Dental Health Changes with Age

dental health changes with age

Dental Health Changes with Age

dental health changes with age

While it is true that your dental health is likely to change as you age, it isn’t a given that as you grow older you will start to lose your teeth. Tooth loss has nothing to do with age but everything to do with diseases and other oral health problems. This article discusses some of the factors that may cause your oral health to change as you age and what you can do to preserve your oral health for your entire life.

Factors That Could Compromise Your Dental Health as You Age

Medication Increases the Risk for Dry Mouth

As you grow older, your risk for chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis increases. If any of those chronic diseases set in, you are likely to be placed on long-term use of different medications to manage that chronic disease that you are battling.

Dr. Christopher Green, a Parker CO dentist, explains that some of the medications prescribed to manage chronic diseases can cause dry mouth. This is a condition in which your salivary gland is unable to produce sufficient amounts of saliva.

When dry mouth sets in, you are more likely to develop a variety of oral health challenges since saliva that regulates the pH inside your mouth and flushes out bacteria is no longer available.

It is therefore advisable for you to work with your dentist in Parker CO to find ways to forestall the adverse effects of dry mouth before they set in if you are taking medication that causes dry mouth.

Changes in the Bony Substructure

As we grow older, our bones tend to become less dense and less strong. These changes can also be noticed in the dental structures. Dr. Andrei Ionescu points out that as the bony substructures change, your teeth may become crowded or develop occlusion problems. These problems can be dealt with at Green Dental Care, so keep in touch with your dentist in Parker CO as you go through these changes.

Gum Recession Can Set In

All the years of inadequate oral hygiene may eventually catch up with you as you age. As you advance in years, the accumulations of plaque and tartar beneath your gum line will eventually cause the gums to pull away from the teeth.

When this happens, the roots of the teeth will be exposed. As Dr. Christopher Green reveals, these roots are softer and are therefore more susceptible to decay. Many older people, therefore, battle with recurrent tooth infections arising from receded gums.

Your Immunity Gets Weaker

As you grow older, your immune system may no longer be as robust as it once was. Consequently, it will become harder for your body to fight off infections. Therefore, you are likely to develop oral infections more easily than you used to. This susceptibility is further compounded by dry mouth as discussed earlier.

How to Preserve Your Oral Health as You Grow Older

The experts at Green Dental Care in Parker CO recommend the following steps to help you preserve your oral health as you grow older.

Inspect Your Mouth Regularly

As already mentioned, many conditions can conspire to compromise your oral health as you grow older. Your first defense is to be vigilant and catch any problem early so that it can be corrected before it gets worse.

You can do this by inspecting your mouth regularly, such as once each week. For example, you can look at your mouth through a mirror and check if anything is unusual. If you see any lesions, cuts, discolorations or any other abnormality, contact Green Dental Care immediately so that our doctors can diagnose and treat the problem immediately.

Brush More Carefully

The weakened immune system of older people can heighten the risk of gum disease and other oral infections. Regular brushing and flossing can go a long way in reducing this risk.

Dr. Farhart, a dentist in Sterling Heights MI, emphasizes that you should be more meticulous when brushing in the evening before you go to bed because the hours spent sleeping are the times when saliva production is at its lowest.

If you didn’t brush well, oral bacteria may multiply rapidly while you sleep. This can cause all sorts of oral problems, such as gum infections, bad breath, and tooth decay.

A Balanced Diet is Key

You are what you eat, and this holds true even for your oral health. It is important for you to have a diet that is rich in all nutrients, like vitamins and minerals. This is so your body can have the building blocks it needs to keep you in peak oral and general health. When you follow a healthy diet, you will bounce back quickly from an infection. This is because there will be a sufficient supply of antioxidants to clear out the debris of microbes causing you to be unwell.

See Your Parker CO Dentist Regularly

The at-home efforts to keep your oral health at its best may not be sufficient if you don’t get professional dental services. In this regard, it is vital for you to visit Green Dental Care as often as recommended. This way the dental care team can check your oral health and treat any problem long before it becomes severe. These visits also provide an opportunity for you to get timely advice on what changes need to be made to your oral care routine in light of any changes that you are going through. An example is taking medication for a chronic condition that you have recently been diagnosed with.

