5 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

5 cosmetic dentistry procedures

5 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

5 cosmetic dentistry procedures

You know that your dentist and good oral healthcare can help you to keep your teeth healthy and functional. But just how much do you know about what cosmetic dentistry can offer you? Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that offers a focus on the aesthetic improvement of your smile. While most cosmetic procedures are elective, there are some situations where the treatments can be considered to have restorative benefits.

Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Ionescu, each considered to be the best dentist in Parker CO, can offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions to help you to achieve your aesthetic goals.

There are several cosmetic solutions you may benefit from. We’ve assembled a list of the top five popular cosmetic solutions to help you to get that white and bright smile that you deserve.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures. Also known as teeth bleaching, this treatment can be done by using our take-home teeth whitening trays. While there are many over the counter teeth bleaching products, they are not always the safest and most effective way of getting the results that you’re hoping to achieve.

Our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, says whitening your teeth should be done only after your teeth have been cleaned professionally and thoroughly. Teeth can become stained from the foods and drinks we enjoy, and also sometimes from the medications that we take. In-office treatments can help you to see the results that you’re looking for.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers use a form of dental bonding to adhere thin ceramic shells to the natural teeth. Each of the veneers is custom-made to fit your teeth so that you are assured of the best fit. Veneers can resolve several cosmetic concerns, including cracked and damaged enamel, gaps between teeth, and crooked teeth.

Patients can use veneers to take their smile several shades whiter, which is often the reason patients opt for this cosmetic solution.

Replacing Older Fillings

Today’s dental solutions for cavities typically use tooth-colored fillings that are blended to match the shade of the natural tooth. Older style fillings were often made from metal and can prove to be very visible in your mouth when you smile. Replacing old metal fillings with white fillings is one of the quickest ways for you to transform your smile.

Implants, Permanent Solutions

Dental implants are a permanent replacement for the root of a tooth that has been extracted or lost. A titanium post is surgically inserted into the jaw, replacing the missing tooth. The post will serve as the anchor for a prosthetic tooth or a crown. Once the healthy bone in the jaw has fused to the implant, the implant is secured permanently. Implants should be cleaned just as you would clean your natural teeth, to keep your surrounding natural teeth healthy and to promote positive gum health.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Braces can help to resolve several concerns with bite and jaw alignment, but they can also offer cosmetic solutions for those who may have slightly misaligned teeth. Many adults opt to consider their orthodontic options once they have resolved other concerns with their teeth. There are several options, including discreet braces that are almost invisible once in place.

When visiting with a cosmetic dentist, Parker CO patients should take the time to ask the questions that will help them to make the right decisions to meet their cosmetic goals. Remember that cosmetic treatments cannot typically be considered until any functional concerns with the teeth have been addressed.

Preventing Dental Problems

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Preventing Dental Problems

preventing dental problems - Green Dental Care

Clichés may be tired and overused, but there is often an element of truth to them. This is particularly true when considering “prevention is better than a cure.” When it comes to dental problems, there are certain treatment solutions for each issue. However, preventing dental problems from becoming an issue in the first place could save you a significant amount of time, money, and discomfort.

At Green Dental Care, we are always happy to offer you the best treatment solutions for any number of dental concerns. Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Ionescu offer a compassionate touch that will help to put you at ease while restoring your beautiful smile. They also offer some great handy tips on preventing dental problems.

Don’t Forget to Brush Your Teeth

It should go without saying that brushing your teeth is one of the most effective tools you have to combat tooth decay and gum disease. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day, to help get rid of the food debris and bacteria that are responsible for decay and disease.

Our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, suggests using a toothpaste that contains fluoride, as it can offer added protection for fighting bacteria. She says that people who use fluoride toothpaste see an improvement in their overall oral health. 

Wait To Brush After Drinking Coffee

We need that cup of java to get our day started off right. However, it’s suggested that you wait at least 30 minutes after drinking your coffee before you brush your teeth. This is because coffee is very acidic and could result in damage to the teeth if you brush too soon after drinking that cup of joe. Of course, you should also avoid brushing after drinking orange juice too, but that’s only because of the shudder-inducing taste combinations.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Everyone knows that they should be brushing and flossing daily. But many simply skip the flossing part for one reason or another. Flossing is so important, however. It can help to remove food that gets stuck between your teeth, while also helping to remove buildups of plaque between the teeth and along the gum line. Brushing will get most of this, certainly. It won’t be able to get it all, however. 

