What You Need to Know Before Dental Implants

What You Need to Know Before Dental Implants

You may be undecided on whether you should get dental implants or not because of some unanswered questions lingering in your mind. In this article, you’ll find the answers you’ll need to know before getting dental implants in Parker, CO. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a dental implant consultation, contact Green Dental Care. 

Can the Entire Dental Implant Procedure Be Completed at the Office?

Some people worry that they will be shuffled from one dental practice to another in order to have different aspects of the dental implant procedure completed. If you decide to have your dental implants placed at Green Dental Care by Dr. Chris Green, you will not have to go anywhere else during your treatment. We complete every step of the process at the office until you get your final restorations for the smile you have always dreamt about.

How Long Does the Surgery Take?

As you may already know, dental implants are titanium screws placed in the jawbone to act as artificial roots for restoration teeth. As any dentist in Parker, CO will tell you, dentistry has advanced so much that the surgery to place dental implants no longer takes a long time. Dr. Chris Green relies on 3D technology to develop a detailed plan of how the surgery will go, and this information helps him to place the implants in about 30 minutes. People who need more than one implant should expect the surgery to last longer.

Is the Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

The advancements in the field of dentistry also mean that you don’t have to worry about discomfort or pain during dental procedures, including implant surgery. The Parker, CO dentist will use either a local anesthetic or IV sedation to remove any discomfort or pain that you may feel during the procedure. So, you can be sure that the entire procedure will be painless.

How Soon Can I Return to Work?

Since the implant placement procedure requires the use of an anesthetic, Dr. Chris Green recommends that you take the rest of the day off after your surgery so that the sedative can wear off. Most patients typically return to work the next day, unless the dentist in Parker, CO recommends otherwise based on the specific circumstances pertaining to a patient.

Does Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

While insurance policies vary, most of them cover at least a portion of dental implant treatment. Talk to a Parker, CO dentist at Green Dental Care if you are concerned about the cost of implants. A way will be found for you to get your smile back.

When Can I Receive My New Teeth?

Dr. Chris Green explains that the time needed before you get your restoration teeth varies from one patient to another depending on how quickly one can heal after the surgery. It is best to visit Green Dental Care in Parker, CO so that you can learn what the treatment duration will be for you.

Can I Have Metal-Free Implants?

Nearly all materials used to make restoration teeth have some metal in them in order to increase the strength and durability of those restorations. If you are concerned about the likely effects of having metals in your mouth, worry no more. Dental implants are typically made from titanium, a metal which has a long track record of being biocompatible (the body easily accepts and integrates it). Additionally, the metal is so chemically stable that it can last for your entire lifetime without undergoing any change. Dentists in Parker, CO assert that to date, no material has been found to perform to the same exceptional level as titanium.

Are Implants Removable?

Dental implants aren’t removable like removable dentures. As already mentioned, the implant is surgically placed in your jaw and osseointegration (bonding between the jaw and the implant) takes place to give a very strong anchor for the restoration teeth you receive. The upper portion of the restoration called the crown can be removed or changed, but the implant remains.

How Many Teeth Can I Replace With Dental Implants?

It is possible to replace one or more teeth with implants. For example, if you are missing one tooth, then it can be replaced using one implant. However, as few as four implants may suffice to replace an entire set of teeth in either your lower or upper jaw. Dr. Chris Green will examine you during the initial consultation and recommend the number of implants that you need to replace your missing teeth cost-effectively.

Still Have Questions?

Come to Green Dental Care in Parker, CO and get answers to all your concerns about dental implants. Dr. Chris Green will examine you and discuss a written treatment plan with you so that you make an informed decision regarding how soon implants can play a part in restoring your beautiful smile. 

Sedation Pre Op & Post Op Instructions

Sedation Pre and Post Op Instructions - Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

Sedation Pre Op & Post Op Instructions

Sedation Pre and Post Op Instructions - Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

Sedation Pre Op and Post Op Instructions

Once you decide to undergo oral conscious sedation at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, we will give you oral medication before your appointment, and this medication will put you in a dream-like state in which you will be very relaxed throughout your dental procedure. You will have no recollection of the procedure, and the oral sedation medication is very safe. Read on and learn what Dr. Chris Green will explain to you as the sedation pre-op and post-op instructions.

Sedation Pre-Op Instructions

Smoking. The bodies of people who smoke cigarettes are more resistant to the sedative, so you should stop smoking until after your dental procedure.

Alcohol and Other Drugs. It is also advisable for you to refrain from taking any alcohol or other street drugs, such as marijuana, within 24 hours before your dental procedure. Alcohol and drugs slow down the effectiveness of the sedative you will be given, so it is best to avoid these substances.