While aging comes with its own set of challenges to your oral health, it is still possible to enjoy great dental health for a lifetime. Contact Green Dental Care to learn more about how we can be of help in preserving your oral health. Remember, you are never too old to undergo a needed procedure, whether it is cosmetic or restorative.


Treatments for Gum Disease


Treatments for Gum Disease


Gum disease refers to gum inflammation that gradually progresses to a level where the bone and other support tissues around your teeth become affected. Gum disease is identified by three clearly distinct stages (gingivitis, periodontitis and advanced periodontitis). Research done by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) found that nearly half of all Americans aged 30 and above suffer from periodontitis. While the disease may be common, the doctors at Green Dental Care assert that the progression of this disease can be arrested at any stage. The following are some of the available treatments for gum disease.

Nonsurgical Treatment for Gum Disease

The first way to treat periodontitis involves a nonsurgical approach called scaling and root planing (SRP). This conservative treatment can be done by a hygienist at Green Dental Care or by either Dr. Christopher Green or Dr. Andrei Ionescu. 

The process entails scraping the surface of the teeth and the roots in order to remove any calculus (tartar) and plaque that has accumulated there. After scaling, the treated surfaces are smoothened so that there are no rough spots where bacteria can thrive.

Dr. Christopher Green, an experienced dentist in Parker CO, explains that more than one visit is normally needed to complete the SRP treatment. Have no worries about pain; a local anesthetic will ensure that you will hardly feel any discomfort while you are being treated.

After a few weeks, the Parker CO dentist will examine you to see how well you are healing. If everything is okay, no further treatment will be recommended. If you aren’t healing as expected, then additional SRP may be done or another treatment option may be tried.

Pocket Reduction Surgery

After scaling and root planing, if deep gingival pockets (the gaps between the gums and the teeth) remain, another step that may be taken is to schedule pocket reduction surgery. Dr. Andrei Ionescu, a dentist in Parker CO, explains this process. The gum tissue is folded back so that the bacteria hidden behind the flap is removed. The sections of the bone damaged by bacteria are also smoothed so that your gums can reattach to your teeth again.

Gum Graft Surgery

When periodontal disease advances, it can cause gum recession that makes the roots of your teeth to be exposed. Sensitivity and other problems result from this exposure.  To fix this situation, the team at Green Dental Care may perform gum graft surgery.

Dr. Kacos a dentist in Shreveport LA, explains that the gum tissue will be taken from elsewhere, such as from your palate, and placed on the most affected roots of your teeth. Your teeth will no longer be sensitive and root decay will be arrested by this surgical intervention.

Oral Care for Dentures

oral care for dentures

Oral Care for Dentures

oral care for dentures

The importance of keeping your mouth healthy doesn’t reduce once you lose some or all of your natural teeth and replace them with dentures (partial or full dentures). This article discusses some of the care suggestions made by the dental health professionals at Green Dental Care in Parker CO if you wear dentures.

Give the Dentures a Break

It is advisable for you to remove your dentures before you go to bed. This step is important because it allows your gums to recover and breathe while you sleep. Dr. Christopher Green, a dentist in Parker CO, cautions that people who don’t take out their dentures periodically experience a number of problems, like sore and irritated gums.

If you are unable to remove the dentures at night, for example, if you work at night, find an uninterrupted stretch of at least six hours to take a break from your dentures. Dr. Andrei Ionescu, a Parker CO dentist, explains that this time allows your gums to get a break and recover from any stress they may have suffered while the dentures were in place.

Soak Your Dentures

This may be surprising to someone inexperienced, but germs and plaque accumulate on dentures. The hours that you spend when you have taken out your dentures provide an excellent opportunity for you to soak those dentures in a cleaning solution. This will help kill any bacteria present. The doctors at Green Dental Care in Parker CO normally recommend that you use lukewarm (not hot) water and an effervescent tablet to clean your dentures. The effervescent tablet will get rid of any stains or food particles on the dentures and the water will keep the dentures pliable and ready to use when you need them.