Flossing, combined with a good brushing routine and the use of a good mouth wash will go a long way towards ensuring good oral health.

Considering the Foods You Eat

No matter how good your daily oral hygiene routine is, there are some foods and drinks that can contribute towards the breaking down of the enamel on your teeth. This can result in tooth decay, and may even result in the loss of teeth. Some of the things that you should skip or at least enjoy only in moderation include the following.

  • Sugar-filled sodas, as they can lead to excess acid that can impact the enamel. Even diet sodas are a concern.
  • Candy and other sugary treats aren’t the best in choice if your ultimate goal is to ensure a healthy mouth. There’s no need to avoid them completely if you want to indulge, but try to avoid candies that are sticky and chewy, as they can stick to your teeth much longer than other sweet treats. This can give the acid and bacteria more time to wear down your enamel.
  • Wines, both red and white, can have an impact on your teeth. Red wine, along with coffee and tea, can stain your teeth. White wine is much more acidic and can contribute towards the breakdown of the enamel. 
  • White bread, pasta, and other starch-filled foods can prove to be damaging due to your saliva breaking them down into sugars that can stick to your teeth. Whole wheat products are often the better option if you’re needing your carbs.

Keep your teeth healthy scheduling your dental appointments with the best dentist Parker CO. At Green Dental Care, we offer restorative solutions, cosmetic dentistry options to include veneers and teeth whitening. To learn more about our dental services, contact our dental office in Parker, CO.


Porcelain Veneers Procedure

porcelain veneers procedure - Green Dental Care

Porcelain Veneers Procedure

porcelain veneers procedure - Green Dental Care

Are you considering getting porcelain veneers? With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, today’s patients can expect an easy procedure that brings no discomfort. In just two visits to your Parker dentist office, you’ll be able to make your veneer dreams a reality with the best cosmetic dentist Parker, CO has to offer. The more you know about the process of getting veneers and the dental bonding process that is involved, the more confident that you will feel about your porcelain veneers procedure.

Veneer Basics

Dental veneers are very thin porcelain shells that are made to fit your teeth specifically. They can resolve several cosmetic concerns, including covering up gaps between teeth and disguising crooked teeth.

Veneers typically take two appointments at the office, with between one and two weeks apart. Patients can get veneers on just one tooth or on several teeth all at once.

The First Step: Preparing the Tooth

To ensure the right fit for your new veneers, your Parker CO dentist will have to examine your current smile. This will help to ensure that your overall bite is not altered.

As a part of preparing the tooth, your Parker, CO dentist, will examine any decay that needs to be addressed. Veneers cannot be bonded to teeth that require repair. Any cracks, cavities, or other damage to the tooth that could compromise it and allow decay in will need to be resolved. Some patients prefer to address any older fillings that are from metal and are very visible in the mouth. Replacing old metal fillings with white fillings not only helps with the aesthetics but can provide an opportunity to ensure the tooth is healthy. Veneers also tend to bond better to new composite fillings.

Getting the Right Shade of Veneers

If you are getting veneers on just a few of your teeth, you’ll find that the best cosmetic dentist Parker CO offers will use a shade guide to match your surrounding teeth. If you are getting an entire set of veneers, you’ll be able to select the white and bright shade that you best prefer.

According to cosmetic dentists in Parker, CO, Dr. Christopher Green, and Dr. Ionescu, the shade of the veneer can be adjusted when it is time to bond it to the teeth.

Taking Impressions

Once the tooth or teeth have been prepared, it’s now time to take an impression of the teeth and surrounding teeth and gums. This will help to ensure that you get the best fit once the veneers are in place. It’ll also help to ensure that your bite is maintained.

The impression will be taken typically using a tray with dental putty in it. It’ll sit in place for just a few minutes until it has set. Then it’ll be carefully removed. It’s this impression that will be sent to the lab, where they will make your new porcelain veneers.

Deciding Whether to Place Temporary Veneers

The turnaround for veneers is typically two weeks. Depending on how much of the tooth structure has been removed, you may not need temporary veneers. Prepared teeth will look and feel a little different, but some patients find that it doesn’t bother them enough to want temporary veneers.

