Can Porcelain Veneers Be Used?

Remember that porcelain veneers are not a quick fix. Once you get the permanent ones, they are not detachable and remain in your mouth. Most veneers may last 10-15 years if properly cared for, which includes regular dental visits, cleaning, and flossing of the teeth. Some can even endure for up to 20 years.

Cost of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers should be approached as an investment. They do not come cheap. However, when you consider that they may last up to 20 years, the expense becomes more bearable. A porcelain veneer typically costs between $925 and $2,500 per tooth. The average cost per tooth is roughly $1,500. This cost will vary based on your specific requirements and where you reside.

Variable Veneers

Porcelain veneers are an excellent approach to improve the color, shape, and size of your teeth. The key to utilizing them is to work with a dentist who knows how to make them work for your mouth. Perhaps you’ve seen someone with unnatural-looking veneers. Perhaps the white is too dazzling, or the teeth appear too large. The dentist should collaborate with you to personalize the veneers so that they seem and feel natural in your mouth.

People, understandably, desire a bright grin. As a result, their propensity is to select the whitest veneer available. However, that may not appear natural to you. Allow your cosmetic dentist to examine your other teeth and skin tone to choose the best color for you.

Contact Green Dental Care Today For Cosmetic Needs

Allow Dr. Green to assist you in creating a beautiful smile that you can be proud of. Contact your Parker Co Dentist today for more information and to schedule a consultation.