As you clean your dentures, refrain from using toothpaste and your regular brush. Instead, use the cleaning products recommended by your Parker CO dentist since regular toothpaste and a normal toothbrush may be too abrasive for the material from which your dentures are made. If in doubt about the right products to use, contact Green Dental Care and you will be guided on what to use to keep the dentures clean. 

Clean Your Gums and Mouth

Once you have removed the dentures, Dr. Andrei Ionescu recommends that you clean any remaining teeth with the gums and mouth. If you wear partial dentures, brush your natural teeth as usual. Thereafter, take some gauze or a wet washcloth and use it to wipe your gums clean. You may also use an alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse your mouth to keep it smelling fresh.

Handle Your Dentures With Care

Dentures don’t come cheap, so you should do everything possible to protect them from damage. Parker CO dentists recommend that you fill your sink with water before you start cleaning the dentures. This is so if they drop, the impact is reduced since they will fall into the water in the sink.

Another option is to fold a towel and place it in the sink to cushion any fall. A bowl of water can also suffice if you aren’t using the sink while cleaning the dentures.

It is not advisable to use toothpicks and other such devices to clean your dentures because they may be damaged. Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown KY, also recommends that you never let your dentures dry out. Keep them in cool water each time you take them out.

See Your Dentist

Whether you have complete or partial dentures, you need to visit Green Dental Care once every six months or as frequently as Dr. Christopher Green recommends. During those visits, the Parker CO dentist will check the dentures to confirm that they are free from damage and are fitting properly. He will also examine your gums and overall oral health in order to catch any problems early. With the Green Dental Care team on your side, you will always step out with a confident smile each day!

New Year Resolutions for Oral Hygiene

New Year resolutions for oral hygiene - Dental One Care

New Year Resolutions for Oral Hygiene

New Year resolutions for oral hygiene - Dental One Care

The New Year is the perfect time to start fresh. Whether you’re starting fresh with a healthy lifestyle or with well-deserved self-care, you should make improving your oral hygiene a priority. A dentist in Parker CO, Dr. Christopher Green, can offer dental appointments that’ll address any and all of the dental concerns that you are facing. Perhaps you’ve neglected your oral health over the past year? Perhaps you’re finally ready to take steps to undergo a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures like getting veneers? Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Ionescu have some New Year resolutions for oral hygiene that you can use.

Brushing Your Teeth the Right Way

Even those who brush after every meal may not be brushing their teeth in the right way. Try to learn the correct ways of brushing your teeth so that you can brush them as effectively as possible. When brushing your teeth, make sure that you brush for at least two minutes. It’s important to brush each tooth thoroughly. The goal is to get rid of any plaque build-up and bacteria that’s accumulated since your last brush. If you’re not sure if you’re brushing your teeth right, ask your dental hygienist. They can help you to learn the best ways to brush your teeth.

Get to Flossing Between Your Teeth

At each visit and cleaning, your Parker dentist and dental hygienist will remind you to floss daily. However, the reality is that many patients simply don’t floss consistently or in the right way. If you are inconsistent with your flossing habits, make it your goal to floss more often. Flossing can help to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth, which can, in turn, help you to prevent cavities.

If you’re struggling with flossing, be sure to mention it at your next appointment with Dr. Green so that he can help you to figure out a way to make flossing easier for you.

Stay Hydrated, Drinking More Water

Our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, suggested drinking water as New Year resolution for oral health! He says drinking more water in order to keep your body hydrated and healthy is important, but there are other benefits too. This includes helping to keep your teeth strong. Water often contains fluoride, which can protect your teeth, clean your teeth, and help to ensure stronger, healthier teeth.

Water is also a much better option to drink versus soft drinks, sports drinks, and your favorite tea and coffee. Try to drink more water, and to cut down on those other beverages that are simply not as healthy of a choice for your oral health.