Caffeine, Food, and Drinks. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything, especially caffeinated drinks, 8 hours before your dental procedure under a sedative. Anything in the stomach delays how soon the sedative can kick in. Dentists in Parker, CO also explain that there is an increased risk that you will throw up during the dental procedure if you eat or drink anything within 8 hours of the procedure.

Medications. Dr. Chris Green urges patients to reveal what medication they are currently taking so that he can review that medication and assess how it will interact with the oral sedative. The sedation dentistry procedure may be put on hold if you are taking any medication other than that for diabetes or hypertension. If you take sleeping aids or any medication that induces sleep or makes you drowsy, then you will need to stop taking such medication the night before the sedation dentistry procedure. Any medication that you have been cleared to take on the morning of the dental procedure should be taken with a little water so that your stomach is empty at the time of the procedure.

Pregnancy. If you are pregnant, then Dr. Chris Green will not sedate you because it may not be safe for you and your unborn baby.

Dressing. Green Dental Care recommends that you wear comfortable clothing on the day you are coming in for your sedation dentistry procedure. Avoid wearing jewelry or any other accessory that could get in the way during the procedure.

Contact Lenses. People who wear contact lenses should use their glasses instead of on the day of the procedure. You will be sleepy, so it isn’t advisable for that to happen while your contact lenses are in place.

Driving. Ask a family member or a friend to drive you to your dental appointment, and then drive you back home. The sedative may take a few hours to wear off, so it isn’t safe for you to drive or be alone during this time.

Sedation Post-Op Instructions

Driving. As already mentioned, it isn’t safe for you to drive in the first 24 hours after your sedation dentistry procedure, so avoid sitting behind the wheel during this time.

Operating Equipment and Machinery. Parker, CO dentists also recommend that you don’t operate any machinery or hazardous devices until a minimum of 24 hours has elapsed after the sedation dentistry procedure.

No Heavy Lifting. In the same vein, it isn’t advisable to engage in any heavy lifting in the first 24 hours after you have undergone a dental procedure in which sedatives were used. 

No Important Decisions. Put off making any important decisions in the first 24 hours from the time of your dental procedure. You may not be in the best state of mind to think clearly and make the right decisions within this time window.

No Stairs. Do not climb any stairs in the first 24 hours after the sedation dentistry procedure at Green Dental Care. You risk falling and hurting yourself if you attempt such an exercise. Stay in a room downstairs if you live in a storied house.

No Staying Alone During the First 24 Hours. As already mentioned, it is unsafe for you to be alone during the first 24 hours because you may still be groggy after your dental procedure. Ask the companion who drove you to Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, to stay and monitor you during this time. The staff at the dental practice will also give your companion a printed copy of these instructions so that he or she knows what is or isn’t permitted before and after your procedure.

Your safety is our number one concern, so get in touch with Dr. Chris Green if you have any questions. Also, get a printed copy of these instructions and follow them so that your procedure goes without a hitch!

The Benefits of Fluoride Treatments

The Benefits of Fluoride Treatments

benefits of fluoride treatments

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that has been discovered to have protective effects on teeth. This substance can be put on your teeth as a gel, mouth rinse or varnish. Once on the surface of your teeth, it soaks into the tubules (tiny holes) in order to kill any bacteria there and strengthen the enamel of your teeth. In this article, you’ll discover why you need to get fluoride treatments at Green Dental Care at least twice each year.

Why Fluoride Treatments are Good for You

Remineralization. Fluoride treatments help to restore minerals to tooth surfaces that have had these minerals eroded by acidic food and drinks. Bacterial activity also erodes tooth surfaces, and regular fluoride treatments at Green Dental Care can help to restore those minerals so that the teeth retain or regain their strength.

Prevents cavities. Fluoride also helps to combat tooth decay in both children and adults. We asked our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, about the benefits of fluoride. Dr. Kacos explains that fluoride goes in and kills any bacteria which is lodged in the tubules of your teeth. The fluoride also fills the tiny microscopic holes formed in the initial stages of tooth decay. This prevents the decay from progressing into the deeper layers of the teeth.

Reducing the cost of dental care. The modest fee that you pay for a fluoride treatment at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO pays off massively in the savings you make on dental care costs. The protective effects of the fluoride on your teeth mean that you will have fewer caries or tooth decay, and that means that the money you would have spent on treatment for these conditions is saved.

Preserves your perfect smile. As already mentioned, fluoride protects your teeth from various problems, such as gum recession due to gingivitis and teeth discoloration since the fluoride fills the tubules and makes it harder for stains to form. Regular fluoride treatments at Green Dental Care, therefore, increase the odds of having your beautiful smile for your entire life.

Preventing teeth sensitivity. As enamel is eroded due to bacterial activity and acidic eats and drinks, the soft dentine is exposed and your teeth can become sensitive each time you consume hot or cold substances. Fluoride gets into the tiny pits formed in your teeth and prevents the softer dentine from being exposed, hence averting sensitivity.

