The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

preventative dental care parker co

The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

preventative dental care parker co

How Our Oral Health and Overall Body Health are Connected

At Green Dental Care in Parker CO, we believe that oral health goes beyond just having a bright and healthy smile. In fact, research has shown that taking care of your oral health is directly connected to your overall health and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the link between oral health and overall health, and why it’s important to take care of both.

Gum Disease and Heart Disease

Did you know that gum disease can increase your risk of heart disease? Studies have shown that the bacteria that causes gum disease can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in the blood vessels, which can eventually lead to heart disease. This is why it’s important to take care of your teeth and gums by brushing and flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist near you for regular check-ups and cleanings.

Diabetes and Gum Disease

Diabetes can affect your oral health, and vice versa. People with diabetes are more likely to develop gum disease, which can make it harder to control their blood sugar levels. In turn, gum disease can make diabetes worse by causing inflammation in the body. To keep your oral health in check if you have diabetes, it’s important to follow a consistent oral hygiene routine and see your Parker CO dentist regularly.

Respiratory Infections and Oral Health

There is also a link between poor oral health and respiratory infections. Bacteria in the mouth can be breathed into the lungs, causing infections like pneumonia or exacerbating existing respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). One of the best ways to prevent respiratory infections is to maintain good oral health habits like brushing and flossing.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Oral Health

Recent studies have also shown a link between oral health and Alzheimer’s disease. Inflammation and bacteria in the mouth have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, suggesting that poor oral health may be a risk factor. While more research is needed to fully understand the relationship, keeping your oral health in check may be a key piece in protecting yourself from Alzheimer’s disease.

Pregnancy and Oral Health

Finally, pregnant women need to pay special attention to their oral health. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make gums more susceptible to infection, leading to a condition called pregnancy gingivitis. This can cause complications like preterm birth and low birth weight. To protect yourself and your baby, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene during pregnancy, including regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

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Taking care of your oral health isn’t just about having a bright and healthy smile. It’s also about protecting yourself from serious health conditions like heart disease, respiratory infections, and Alzheimer’s disease. At Green Dental Care, we believe in the importance of taking a whole-body approach to dental care. By practicing good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing regularly, and seeing your dentist for check-ups and cleanings, you can help ensure your overall health and well-being. If you have any questions or concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. This applies to our dental health as well. Dental check-ups are not just for emergencies but rather an essential component of maintaining oral health. Regular dental check-ups can prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems. Today, we will explore why regular dental check-ups are crucial for our oral health and how they can improve our quality of life.

Early Detection of Dental Issues

Regular dental check-ups allow your dentist in Parker CO to detect and treat any dental problems at an early stage. Generally, dental problems such as cavities and tooth decay may not cause any pain until they are fully developed. By visiting your dentist regularly, any dental problems can get detected in their early stages before they become serious concerns. This not only prevents future dental complications but also saves you time and money.

Prevention of Gum Disease

Gum disease is quite common among adults and can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Regular dental check-ups help to detect and prevent gum disease before it progresses. A dentist can thoroughly clean your teeth and gums to remove plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to gum disease. Your dentist can also advise on proper flossing and brushing techniques to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer can be a serious and life-threatening condition if not detected early enough. During a dental check-up, your Parker CO dentist will perform an oral cancer screening to check for any signs or symptoms of the condition. Early detection of oral cancer can save your life as treatment is most effective during the early stages.

Maintain Good Oral Health Habits

A dental check-up is an opportunity for your dentist to check your oral hygiene habits and provide necessary recommendations. For example, your dentist can advise if you are brushing and flossing correctly or recommend the use of mouthwash. Moreover, your dentist can give you tips on proper nutrition, which can also help to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Overall Health Benefits

Research has linked oral health to many other conditions such as heart diseases, dementia, and complications of pregnancy. Regular dental check-ups can help to prevent these complications by maintaining excellent oral hygiene. By preventing dental problems, we can also prevent any future oral health complications and enhance our overall well-being.

Contact Us Today To Schedule A Check Up!

Regular dental check-ups can promote excellent oral health and prevent future dental problems. It is essential to visit your dentist for check-ups to detect any dental issues and provide necessary treatment before they progress. By maintaining good oral hygiene habits and preventing future dental complications, we can improve our overall health and well-being. If you live in Parker CO, Green Dental Care is an excellent choice of dental clinic to get your dental check-ups. They offer comprehensive dental care, including preventative measures. Contact them today to schedule an appointment!

