Dental Sedation for Adults

Dental Sedation for Adults

Dental Sedation for Adults

Dental Sedation for Adults

A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety at the Dentist

For many adults, the thought of going to the dentist can be anxiety-inducing. Perhaps you had a negative experience in the past or the drilling sounds and needle pricks make you uneasy. You are not alone, and fortunately, there is a solution to help you feel relaxed and comfortable at the dentist – dental sedation for adults. At Green Dental Care in Parker, Colorado, we offer several types of sedation to help our patients overcome their dental fears and receive the treatment they need for optimal oral health.

Understanding Dental Sedation

Dental sedation involves the use of medication to help you feel calm and relaxed during dental procedures. The three types of sedation we offer include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation (pills), and intravenous (IV) sedation. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask, while oral sedation and IV sedation are taken orally or injected into the bloodstream, respectively.

Who Can Benefit from Dental Sedation?

Sedation dentistry is not just for those with severe dental anxiety, but it also benefits patients with dental phobia, a sensitive gag reflex, physical limitations or disabilities that make it difficult to sit still for long periods, or the need for extensive dental work. Dental sedation can also help reduce the number of appointments needed to complete treatment, which is valuable for patients with busy schedules.

The Benefits of Dental Sedation

The primary benefit of dental sedation is that it helps patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their dental procedure. Other benefits include reducing muscle tension, minimizing pain, and making it easier for the dentist to perform the necessary procedures. Sedation dentistry can also help reduce the patient’s post-operative discomfort and enable them to return to their daily activities promptly.

The Safety of Dental Sedation

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective solution for patients with dental anxiety. Our skilled dental team will thoroughly evaluate your medical history and assess your suitability for sedation. During the procedure, we continuously monitor the patient’s vital signs and adjust the sedation level as needed. Even patients with underlying medical conditions have found dental sedation to be safe and effective.

Post-Sedation Care

After the procedure is complete, patients may experience drowsiness and require some recovery time. Patients are advised not to operate machinery or drive for several hours after sedation. The effects of the sedation can last beyond the appointment, and patients should avoid drinking alcohol or taking sedatives until the effects completely wear off.

There is no need to feel uneasy or nervous about your next dental appointment. Dental sedation is a safe and effective solution for patients with dental anxiety, phobia, or any physical limitations. Green Dental Care in Parker, Colorado offers multiple types of sedation to meet our patients’ needs. Say goodbye to dental anxiety, and say hello to a confident and healthy smile. Contact our office today to schedule your next appointment and learn more about dental sedation for adults. 

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

The Benefits of sedation dentistry

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

The Benefits of sedation dentistry

For many people, going to the dentist is a source of anxiety. It causes individuals to put off visits that should be made sooner rather than later, resulting in far more significant issues. Our Parker CO dentist now has effective, painless dentistry thanks to the use of sedation dentistry Parker CO. Sedation dentistry has the ability to help even the most apprehensive patients overcome their fears and anxieties.

Sedation Dentistry Advantages

We have a variety of alternatives for putting the patient under depending on the degree of sedation he or she requires, explains Dr. Green, sedation dentist Parker CO. Oral sedation, inhaled sedation such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), IV sedation, and even general anesthesia are the most prevalent.

They all have their advantages in different scenarios, and for the uneasy patient, they might bring a variety of advantages you may not have considered. Here is a list of reasons the best dentist in Parker CO might recommend sedation dentistry for you.

Anxiety Reduction

For some of our most anxious patients, one of the most beneficial elements of sedation dentistry is the alleviation of anxiety. This makes it easier for patients to go through their operations and eliminates one of the main reasons individuals fear going to the dentist. Anxiety emerges in a variety of ways.

While some patients experience just a little anxiety before a surgery, others feel absolutely paralyzed by the dread that an oral operation may be uncomfortable or perhaps go tragically wrong. Many patients are unable to get critical treatment as a result of this. 

While amnesia may not be the most desired consequence in many instances, it is quite beneficial in sedation dentistry. The dread of going to the dentist that many individuals have arisen from a bad experience as a youngster, and the anxiety intensifies with each subsequent visit.

This is particularly true if the patient seems to be in pain. However, since the mind cannot produce new memories, there can be no further development of fear with sedation dentistry. This may even assist to alleviate the patient’s worry of future visits.

Gag Reflex Reduction

It’s a good thing to have a gag reflex. Any foreign thing that enters the throat must be able to be expelled. The gag reflex, on the other hand, might be difficult if a patient is fully conscious while a dentist is operating in his mouth. The gag response prohibits the dentist from going deep within the mouth cavity on occasion.

