Sedation Options to Manage Dental Anxiety

Sedation Options to Manage Dental Anxiety

Sedation Options to Manage Dental Anxiety

Sedation Options to Manage Dental Anxiety

Managing Dental Anxiety: Techniques for a Stress-Free Experience at Green Dental Care

For many, the thought of visiting the dentist induces anxiety and stress. However, prioritizing oral health should not come at the expense of emotional well-being. At Green Dental Care, recognized as the best dentist in Parker, CO, we understand the challenges associated with dental anxiety and strive to create a welcoming and stress-free environment for our patients. 

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common phenomenon that can range from mild nervousness to severe fear. It may be triggered by various factors, including fear of pain, past traumatic experiences, or general anxiety related to medical settings. Recognizing the unique concerns of each patient, Green Dental Care takes a patient-centric approach to create an environment where individuals feel heard, understood, and at ease.

Open Communication and Trust-Building

At Green Dental Care, open communication is at the heart of our approach to patient care. We encourage our patients to express their concerns, fears, and past experiences. Building trust is a crucial aspect of alleviating anxiety, and our team takes the time to listen, address questions, and provide clear explanations of procedures. By fostering a transparent and trusting relationship, we aim to create a more comfortable dental experience.

Create a Relaxing Environment

The ambiance of the dental office plays a significant role in managing anxiety. Green Dental Care is designed with patient comfort in mind, featuring calming colors, soothing decor, and a welcoming atmosphere. Our goal is to create a space that feels less clinical and more inviting, helping to ease tension and promote relaxation.

Gradual Desensitization

For individuals with severe dental anxiety, Green Dental Care employs a gradual desensitization approach. This involves starting with simple and less anxiety-inducing procedures, allowing patients to acclimate to the dental environment gradually. As trust builds and anxiety lessens, more complex treatments can be introduced over time.

Patient Education

Knowledge is a powerful tool in reducing anxiety. Green Dental Care takes the time to educate patients about procedures, potential discomfort, and the steps taken to ensure a pain-free experience. Understanding the process can demystify dental treatments, empowering patients and minimizing anxiety associated with the unknown.

Mind-Body Relaxation Techniques

Green Dental Care encourages the use of mind-body relaxation techniques to help manage anxiety during dental visits. Techniques such as deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation can be effective in calming the mind and body. Our team is happy to guide patients through these techniques to enhance their relaxation.

Sedation Dentistry: A Safe and Effective Option

For those with severe dental anxiety or undergoing complex procedures, sedation dentistry is a valuable option offered by Green Dental Care. This technique involves the use of sedatives to induce a state of relaxation and reduce anxiety during dental treatments. Sedation dentistry can range from minimal sedation (awake but relaxed) to deep sedation (almost asleep), depending on the individual’s needs and the nature of the procedure.

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): This is a mild sedative administered through a mask placed over the nose. It induces a sense of euphoria and relaxation, and its effects wear off quickly after the procedure.
  • Oral Sedation: This involves taking an oral sedative before the appointment, usually in the form of a pill. Patients remain conscious but experience a heightened state of relaxation.
  • Intravenous (IV) Sedation: Administered through a vein, IV sedation provides a deeper level of relaxation. It is closely monitored by our experienced team to ensure patient safety.
  • General Anesthesia: In some cases, especially for complex procedures, general anesthesia may be recommended. This results in complete unconsciousness throughout the procedure.

Contact Us!

Dental anxiety should not be a barrier to achieving optimal oral health. At Green Dental Care, we recognize the unique needs of each patient and strive to provide a compassionate and stress-free dental experience. Through open communication, a relaxing environment, gradual desensitization, patient education, mind-body relaxation techniques, and the option of sedation dentistry, we aim to make dental visits a positive and comfortable experience for all. Trust Green Dental Care, the best dentist in Parker, CO, to prioritize your well-being and ensure your journey to a healthy smile is as gentle as possible. 

Dental Sedation for Adults

Dental Sedation for Adults

Dental Sedation for Adults

Dental Sedation for Adults

A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety at the Dentist

For many adults, the thought of going to the dentist can be anxiety-inducing. Perhaps you had a negative experience in the past or the drilling sounds and needle pricks make you uneasy. You are not alone, and fortunately, there is a solution to help you feel relaxed and comfortable at the dentist – dental sedation for adults. At Green Dental Care in Parker, Colorado, we offer several types of sedation to help our patients overcome their dental fears and receive the treatment they need for optimal oral health.