Dentures or Dental Implants?

Dentures or dental implants

Dentures or Dental Implants?

Dentures or dental implants

Dental Implants or Dentures: Which is Right for You?

Missing teeth can cause a host of issues, from difficulty eating to self-esteem issues. Fortunately, there are two solutions to replace missing teeth: dentures and dental implants in Parker CO. But which one is right for you? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.


Parker CO Dentures are removable prosthetic devices that fit over existing teeth or gums. They may be full or partial depending on the number of teeth missing. Remove and clean dentures nightly to prevent bacterial buildup and bad breath. Dentures are also not as durable as implants, so they may require more frequent replacements than implants. On the plus side, they are typically less expensive than implants and can be installed relatively quickly.

Dental Implants

Implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone in place of missing teeth. They feel and look natural as they integrate into your jawbone, enabling comfortable and easy chewing. Implants provide a longer-term solution, eliminating the need for frequent removal or replacement compared to dentures. Yet, the installation process is time-consuming and potentially expensive, depending on the number and type of implants required.

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It’s important to consider both options carefully before making a decision about which is right for you. Choose dentures for affordability, but opt for dental implants for long-term stability. Ultimately it depends on your individual needs and budget, so talk to your Parker Co dentist at Green Dental Care in Parker CO about which option makes the most sense for your situation!

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Are Dental Implants Right For You

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Veneers Parker Co

The Benefits of Dental Implants

If you’re considering dental implants in Parker CO, you may have questions about how they work and if they’re right for you. At Green Dental Care, we strive to empower our patients with knowledge for optimal oral health decisions. Let’s take a look at what dental implants are and the potential benefits they offer.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants near you are a popular tooth replacement option that involves placing a titanium post into your jawbone. As the bone heals, it fuses with the implant, creating a sturdy anchor for your prosthetic tooth or teeth. Implants can be used for anything from replacing a single missing tooth to stabilizing dentures or bridgework.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants have many advantages over other tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures. Securely anchored in your jawbone, these implants eliminate worries about slipping during eating or speaking. Unlike dentures, which require special adhesives to stay in place, Parker CO dental implants remain secure without any extra effort on your part. Additionally, because dental implants preserve your jawbone structure and act like natural teeth roots, they help prevent further bone loss in the area where you lost teeth due to decay or injury. Dental implants succeed without the need for modifying neighboring teeth, unlike supported bridges.

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

The suitability of dental implants depends on factors like existing teeth condition, overall oral health, and lifestyle habits such as smoking or regular alcohol consumption. Your Parker CO dentist at Green Dental Care will take all these factors into consideration before recommending implant placement as an option that is right for you. For a reliable tooth replacement that mimics natural teeth, preserves bone structure, and prevents further loss, consider dental implants!

Contact Green Dental Care Today!

Dental implants offer a reliable solution to replace missing teeth, preserving jawbone structure and preventing further bone loss. At Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, we offer detailed implant treatment plans for informed oral health decisions! If you’d like more information about whether or not dental implants are right for you, please contact us today! We look forward to helping keep your smile healthy and bright!

Dental Implants Facts

Dental Implant Facts

Dental Implants Facts

Dental Implant Facts

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants

A dental implant is a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. It looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth. Get all the facts to make an informed decision about your oral health before considering a dental implant. Here’s everything you need to know about dental implants.

The Dental Implant Process

Dental implants are custom-made replacements for missing teeth that can be used as bridges or dentures. We start by evaluating your teeth and bone structure to assess your candidacy for the procedure. Your Parker CO dentist will then create a customized treatment plan that includes the type of implant material and placement in your mouth.

After placement in your jawbone, the implant fuses with the bone, providing a secure anchor for your new tooth or bridge. In osseointegration, your jawbone grows around the titanium post of the implant, securely fusing it in place. Final restoration placement depends on the healing time, ranging from three months to several years.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer better oral health, enhanced aesthetics, ease of use, improved speech, and increased comfort while eating or speaking. Unlike other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges, dental implants are permanent and don’t require any special care beyond regular brushing and flossing to keep them healthy and functioning properly. Additionally, they can last up to 20 years with proper care!

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We hope this overview has given you some insight into what dental implants are and what they entail. At Green Dental Care in Parker CO, we specialize in providing our patients with personalized care when it comes to their oral health needs. If you’d like more information on whether dental implants are right for you—or if there are other options available—contact us today for a consultation! We look forward to helping keep your smile healthy!