You may feel a little bit of an increase in sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks at first.

Bonding Your Veneers

When your new porcelain veneers have been completed, they’ll be ready to be bonded onto the tooth or teeth. This will, of course, require a repeated visit to Green Dental Care. Your Parker dentist would remove temporary veneers if you opted for them.

The veneers will be placed onto the teeth, to evaluate the fit and the shade. If some trimming is needed, your Parker dentist will be able to do that so that you get the perfect fit. If some adjustment to the shade of the veneers is needed, your Parker dentist will take care of it so that your result will be a perfectly uniform smile.

Once you and your dentist are satisfied with the veneers, they will be bonded in place. Excess dental cement will be trimmed, and the cement will be cured, so it sets rapidly.

As the last step, your bite will be evaluated to confirm that the placement of your veneers hasn’t altered it. You are sure to love the immediate smile transformation offered by veneers.

As you can see, the porcelain veneers procedure is harmless! There’s nothing to worry about. So, are you ready to see how veneers can transform your smile? Contact Green Dental Care to schedule your consultation.


New Year Resolutions for Oral Hygiene

New Year resolutions for oral hygiene - Dental One Care

New Year Resolutions for Oral Hygiene

New Year resolutions for oral hygiene - Dental One Care

The New Year is the perfect time to start fresh. Whether you’re starting fresh with a healthy lifestyle or with well-deserved self-care, you should make improving your oral hygiene a priority. A dentist in Parker CO, Dr. Christopher Green, can offer dental appointments that’ll address any and all of the dental concerns that you are facing. Perhaps you’ve neglected your oral health over the past year? Perhaps you’re finally ready to take steps to undergo a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures like getting veneers? Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Ionescu have some New Year resolutions for oral hygiene that you can use.

Brushing Your Teeth the Right Way

Even those who brush after every meal may not be brushing their teeth in the right way. Try to learn the correct ways of brushing your teeth so that you can brush them as effectively as possible. When brushing your teeth, make sure that you brush for at least two minutes. It’s important to brush each tooth thoroughly. The goal is to get rid of any plaque build-up and bacteria that’s accumulated since your last brush. If you’re not sure if you’re brushing your teeth right, ask your dental hygienist. They can help you to learn the best ways to brush your teeth.

Get to Flossing Between Your Teeth

At each visit and cleaning, your Parker dentist and dental hygienist will remind you to floss daily. However, the reality is that many patients simply don’t floss consistently or in the right way. If you are inconsistent with your flossing habits, make it your goal to floss more often. Flossing can help to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth, which can, in turn, help you to prevent cavities.

If you’re struggling with flossing, be sure to mention it at your next appointment with Dr. Green so that he can help you to figure out a way to make flossing easier for you.

Stay Hydrated, Drinking More Water

Our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, suggested drinking water as New Year resolution for oral health! He says drinking more water in order to keep your body hydrated and healthy is important, but there are other benefits too. This includes helping to keep your teeth strong. Water often contains fluoride, which can protect your teeth, clean your teeth, and help to ensure stronger, healthier teeth.

Water is also a much better option to drink versus soft drinks, sports drinks, and your favorite tea and coffee. Try to drink more water, and to cut down on those other beverages that are simply not as healthy of a choice for your oral health.

Keeping Your Semi-Annual Dental Checkups

Do you put off seeing your dentist in Parker, CO? Your six-month routine cleanings can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy by removing the plaque and tartar that you cannot remove with brushing and flossing alone. Your six-month dental examination is also a great opportunity for your Parker dentist to spot any concerns in their early stages.

Cosmetic Treatment Options

Green Dental Care has the best cosmetic dentist Parker CO has to offer. Whether you’re looking for dental bonding and veneers, crowns on your teeth, or you’re interested in replacing old metal fillings with white fillings, and you’ll find that we can offer you a solution that’ll work for you.

Now that you have a general idea of New Year resolutions for oral hygiene, you can decide which ones are best for you! Let us know what we can do to help. Don’t forget to call to book your appointment with Dr. Christopher Green or Dr. Andrei Ionescu. We can’t wait to see your smile!