Keeping Your Semi-Annual Dental Checkups

Do you put off seeing your dentist in Parker, CO? Your six-month routine cleanings can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy by removing the plaque and tartar that you cannot remove with brushing and flossing alone. Your six-month dental examination is also a great opportunity for your Parker dentist to spot any concerns in their early stages.

Cosmetic Treatment Options

Green Dental Care has the best cosmetic dentist Parker CO has to offer. Whether you’re looking for dental bonding and veneers, crowns on your teeth, or you’re interested in replacing old metal fillings with white fillings, and you’ll find that we can offer you a solution that’ll work for you.

Now that you have a general idea of New Year resolutions for oral hygiene, you can decide which ones are best for you! Let us know what we can do to help. Don’t forget to call to book your appointment with Dr. Christopher Green or Dr. Andrei Ionescu. We can’t wait to see your smile!

Signs an Infection is Spreading

signs an infection is spreading

Signs an Infection is Spreading

signs an infection is spreading

It can be all too easy to ignore a minor irritation caused by an infection in the mouth. Your tooth may ache or your gums may look inflamed, but the pain may not yet be serious enough to seek out an appointment with Dr. Christopher Green. However, it’s important to never put off receiving dental services for any type of tooth infection. The infection could spread beyond the tooth, beyond the gums and into other parts of your body. Your health and your very life could be compromised, even if you never experience much by way of tooth pain.

To stay healthy and keep your mouth healthy, it’s important that you learn to recognize the symptoms of an infection that has started to spread beyond the tooth.

Understanding a tooth abscess

Just what is an abscess in your tooth? Put simply, it is a pocket of infection inside your tooth. While it can occur anywhere inside of the tooth, it is most often seen at the very tip of the root. There are typically some very clear indicators of an abscessed tooth, including the following.

  • A persistent toothache that intensifies
  • Rapid onset and extreme sensitivity to cold or hot
  • Sensitivity felt when biting or chewing 
  • Swelling on one side of the face
  • Seeing a pocket of pus, often taking on the appearance of a large pimple, on the gum line near the affected tooth
  • Swollen lymph nodes beneath the jaw

If you reach out for treatment in a timely manner, a tooth abscess may not get too severe. When you come in for emergency tooth repair, Dr. Green will drain the infection and may need to perform root canal therapy on the tooth.

Signs of a spreading infection

There are several signs that your infection is spreading beyond the abscess. If it ruptures, you may notice a sudden metallic or salty taste in your mouth. The pain may be relieved at this point, and it can be easy to think that the infection is no longer a concern. In reality, a rupture could just be one of the very first signs an infection that is spreading.

If the infection enters your bloodstream, this can lead to a serious condition known as sepsis.

Other signs an infection is spreading could include the following.

  • A general feeling of being unwell. You may have a persistent headache, pain in your jaw and you may also have an earache.
  • You may feel fatigued and dizzy.
  • You may develop a fever. Fever is your body’s response to an infection in the body. While a fever is a natural and normal response that can help you heal, if your temperature stays consistently over 101F, this could be a sign of sepsis developing.
  • Seeing swelling is a normal side effect of having an abscess. If it persists and the pain is unbearable, you need to seek out emergency treatment. Untreated swelling could start to impact your ability to breath and swallow.
  • Rapid heart and breathing rates are indicative of sepsis taking hold in your body. If this does happen, Dr. Green recommends that you seek out emergency medical treatment.
  • Stomach pain, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea are very common when you’re struggling with sepsis, and can quickly further the dehydration that is common with sepsis.

Preventing the spread of infection

Dr. Kacos, a dentist from Shreveport’s Dentist, adds that there are several things that you can do to avoid developing an abscess. Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is to maintain good oral health habits, including the following.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day
  • Use a good quality mouthwash
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months
  • Visit your dentist, to keep up with your examinations and cleanings

Any signs of inflammation, sensitivity or swelling should be addressed as soon as you notice it. This will allow your dentist to prescribe antibiotics if needed, and to treat the infection before it is allowed to spread beyond the infected tooth.

If you have an abscess or tooth pain that you’d like to get relief from, call Green Dental Care to schedule your appointment.