What Does My Tooth Pain Mean?

What Does My Tooth Pain Mean?

What Does My Tooth Pain Mean?

What Does My Tooth Pain Mean?

When to See Your Parker CO Dentist for Tooth Pain

While toothaches are common, they should not be ignored. Tooth pain can signal an underlying dental issue that requires professional attention. At Green Dental Care, we put our patients first and are here to help you get the dental care you need. Let’s explore what your tooth pain could mean and when it’s time to make an appointment with your Parker CO dentist.

What Does My Tooth Pain Mean?

Tooth pain is a sign that something is wrong with your mouth or teeth. It can range from mild sensitivity to sharp stabbing pains that indicate a more serious problem. Some of the most common causes of tooth pain are cavities, gum disease, or cracked teeth. Cavities occur when bacteria in the mouth break down the enamel on your teeth, leading to decay and eventual infection if left untreated. Gum disease is caused by plaque build-up and can lead to bleeding gums and receding gum lines if not addressed early enough. Cracked teeth can occur due to trauma or wear over time, which can cause pain when chewing or biting down on hard foods.

When Should I See My Parker CO Dentist?

If you experience any type of tooth pain, it’s important to act quickly and make an appointment with your dentist near you as soon as possible. At Green Dental Care, we have experienced dentists on staff who specialize in diagnosing and treating all types of dental issues that may be causing your discomfort. Our team will take the time to listen carefully to your concerns and examine your mouth thoroughly so that we can determine the best course of action for treatment. We will also provide follow-up care as needed in order to ensure that any treatments provided have been successful in resolving the issue at hand.

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At Green Dental Care, we understand how uncomfortable tooth pain can be—and how scary it may seem if you don’t know what’s causing it! If you experience any kind of toothache or other discomforts in your mouth, do not hesitate to reach out for professional help from your dentist at Green Dental Care as soon as possible! Our team is here for you every step of the way—from diagnosis through treatment—to help get you feeling like yourself again! Contact us today for quality care from our friendly professionals!

Signs You Need A Root Canal

Signs You Need A Root Canal

Signs You Need A Root Canal

When To Consider A Root Canal

A root canal is a common procedure that dental patients may need to consider at some point in their life. This treatment is recommended for deep cavities, infections, or pulp inflammation in a tooth. But how can you tell if you actually need a root canal? Let’s discuss some of the signs that point to this dental treatment.

Painful Toothache

One of the most common signs that you may need a root canal is a painful toothache. Tooth pain while biting and sensitivity to hot/cold foods may signal a tooth pulp infection. It’s important to consult with your Parker CO dentist if you are having any type of pain in your mouth.

Discoloration of Teeth

Another indication that you may need a root canal is discoloration or darkening of your teeth. Discoloration may indicate bacterial build-up in your tooth, suggesting the start or spread of an infection. Your dentist in Parker CO will examine these areas closely during regular checkups but it’s important for patients to be aware of any changes in coloration between visits.

Swollen Gums

Swollen gums may signal a potential need for a root canal, suggesting an infection near the tooth roots. Swollen gums, though common with gum disease, shouldn’t be ignored, as they might indicate a more serious underlying issue. If swelling persists after treating existing conditions like gum disease or cavities, it could mean that bacteria has infiltrated further into the roots and needs immediate attention from your dentist near you.

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At Green Dental Care, we empathize with the discomfort of toothaches and related issues, such as potential infections or tooth discolorations. Call us if you notice changes in your oral health for timely diagnosis and treatment, preventing permanent damage from prolonged exposure or untreated conditions. Contact us today for help determining whether a root canal might be right for you!

Why Checkups Are Important

Best Dentist Parker CO

Why Checkups Are Important

Best Dentist Parker CO

The Importance of Checkups

Checkups are an important part of preventative dental care. At checkups, your dentist in Parker CO will clean your teeth, check for cavities and gum disease, and take x-rays to check for problems below the surface. Checkups help keep your mouth healthy and catch problems early when they’re easier to treat.

The Benefits of Checkups

During a checkup, your dentist near you will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Plaque is a sticky bacterial film on your teeth, and tartar is hardened, neglected plaque. Removing plaque and tartar regularly is crucial to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Your Parker Co dentist will also check your mouth for Cavities which are small holes in your teeth that can be caused by plaque or tartar buildup. If cavities are not treated, they will get bigger and can lead to pain, infection, and tooth loss. Your dentist will also check for gum disease. Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can cause redness, swelling, and bleeding. Your dentist checks for cavities and gum disease during a checkup to recommend treatment if needed.