How Often Should I Get a Fluoride Treatment?

For most patients, Dr. Chris Green recommends that they get a fluoride treatment once every six months. However, the frequency of treatments can vary depending on a variety of factors. For instance, Parker, CO dentists recommend that people who face a higher risk of caries, such as those with poor oral hygiene habits and those with limited or no saliva production, get fluoride treatments once every three months. For some people, even a single fluoride treatment in 12 months may suffice.

The exact frequency of fluoride treatments that you need will, therefore, be determined after Dr. Chris Green examines your teeth and recommends the best frequency of treatments for you.

How Are the Fluoride Treatments Done?

The most common way through which a fluoride treatment is administered at Green Dental Care is by “painting” it on the surface of your teeth. This layer of fluoride stays on your teeth for 4-6 hours before you can brush your teeth to remove the excess fluoride.

Fluoride treatments can also be administered by the use of a tray which is fitted onto your teeth for the required duration. Your dentist in Parker, CO will then remove the tray and ask you to brush your teeth.

Alternatively, the Parker, CO dentist may give you a fluoride mouthwash and ask you to rinse your teeth with it for a few seconds after which you spit out the liquid. After a set interval, you can brush your teeth once the fluoride has penetrated the surface of your teeth.

How Soon Can I Eat After a Fluoride Treatment?

Dr. Chris Green may ask you to wait for about 30 minutes before you eat anything. This precaution is intended to prevent what you eat from washing away the recently applied fluoride on your teeth.

However, it is also possible to eat right away after you have had a fluoride treatment as long as you don’t consume anything very hot or sticky. The hot food or drinks may melt the fluoride from your teeth, while the sticky eats can adhere to the fluoride and remove it from the surface of your teeth.

As you can see, fluoride treatments are simple, yet packed with benefits for your oral health. Contact Green Dental Care today if you haven’t had a fluoride treatment in more than six months. Our friendly staff will clean your teeth and administer this protective treatment so that you can enjoy a lifetime of good dental health.

The Green Dental Care Dental Savings Plan, DSP

Dental Savings Plan Parker CO

The Green Dental Care Dental Savings Plan, DSP

Dental Savings Plan Parker CO

At Green Dental Care, we take you and your family’s dental health so seriously that we have designed a dental savings plan (DSP) to cater for your dental care even if you don’t have insurance. Read on and discover more details about this dental savings plan and how you can benefit when you enroll for it.

What You Get in the Dental Savings Plan

Green Dental Care’s DSP includes;

  • 1 Comprehensive Dental Exam
  • 1 Annual Dental Exam
  • 1 Emergency Dental Exam
  • 2 Professional Dental Cleanings
  • 2 Screenings for Oral Cancer
  • 2 Fluoride Treatments when you come for the dental cleanings.
  • Needed dental x-rays during the year of the DSP.
  • A variety of discounted services and dental procedures.

DSP Membership Options

At Green Dental Care, Dr. Chris Green, and the entire team believe that there should be no barriers to quality care for people regardless of their insurance status. The following fee schedule has, therefore, been designed to take care of the dental health needs of individuals and families of various sizes as outlined below.

  • Single/Individual membership $365 (You save $362 from the fees you would pay for the services included in the plan)
  • Dual membership $714 (the two of you save $740 on the normal cost of the services you receive)
  • A family of 3 $1,038 (this comes with savings of $1,143 off what you would pay for the services provided under the plan)
  • A family of 4 $1,338 (you get to enjoy savings of $1,570 off the cost you would incur if you weren’t on this plan)
  • Each additional family member once the four members have been registered attracts a fee of $199.

What Discounted Services Do DSP Members Qualify For?

Root canals, fillings, and crowns. People who are enrolled in the dental savings plan and need these dental procedures get a 15 percent discount on the total cost of the procedures.

Invisalign and other orthodontic procedures. Lack of dental insurance should not stop you from getting the best orthodontic treatment, such as the use of Invisalign to treat underbites, overbites, and other orthodontic issues. For this reason, Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, offers a discount of $500 from the total cost of the needed orthodontic treatment.

Teeth Whitening. We know that over time, medications, pigmented drinks and foods, and other factors can cause your teeth to become discolored or stained. The members of the dental savings plan enjoy teeth whitening treatments as part of their package for having this plan. This treatment alone would cost $325 if you were to pay for it out of pocket!

Have More Questions?

Feel free to call Green Dental Care today. Our staff is waiting to answer any question you may have about the Dental Savings Plan, and any other question about your overall dental health. We want to make sure that you receive the dental health care you need throughout the year whether you have insurance or not, so get in touch with us today!