How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist

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How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist

how to choose a cosmetic dentist - Green Dental Care

These days, cosmetic dentistry has grown in popularity to the extent that a large number of people have either heard about or actually undergone a cosmetic dentistry procedure. With so many cosmetic dentists out there, the task of picking the best to transform your teeth and smile can be a daunting challenge. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Parker, CO, dental care experts at Green Dental Care, recommend the following.

Check Their Credentials

Your quest for the best cosmetic dentist should start by looking into the credentials. For example, is that dentist a member of a professional association for cosmetic dentists? For example, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Dr. Christopher Green, the best dentist in Parker CO, has made a huge mark as a cosmetic and general dentist that he was even named among the top 40 under 40 by Incisal Magazine (the leading lifestyle magazine in dentistry). When you make Green Dental Care in Parker CO, your home for all your cosmetic dentistry needs, you will have selected one of the best professionals in the area.

Ask for Referrals

Our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, one of the top dentists in Georgetown, KY, says that asking around for referrals is a great option for choosing a cosmetic dentist. There is a high likelihood that someone in your social and professional circles has had a firsthand experience of undergoing a cosmetic dental procedure, such as getting dental veneers, undergoing teeth whitening, or even Invisalign. That friend, colleague, or family member will, therefore, point you in the right direction. That way, you don’t spend time and money trying out different cosmetic dentists.

Find Out What Services Are Offered

If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist, you must select one who offers a broad range of cosmetic and restorative services. This is important because you’ll want to get all the services in one place.

You wouldn’t want to be sent to different dental offices all over Colorado, right? Luckily, it’s much easier to find a cosmetic dentist online. All you have to do is to check their website and reviews.

At Green Dental Care, all the dental care needs of you and your entire family can be addressed whether you require restorative dentistry services (implants, bridges, and crowns, for example), general dentistry (root canals, TMJ treatment, and fillings, for example) or cosmetic dentistry (dental bonding, veneers, teeth whitening and Invisalign, for example).

Schedule a Meeting with Your Parker Dentist

It is always good to talk to the cosmetic dentist first. You can meet either in person or talk on the phone. This will achieve several things.

First, you will have a chance to ask and get answers to all your questions. 

It is important that you select a cosmetic dentist that you are comfortable with, and this discussion will give you a chance to evaluate whether their office is a good fit or not.

At Green Dental Care, Dr. Christopher Green is always happy to talk with potential or current patients. Take advantage of this open door. You will soon be convinced that we are the best providers of cosmetic dentistry services in Parker, CO.

Ask About Payment Options

As you may already know, cosmetic dentistry procedures are usually elective, so most dental care insurers don’t cover these procedures. It is, therefore, prudent for you to find out what type of payment they take. Whether the cosmetic dentist that you wish to select accepts credit cards and other forms of payment so that you can select the option that suits your needs.

At Green Dental Care, we even have an in-house Dental Savings Plan for people who have no insurance. Talk to us today and learn how this savings plan can help you and your family.

Don’t take chances with your smile. Cosmetic dentistry can produce remarkable transformations if done right. Dr. Christopher Green and the entire team have the skills and experience to offer all the services that you need. So, call today and schedule a consultation.

Helping Your Child Overcome Their Fear of Dentists

Helping Your Child Overcome Their Fear of Dentists

Helping Your Child Overcome Fear of Dentists - Green Dental Care

For a child, going to the dentist can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. The experience of sitting in the dental chair while a strange new person uses hard metal instruments to poke around their mouth can be too much for a child. While the fear is understandable, it’s important to help your children keep their teeth and gums healthy from a very young age. At Green Dental Care, we pride ourselves on creating the best experience for all of our patients. We want to ensure that future visits to your Parker CO dentist are enjoyable and stress-free. Dr. Ionescu has put together the following steps that you can take to helping your child overcome their fear of dentists. 

Early Introductions to Your Dentist in Parker

The sooner a child pays a visit to the dentist, the better comfortable they will ultimately be. Our friends Dr. Kristina Neda at ThoroughDent Smiles, a pediatric dental office in Georgetown, KY,  recommends that the first visit to the dentist be at the age of 1, or soon after the first teeth start to erupt. Keep it upbeat and fun, and encourage your child with plenty of positive reinforcement.