Dentists may take x-rays during checkups to spot hidden issues like infections or impacted wisdom teeth. X-rays are quick and easy to make sure that everything is healthy below the surface before any problems become serious.

Contact Green Dental Care Today For Preventative Care!

At Green Dental Care, we believe that preventative care is the best way to maintain healthy teeth and gums. We offer a wide range of preventative services, including regular cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants. We also offer educational resources to help our patients understand the importance of good oral hygiene. Our dentists strive for top-quality care in a welcoming environment. Contact Green Dental Care today to learn more about our preventative care services.

Common Dental Emergencies During The Holiday

Emergency Dental Near Me

Common Dental Emergencies During The Holiday

Dentist Parker CO

Dental Emergencies During The Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for family, fun, and of course, food. With all the holiday parties and get-togethers, it’s easy to let your dental health slip by the wayside. Unfortunately, this can lead to tooth pain and other dental problems. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at some common dental emergencies that can occur during the holiday season and how to avoid them.


One of the most common dental emergencies is a toothache. A toothache can be caused by a number of things, including decay, infection, or trauma. If you are experiencing a toothache, it’s important to see a Parker CO dentist right away. They will be able to determine the cause of the pain and treat it accordingly.

To avoid a toothache, be sure to brush and floss regularly. This will help remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums, which can cause decay or infection. Also, be cautious when eating hard foods like candy or nuts. Eating hard foods can crack or break your teeth, which can lead to pain and discomfort.

Loose or Lost Fillings

Another common dental emergency is a loose or lost filling. Fillings can become loose or fall out due to decay.  If you have a loose filling, it’s important to see a dentist right away as food particles can get trapped in the hole left by the filling and cause decay.

To avoid loose or lost fillings, be sure to brush and floss regularly as this will help remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums. In addition, try to avoid chewing on hard foods like candy or ice as this can loosen your fillings. If you grind your teeth at night, you may want to consider wearing a mouthguard to protect your teeth from damage.

Cracked Teeth

Cracked teeth are another common dental emergency that can occur during the holiday season. Teeth can crack due to biting into hard foods like candy or nuts, trauma (such as being hit in the mouth with a ball), or clenching or grinding your teeth (bruxism). If you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to see a dentist near you right away as cracks can become infected and lead to further damage.

To avoid cracked teeth this holiday season, be sure to brush and floss regularly as this will help remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums. In addition, try to avoid biting into hard foods like candy or nuts. And if you grind your teeth at night, be sure to wear a mouthguard so you don’t damage your teeth during the day.

Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are another common dental emergency in Parker CO that can occur during the holiday season due to plaque build-up on your gums. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums when you eat sugary foods or drinks—and let’s face it; there are plenty of sweets around during the holidays! When plaque builds up on your gums, it irritates them and makes them swell. If you have swollen gums, it’s important to see a dentist in Parker CO so they can remove the plaque build-up and give you some tips on how to avoid it in the future.

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The holidays are a wonderful time of year but they can also be tough on our dental health. Be sure to brush and floss twice daily, avoid sugary foods and drinks, and see your dentist regularly to avoid any unwanted surprises! Contact Green Dental Care Today!

Your Parker Co Dentist

Emergency Dentist Parker CO

Emergency Dentist Parker CO

Why Choose Us As Your Parker Co Dentist?

Here at our dental practice, we are proud to serve the Parker CO community with high-quality dental care. We understand that there are many dental practices to choose from, and we appreciate you considering us. In this blog post, we will share three reasons why we believe you will be happy you chose us as your Parker CO dentist.

One of the reasons why our patients love us at Green Dental Care is that we offer a wide range of dental services, from basic teeth cleanings to more complex procedures like dental implants. No matter what your dental needs are, we are here to help. Furthermore, we utilize the latest technology and equipment to ensure that your experience is not only comfortable but also efficient.

Another reason to choose Green Dental Care as your dentist in Parker CO is that we always put our patients first. We tailor our care by understanding your unique needs. We understand that going to the dentist near you can be anxious for some people, and we do everything we can to make sure you feel relaxed and comfortable in our office.

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Trust Green Dental Care for your Parker Co dental needs. Choose us as your dentist for top-notch, patient-focused care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!