Tooth Extraction In Parker Co

Tooth Extraction In Parker Co

Tooth Extraction In Parker Co

Tooth Extraction In Parker Co

Tooth Extraction Services at Green Dental Care in Parker Co

At Green Dental Care, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality dental care to our patients. We understand that there may be times when tooth extraction is necessary for your oral health and we are here to provide you with knowledgeable, compassionate service. This post explores tooth extractions and why they may be needed for your situation.

What Is a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is a dental procedure in which a tooth is removed from the mouth. This can involve either the complete removal of the entire tooth or just part of it. There are two main types of tooth extractions: simple extractions and surgical extractions. Simple extractions remove visible teeth, while surgical extractions involve incisions for less accessible ones.

Why Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Your dentist in Parker CO may recommend a tooth extraction for various reasons, including severe decay or infection, periodontal disease, overcrowding of teeth within the mouth, or orthodontic treatment needs. Removing a severely damaged tooth prevents more harm and enables comfortable options like dentures or bridges. Extracting teeth can relieve overcrowding, creating space for proper alignment during orthodontic treatment.

What Should I Expect During My Tooth Extraction Procedure?

At Green Dental Care in Parker Co, we take great care to ensure that each patient’s experience is comfortable and relaxed throughout their visit with us. Before your procedure, you’ll get clear instructions during your scheduled office visit for a smooth and successful experience. Our team will then use local anesthesia and sedation if needed before beginning any type of dental work on you. After your visit, you’ll get detailed aftercare instructions for a comfortable and speedy recovery at home.

Contact Us Today!

Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, aims to deliver comprehensive dental services with exceptional patient care. If you feel like you may need a tooth extraction due to decay or overcrowding issues within your mouth, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office today so we can schedule an appointment with one of our highly trained Parker CO dentists who can assess your individual situation and determine what course of action would be best for you moving forward! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Recovery Tips for a Tooth Extraction

recovery tips for a tooth extraction - green dental care

Recovery Tips for a Tooth Extraction

recovery tips for a tooth extraction - green dental care

There are a number of reasons that you may find yourself facing a tooth extraction. Perhaps you’re having your wisdom teeth extracted by your Parker CO dentist? Maybe you need a tooth extraction for orthodontic treatment? Is your tooth damaged beyond repair? No matter what the reasons may be the recovery time is typically the same. Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker, CO put together 8 of his favorite recovery tips for a tooth extraction.

1. Plan Well in Advance

During your consultation with the best dentist in Parker, you’ll learn what to expect during the procedure and after the procedure. This can help you to plan for what you’ll need to have on hand at home. It is likely that you will need someone to drive you home after your procedure. So, ask a family member or friend.

It would be a good idea to schedule a day or two off from work after surgery, so that you have ample time to rest and recover.

2. Be Mindful of Your Diet

You may not feel hungry at all after your procedure. But if you do, try to stick to soups and broths for at least a full day after surgery. Definitely avoid spicy foods, crunchy or hard foods. Stay hydrated with plenty of water, but do be sure to avoid using straws.

3. Listen to Your Body and Rest

It’s tempting to return to your normal routine immediately, but it can prove to be better overall for your health to take it slowly. Keep your head elevated by several pillows and relax. Keep out of the gym for at least a full day. Just simply listen to your body and get plenty of good rest.

4. Try Salt Water Rinses

It may not sound appetizing at all, but it’s important to rinse your mouth out with a lukewarm rinse of salt and water. Use it several times a day, particularly after you eat. It will help to reduce a significant amount of the swelling and discomfort you are feeling.

5. Control the Bleeding

Some minor bleeding is expected after a tooth extraction. However, any excessive bleeding should be reported to your dentist right away, particularly if it is accompanied by severe pain. Your dentist will have you bite down on sterile gauze in order to stem the bleeding after the extraction. You can, however, switch to using soaked tea bags once you get home. Tea leaves are well known for helping to reduce discomfort and also encourage clotting.

6. Control the Swelling

Our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, says that swelling is a normal and expected side-effect of having a tooth extracted. Dr. Kacos recommends lots of ice packs, applied to your cheek, for 20-minute intervals, which can help to reduce the swelling and bruising. It can also help with the discomfort that you’re feeling. If your tooth was badly infected, you may find more comfort from warm compresses.

7. Pay Attention to Instructions You Are Given

You will be given detailed instructions before you leave your Parker Co’s dental office. Be sure that you pay attention to each of the instructions so that you can be assured of the best in results while you are healing. Be sure to always reach out to Dr. Chris Green if you have additional questions or concerns.

8. Think Ahead

If you find yourself feeling discouraged about the extractions, consider the way your smile will be transformed once your dental work has been completed. Those who are looking forward to Parker CO dental implants will soon have a brand new winning smile they can be proud of. The minor discomfort and frustration that you feel now will soon be a blip in the rearview mirror.

Are you ready to schedule that extraction with the dental professionals at Green Dental Care? Contact us to make your appointment, and let us restore your smile.