Keep it Age Appropriate and Easy to Understand

When you’re preparing your child for a visit to the dentist, try not to go into too much detail. This can lead to creating plenty of unnecessary anxiety as your child tried to understand what is going to happen. Keep up with a positive attitude and tone of voice when discussing any upcoming visits or procedures.

If your child needs treatment, keep the explanation simple and age-appropriate, reassuring your child that the doctor and staff are there to help.

Be Mindful of the Words that You Use

There are some words that should be avoided when discussing dental or doctor visits with children. Just the words alone can often lead to anxiety.

  • Shot
  • Injection
  • Hurt
  • Pain
  • Drill

Instead, allow your child’s pediatric dentist and hygienists to use their own language when describing what they will be doing. A common description of treatment is to use the words “sugar bugs.” Simply tell your little one that the dentist is going to check their smile and look for any invisible sugar bugs so that he can clean them off.

  • Focus on positive words.
  • Clean teeth
  • Strong teeth
  • Healthy teeth
  • Happy smiles
  • Healthy smiles

This can help to make the visits to your Parker dentist feel fun and interesting, rather than alarming and frightening.

Playing Pretend

Children learn through playing, and playing pretend with your child can help to reassure them about what to expect from an upcoming visit to the dentist. Pretend to be the dentist and take turns with your child playing the dentist. All you will need is a toothbrush and your imagination. Count your child’s teeth and have them count and examine yours. The type of play you engage in doesn’t need to be specific or anything other than keeping it fun. The goal is to get your little one familiar with the routine of a dental office visit.

Pick up a few picture books that have lots of illustrations and an easy-to-understand dialogue to help children get an idea about what can be expected.

Prepare for a Bit of Fussing

It is very normal and very age-appropriate for young children to be fussy, cry, whine, and argue about being seen by their Parker CO dentist. Try to remain calm and collected, remembering that your children can often pick up your own anxiety. Remember, also, that your dentist in Parker CO has worked with many children. Each member of the team will know how to handle the fussing best that your children may demonstrate.

It’s your job to be the cool-headed and calm parent, while the dental professionals handle the business of keeping their teeth healthy.

Focus on the Importance of a Healthy Mouth

Teaching your children that dental visits are necessary and not optional will help them to understand that the dentist will help them to take care of their teeth. You may want to explain that the dentist can help to keep teeth free from cavities and help to ensure a beautiful smile for many great years to come.

Start your children with the best oral health care and make an appointment for an examination with the best dentist in Parker. You’ll find our entire team kind, compassionate, and really understanding when it comes to working with our littlest patients. We offer a wide range of dental services that will meet each of your oral healthcare goals.

Recovery Tips for a Tooth Extraction

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Recovery Tips for a Tooth Extraction

recovery tips for a tooth extraction - green dental care

There are a number of reasons that you may find yourself facing a tooth extraction. Perhaps you’re having your wisdom teeth extracted by your Parker CO dentist? Maybe you need a tooth extraction for orthodontic treatment? Is your tooth damaged beyond repair? No matter what the reasons may be the recovery time is typically the same. Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker, CO put together 8 of his favorite recovery tips for a tooth extraction.

1. Plan Well in Advance

During your consultation with the best dentist in Parker, you’ll learn what to expect during the procedure and after the procedure. This can help you to plan for what you’ll need to have on hand at home. It is likely that you will need someone to drive you home after your procedure. So, ask a family member or friend.

It would be a good idea to schedule a day or two off from work after surgery, so that you have ample time to rest and recover.

2. Be Mindful of Your Diet

You may not feel hungry at all after your procedure. But if you do, try to stick to soups and broths for at least a full day after surgery. Definitely avoid spicy foods, crunchy or hard foods. Stay hydrated with plenty of water, but do be sure to avoid using straws.