Understanding Dental Sedation

Dental sedation involves the use of medication to help you feel calm and relaxed during dental procedures. The three types of sedation we offer include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation (pills), and intravenous (IV) sedation. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask, while oral sedation and IV sedation are taken orally or injected into the bloodstream, respectively.

Who Can Benefit from Dental Sedation?

Sedation dentistry is not just for those with severe dental anxiety, but it also benefits patients with dental phobia, a sensitive gag reflex, physical limitations or disabilities that make it difficult to sit still for long periods, or the need for extensive dental work. Dental sedation can also help reduce the number of appointments needed to complete treatment, which is valuable for patients with busy schedules.

The Benefits of Dental Sedation

The primary benefit of dental sedation is that it helps patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their dental procedure. Other benefits include reducing muscle tension, minimizing pain, and making it easier for the dentist to perform the necessary procedures. Sedation dentistry can also help reduce the patient’s post-operative discomfort and enable them to return to their daily activities promptly.

The Safety of Dental Sedation

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective solution for patients with dental anxiety. Our skilled dental team will thoroughly evaluate your medical history and assess your suitability for sedation. During the procedure, we continuously monitor the patient’s vital signs and adjust the sedation level as needed. Even patients with underlying medical conditions have found dental sedation to be safe and effective.

Post-Sedation Care

After the procedure is complete, patients may experience drowsiness and require some recovery time. Patients are advised not to operate machinery or drive for several hours after sedation. The effects of the sedation can last beyond the appointment, and patients should avoid drinking alcohol or taking sedatives until the effects completely wear off.

There is no need to feel uneasy or nervous about your next dental appointment. Dental sedation is a safe and effective solution for patients with dental anxiety, phobia, or any physical limitations. Green Dental Care in Parker, Colorado offers multiple types of sedation to meet our patients’ needs. Say goodbye to dental anxiety, and say hello to a confident and healthy smile. Contact our office today to schedule your next appointment and learn more about dental sedation for adults. 

“Reducing Dental Anxiety” Before A Big Procedure

Reducing Dental Anxiety Before A Big Procedure

“Reducing Dental Anxiety” Before A Big Procedure

teeth whitening parker co

Reducing Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common phenomenon that affects up to 75% of adults worldwide. It is an irrational fear that can make going to the dentist a stressful experience, especially when you know a big procedure is coming up. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce this anxiety and make your dental visit a more pleasant one. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and techniques that dentists in Parker, Colorado, use to help reduce dental anxiety before a big procedure.

Establish Trust

One of the most effective ways to reduce dental anxiety is to establish trust with your dental healthcare provider. Your dentist is there to help you, and by building a solid working relationship with them, you can overcome your fears of the dental chair. Take time to speak with your dentist and share any concerns or worries you may have. Most dentists have a wealth of experience in dealing with anxious patients, and they can offer advice on how to manage your anxiety before your procedure.

Learn Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization are well-known methods of decreasing anxiety before a dental procedure. If you are unfamiliar with these techniques, ask your dentist in Parker, Colorado, to guide you through a brief exercise. Your dentist can also recommend relaxation techniques that are most effective for you.

Consider Sedation Dentistry

For patients with severe dental anxiety, sedation dentistry may be the best option. Sedation dentistry involves the use of sedatives to help patients relax during their dental procedures. At Green Dental Care, we offer different types of sedation dentistry, including oral sedation, nitrous oxide, and IV sedation. Your dentist can recommend the type of sedation that is most appropriate for your needs.

Distract Yourself

Music, audiobooks, and movies are excellent ways to distract yourself from dental anxiety during a big procedure. Most dentists in Parker, Colorado, have a TV or music system in their treatment rooms so that you can enjoy your favorite entertainment and forget about the dental procedures being performed. If there is a particular book, movie or music playlist that helps you relax, bring it along on the day of your procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

Before your procedure, schedule a consultation with your dentist. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions about the procedure and understand what to expect. You can also discuss your concerns and develop a plan together to manage your anxiety. By taking the time to understand the process fully, you can relieve some of the fears that may be weighing on your mind.