Depending on what the dentist does, the patient’s spasms may cause harm. This is no longer a concern with sedation dentistry since the gag reflex is neutralized. As a result, the dentist will be able to work more quickly and effectively, and the patient will be considerably more relaxed.

Pain Reduction

It’s acceptable if some folks have dental phobias. Tooth and gum discomfort is unpleasant. The pain is fully eliminated with sedation dentistry. While under the effect of heavy sedatives and anesthetics, the brain is unable to detect pain.

Everyone desires painless dental treatment. One of the many reasons why sedation dentistry is so popular right now is because of this.

The Dentist Can Work Faster

For certain appointments, emergency dentist in Easton PA, recommend sedation dentistry for more efficient time management. When a patient is under the effect of strong sedatives and anesthetics, she will not be fidgeting in her chair while the dentist works. This makes the treatment easier for both the dentist and the patient.

Because he won’t have to worry about your response to the treatment, the dentist will be able to work quicker and more effectively. This means he’ll be able to help you get out of the chair and back on your feet faster.

Contact Green Dental Care Today

So, if you’ve been putting off getting some much-needed dental treatment because you’re afraid, sedation dentistry may be a viable option for you. Don’t be afraid; Green Dental Care has been utilizing sedation dentistry in his office for a long time and for a variety of treatments. Contact us and come in to reclaim your smile!

Dental Sedation FAQ

sedation dentistry faq

Dental Sedation FAQ

sedation dental

Our Parker CO dentist will give you a sedative before your operation. You’ll start to feel completely relaxed and tranquil, and you might even fall asleep. You will be aware and able to participate in most types of sedation, but you will not be scared or nervous. You may simply sleep through the surgery with some type of medication. Today on the blog, our Parker CO dental office discusses the most frequently asked dental sedation questions. Check out our Dental Sedation FAQ below.

What is the process of dental sedation?

Sedation dentistry employs nitrous oxide, anti-anxiety medications, and IV therapy.

Is sedation dentistry a safe procedure?

Dental sedation is extremely safe when performed by a properly qualified dentist in the correct setting. Our sedation dentist Parker CO uses only the safest sleep dentistry techniques and keeps a close eye on your health.

Is dental sedation covered by insurance?

Sedation is covered by some dental insurance policies, notably for patients who have dental anxiety or for youngsters. However, not all insurance companies pay it because it is considered a luxury or elective treatment. Depending on your situation, your health insurance may possibly cover sedation.

How much does sedation dentistry cost in Parker, CO?

The cost depends on a number of things, including the type of sedation you require, the treatment you are having, your insurance, and your own personal requirements. During your consultation, our dentist will explain your alternatives as well as their prospective costs.

What types of procedures may a sleep dentist perform?

Almost every dental procedure might cause worry if you have dental anxiety. Restorations, root canal therapy, extractions, and dental veneers are just a few of the treatment options available from our pain-free dentist.

Is sedation dentistry in Parker CO right for me?

Only a sleep dentist can tell you if you’re a good candidate. We connected with our friends at 4th St. Family Dentistry, Dentist in St. Petersburg, about the requirements. Below, we list common guidelines to follow:

  • Dental phobia or anxiety
  • Gagging reflex that is overly sensitive
  • Treatment that is either complex or invasive is required.
  • Due to a mental or physical handicap, the patient is unable to remain still throughout treatment.

What if I have additional medical issues?

Sleep dentistry is safe, but you must inform us of any recent or continuing health problems, as well as any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are using. You’ll be asked to fill out a health history form, which will include any changes in your health since your last visit.

Is it possible for me to drive myself to and from my sedated dentist appointment?

It depends on the sedative you’re using. You may feel drowsy for a while after receiving oral or IV sedation, and you will need someone to drive you home.

Is it possible for me to fall asleep during the procedure? Will I be able to recall anything?

That is debatable. You may recall your treatment if you were given oral or inhalation sedation. With IV sedation, you will have little or no recall of the surgery when you wake up.

Is there a risk of dental sedation having any negative effects?

You’ll probably feel drowsy. The medicine can stay in your system for up to 24 hours after you leave the appointment, impairing your coordination and cognition. Our sleep dentist Parker CO will explain all of the benefits and drawbacks so that you can make the best option for you.

Is sedation dentistry available at every dentist?

Nitrous oxide, the lightest kind of sedation, is available from many dentists. In some situations, moderate sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia necessitate further training and certification, and not all dentists are qualified to provide these services.

Contact Green Dental Care for Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

We are proud to offer top-rated sedation dentistry services to Parker CO residents. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of sedation dentistry.