3. Listen to Your Body and Rest

It’s tempting to return to your normal routine immediately, but it can prove to be better overall for your health to take it slowly. Keep your head elevated by several pillows and relax. Keep out of the gym for at least a full day. Just simply listen to your body and get plenty of good rest.

4. Try Salt Water Rinses

It may not sound appetizing at all, but it’s important to rinse your mouth out with a lukewarm rinse of salt and water. Use it several times a day, particularly after you eat. It will help to reduce a significant amount of the swelling and discomfort you are feeling.

5. Control the Bleeding

Some minor bleeding is expected after a tooth extraction. However, any excessive bleeding should be reported to your dentist right away, particularly if it is accompanied by severe pain. Your dentist will have you bite down on sterile gauze in order to stem the bleeding after the extraction. You can, however, switch to using soaked tea bags once you get home. Tea leaves are well known for helping to reduce discomfort and also encourage clotting.

6. Control the Swelling

Our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, says that swelling is a normal and expected side-effect of having a tooth extracted. Dr. Kacos recommends lots of ice packs, applied to your cheek, for 20-minute intervals, which can help to reduce the swelling and bruising. It can also help with the discomfort that you’re feeling. If your tooth was badly infected, you may find more comfort from warm compresses.

7. Pay Attention to Instructions You Are Given

You will be given detailed instructions before you leave your Parker Co’s dental office. Be sure that you pay attention to each of the instructions so that you can be assured of the best in results while you are healing. Be sure to always reach out to Dr. Chris Green if you have additional questions or concerns.

8. Think Ahead

If you find yourself feeling discouraged about the extractions, consider the way your smile will be transformed once your dental work has been completed. Those who are looking forward to Parker CO dental implants will soon have a brand new winning smile they can be proud of. The minor discomfort and frustration that you feel now will soon be a blip in the rearview mirror.

Are you ready to schedule that extraction with the dental professionals at Green Dental Care? Contact us to make your appointment, and let us restore your smile.

Oral Sedation for Kids: Questions to Ask About

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Oral Sedation for Kids: Questions to Ask About

oral sedation for kids - green dental care

Going to the dentist can be an overwhelming prospect for children. Being told that they need to work on their teeth can be enough to cause a significant amount of anxiety. Kids are sure to have plenty of questions to ask you about the treatment that they are facing. At Green Dental Care, we are always happy to help our patients in any way we can. 

Oral Sedation for Kids: Questions to Ask Prior

These questions will help you to best know what to expect during your consultation with your child’s dentist in Parker, CO. These questions are similar to the questions that you should ask about your own treatment, including the dental implants Parker dentists can offer.

  • What information about my child’s medical history do you need to know? If your child has a history of complications, it’s important for your dentist to have this information at hand.
  • Will the prescriptions and over-the-counter medications they are taking impact them during the procedure? Some medications can thin the blood and cause complications during procedures. Your child’s dentist will need to be aware of what your child might be taking, even prescribed antibiotics.
  • Does my child need to abstain from food and drink before the procedure? Some procedures will require your child to avoid eating or drinking anything for several hours prior to undergoing a procedure that uses oral sedation or anesthesia.

Oral Sedation for Kids: What Should I Expect?

Asking these questions will help you and your child to know what should be expected during the procedure itself. Your Parker CO dentist and team members will provide you with all of the information that you need to know.

  • How long will my child be under oral sedation or anesthesia? Your Parker CO dentist will take a conservative approach, ensuring that your child receives only the amount of medication needed to complete the procedure pain-free.
  • What are the risks to this procedure and the sedation method being used? You’ll find that even the best dentist in Parker cannot guarantee that there’ll be zero potential for risks during the procedure. Your dentist will place the health and safety of your child above all else.
  • What are the steps you’ll take in the event of an emergency? Your dentist and assisting staff will know the right steps to take in the event of an emergency situation.
  • What type of sedation will be used on my child? Oral conscious sedation is commonly requested at Green Dental Care.  