Tooth Extraction Post-Op Instructions

temporary extraction post-op instructions

Tooth Extraction Post-Op Instructions

temporary extraction post-op instructions

Tooth Extraction Post-Op Instructions

Are you worried about compromising the healing process after a tooth extraction? Are you uncertain about what you should or shouldn’t do in the immediate aftermath of a tooth extraction procedure? In this article, you’ll discover some of the tooth extraction site post-operation instructions routinely given by the professionals at Green Dental Care.

Avoid Spicy Foods

It is recommended that you avoid spicy foods during the first few days after your tooth extraction procedure. Spicy foods can trigger pain at the extraction site because some of the active ingredients in the spices could irritate exposed nerves, causing intense pain. Additionally, some of those spices may react with the clot at the extraction site and break it up, resulting in fresh bleeding. It is therefore advisable for you to refrain from consuming any spicy foods in the first week after your tooth extraction surgery.

Avoid Chewy or Sticky Foods

We asked our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley, CO, about post tooth extraction recommendations. Dr. Dhoon advises patients to refrain from eating chewy or sticky foods during the first 4-5 days after the tooth has been extracted. Sticky or chewy foods can get stuck in the socket left after the tooth was surgically removed. Additionally, any sticky or chewy foods that you consume can attach to the clot in the extraction site, and these foods will remove the clot.

Brush Carefully

You should not neglect your routine oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing just because you have just had a tooth extracted. However, it is important to brush carefully, especially the areas close to the extraction site. To be on the safe side, don’t brush or rinse the mouth in the first 24 hours after the tooth extraction procedure. Thereafter, brush with care and don’t allow the toothbrush to get close to the extraction site. Also, don’t swish water, mouthwash or any oral care fluid in your mouth. Just lower your mouth and let the oral care liquids (warm salty water, for example) pour out of your mouth under the force of gravity.

Prevent Dry Socket

Dry socket is a painful condition in which one loses the clot during the initial stages of the healing process and the socket remains open. The healing process will be compromised once this happens. Parker dental care experts recommend three key steps to prevent dry socket.

First, patients are advised to avoid sucking through a straw since this may dislodge the blood clot that has formed at the tooth extraction site.

Secondly, Dr. Green advises against spitting forcefully during the first week or so after the tooth extraction procedure. Such a forceful act can dislodge the blood clot and result in dry socket.

Thirdly, it is advisable to avoid smoking for at least one week after your tooth has been extracted. Smoking can interfere with the efficient flow of blood to the extraction site, so healing may take longer. Additionally, the chemicals in cigarettes can also break up the clot and cause bleeding at the extraction site.

Use an Ice Pack

Green Dental Care also recommends that you apply an ice pack to the exterior of the side of your jaw where a tooth was removed. Keep the ice pack on for a maximum of 20 minutes and then keep it off for a minimum of 10 minutes. Do this during your waking hours in the first 24 hours after the tooth was extracted. The ice pack will help to minimize swelling. After 24 hours, discontinue the use of an ice pack and resort to applying a warm towel to the jaw.

Opt for a Soft Diet

Only eat soft food during the first few days after your tooth is extracted. Foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding and smoothies are suitable for someone who has just undergone tooth extraction. After about 5 days, switch back to your normal diet unless you experience soreness or pain while chewing. In that case, revert to the soft foods once again.

Avoid Sports or Vigorous Activities

Emergency dentists in Parker, CO also recommend that patients avoid taking part in sports or any vigorous activities during the first 5 days after having a tooth extracted. Such activities can apply pressure on the extraction site, and you may end up losing the clot covering the socket.

Take All Meds as Prescribed

Your dentist may prescribe some medications, such as pain medication and antibiotics, after the tooth extraction procedure. Take all those medications in accordance with the instructions given by Dr. Green. This adherence will keep you free from pain, and infections will be warded off during the healing process.

Notify your doctor or dentist as soon as you suspect that you have developed an allergic reaction to the medication you are taking. For example, you could develop a rash, itchiness, swelling or difficulty breathing.

Follow-Up Visits with Your Dentist in Parker, CO

Another important part of your post tooth extraction care is the follow-up visits scheduled by Dr. Green or any other dental care professional who extracted your tooth. The first visit usually happens about a week after the extraction.

These follow-up visits enable the dentist to check the extraction site and confirm that you are healing as expected. The follow-up visit may also provide an opportunity to remove any sutures that were placed during the extraction procedure.

You should honor all the follow-up appointments recommended so that any developing issue during the healing process can be detected and resolved promptly.

While the post-op process is expected to proceed smoothly, it is also wise for you to know when something may be wrong and you need urgent attention. For example, you should contact the dentist or your doctor immediately if you are in severe pain days after the extraction, or when swelling increases. Don’t disregard anything unusual that you experience during the healing process. Contact Green Dental Care immediately so that you can be given professional advice about the next steps to take.