Oral Sedation for Kids: Post-Care Questions

Knowing what to expect when your child is home and resting can help you to best understand the type of care your child needs during the recovery phase. We asked our friend, Dr. Jordan Smith, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, about which post-care questions parents should ask. Dr. Smith recommends the following:

  • What are some potential sedation dentistry complications to be aware of? Knowing what to look for can help you to ensure your child is safe at all times.
  • What should I do if my child has a fever? Fever could be an indication of infection. Calling your dentist should be your first step so that infection can be ruled out.
  • When should I reach out for urgent treatment? Fever or other signs of infection, bleeding or pain that cannot be readily managed are all signs that you need to call the office for further guidance.
  • Should I call the dental office or go to the emergency room? If the concern is dental related, you should call an emergency dentist in Parker, CO to get further guidance from your dentist. If it is after hours or the fever is very high, you should seek out emergency treatment in the emergency room.

You and your child no longer have to be scared of going to the dentist thanks to oral-conscious sedation. Being reassuring and honest will help heir comfort levels. This can also help make every dental procedure less of an overwhelming process.

To learn more about the types of oral sedation and anesthesia that works well for children, call Green Dental Care and schedule an appointment. Keep in mind that we offer solutions that work for adults, too. 

Temporary Crown Falls Out

temporary crown falls out - Green Dental Care

Temporary Crown Falls Out

temporary crown falls out - Green Dental Care

Your local dentist in Parker, CO, will place a temporary crown over your teeth if you’ve undergone restorative treatment. The temporary crown is designed to protect your tooth after treatment like root canals. Your temporary crown can also preserve aesthetics until you are fitted with your permanent restoration.

Parker CO dentists emphasize that temporary crowns are not as durable as the permanent dental crowns that will replace it. If your temporary crown becomes damaged, cracked, or falls out entirely before your permanent dental crown is placed, you’ll need to fix this problem ASAP. It can be worrisome when this happens, but there’s no need to panic just yet. Keep reading to find out what steps you should take if your temporary crown does happen to fall out.

Understanding the Temporary Crown

The temporary crown is a tooth restoration solution that is custom-made to cover and protect a tooth that has been reshaped for placement of the permanent crown. It helps to protect the vulnerable tooth from damage. It could also protect you from feeling any sensitivity that may otherwise send you cringing when you eat or drink something cold.

The temporary crown can be made from a number of materials, including a type of acrylic-based material that is molded to the shape of your tooth and bite. The interim crown is set in place using a temporary adhesive that’ll make it easy to remove the temporary at your return visit to your dentist in Parker CO. If all goes smoothly, the temporary crown should stay in place until your next visit. 

If Your Temporary Crown Falls Out 

There is a possibility that your crown can falls out or breaks before your next scheduled appointment. This is often seen with molars and premolars as they incur much more force when you are chewing. Even if you do keep your meals to soft-to-chew food, it’s still possible for the crown to break free.

If you have some time to wait before your next appointment, take these steps to avoid pain and also keep your mouth and teeth safe:

  • Remove the crown or any broken pieces from your mouth
  • Rinse out your mouth with warm water so that you can remove any sharp pieces remaining in your mouth
  • Examine the now-exposed tooth and see if there are any jagged edges that you may inadvertently cut your tongue or inside of your cheek
  • Call the best dentist in Parker and explain the situation to us in full detail. We may offer some instructions to get you through to the next available appointment.
  • Return to the office when possible, to have another replacement crown placed, or have the temporary crown bonded back if it is not damaged. 

We asked our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, about his suggestions when your temporary crown falls out. Dr. Kacos says, “Be very careful with the new temporary crown until your permanent crown is ready to be placed. Avoid directly chewing on the interim restoration, and do not floss between the crown and your other teeth. This could accidentally tug on the temporary crown and lead to it coming out all over again.”

It’s not a huge deal if the temporary does break loose before your permanent crown is ready. It can just expose you to the potential for some sensitivity and discomfort until the restored tooth has been covered once again. Follow these helpful tips and get in touch with our dental office in Parker, CO. We are here to keep you smiling. Whether you’re looking for dental implants in Parker, CO, or looking for other smile restoration solutions, we have options to help you meet your dental goals.