Dental anxiety is a common phenomenon that can make going to the dentist very difficult, especially when it comes to big procedures. But it does not have to be. By working with your dentist in Parker, Colorado, and adopting techniques such as relaxation and distraction, you’ll be better equip in reducing dental anxiety before you get into the chair for a big procedure. If you are ready to tackle dental anxiety head-on, then contact Green Dental Care today to make an appointment with our team of experienced dental healthcare providers.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Everything You Need To Know About Sedation Dentistry

Many people experience some level of anxiety when it comes to visiting the best dentist Parker Co. For some, this anxiety can be so severe that it prevents them from getting the dental care they need. Dental sedation is a safe and effective way to help patients relax during their procedure. There are different types of sedation available, from laughing gas to deep sedation. Parker Co dentist will work with you to determine the best type of sedation for your needs. In most cases, dental sedation is very safe. However, as with any medical procedure, there are some risks involved. Be sure to speak with your dentist about any concerns you may have before your procedure.

Dental Sedation With Dr. Green 

Dental sedation is a great way to help anxious patients relax during their appointment. However, not every patient will be a good candidate for every sedation method. Nitrous oxide is the safest option for the most amount of people and most patients handle it with no problem. However, oral sedation and sleep dentistry come with potential risks that need to be considered. These risks include allergic reactions, respiratory depression, and cardiovascular problems. As a result, it’s important to work with a qualified dentist who can help you choose the best sedation option for your individual needs.

Which Sedation Option Is Safe For You 

There are several different types of dental sedation that can be used depending on the patient’s individual needs. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a gas that is inhaled through a mask and helps to relax the patient. It is considered the least invasive form of sedation and is safe for most patients. Oral sedation consists of taking anti-anxiety medication before the appointment. Our friends from Shreveport Dental Solutions, the best dentist Shreveport La, believe that the medication will make the patient drowsy and relaxed. IV or sleep sedation is a more invasive form of sedation where the patient is semi-conscious during the procedure. It is important to speak with your dentist about which type of sedation is right for you.

Contact Green Dental Care Today

At Green Dental Care, we provide high-quality dental care and a variety of sedation options to help you relax during your procedure. We understand that many people experience anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist, and our goal is to make your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. We offer several different types of sedation, including oral sedation, nitrous oxide, and IV sedation. We will work with you to choose the best option for you based on your individual needs. Whether you are coming in for a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, we will take care of you. Contact our office today to schedule your next appointment.

Dental Sedation FAQ

sedation dentistry faq

Dental Sedation FAQ

sedation dental

Our Parker CO dentist will give you a sedative before your operation. You’ll start to feel completely relaxed and tranquil, and you might even fall asleep. You will be aware and able to participate in most types of sedation, but you will not be scared or nervous. You may simply sleep through the surgery with some type of medication. Today on the blog, our Parker CO dental office discusses the most frequently asked dental sedation questions. Check out our Dental Sedation FAQ below.

What is the process of dental sedation?

Sedation dentistry employs nitrous oxide, anti-anxiety medications, and IV therapy.

Is sedation dentistry a safe procedure?

Dental sedation is extremely safe when performed by a properly qualified dentist in the correct setting. Our sedation dentist Parker CO uses only the safest sleep dentistry techniques and keeps a close eye on your health.

Is dental sedation covered by insurance?

Sedation is covered by some dental insurance policies, notably for patients who have dental anxiety or for youngsters. However, not all insurance companies pay it because it is considered a luxury or elective treatment. Depending on your situation, your health insurance may possibly cover sedation.

How much does sedation dentistry cost in Parker, CO?

The cost depends on a number of things, including the type of sedation you require, the treatment you are having, your insurance, and your own personal requirements. During your consultation, our dentist will explain your alternatives as well as their prospective costs.

What types of procedures may a sleep dentist perform?

Almost every dental procedure might cause worry if you have dental anxiety. Restorations, root canal therapy, extractions, and dental veneers are just a few of the treatment options available from our pain-free dentist.

Is sedation dentistry in Parker CO right for me?

Only a sleep dentist can tell you if you’re a good candidate. We connected with our friends at 4th St. Family Dentistry, Dentist in St. Petersburg, about the requirements. Below, we list common guidelines to follow:

  • Dental phobia or anxiety
  • Gagging reflex that is overly sensitive
  • Treatment that is either complex or invasive is required.
  • Due to a mental or physical handicap, the patient is unable to remain still throughout treatment.

What if I have additional medical issues?

Sleep dentistry is safe, but you must inform us of any recent or continuing health problems, as well as any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are using. You’ll be asked to fill out a health history form, which will include any changes in your health since your last visit.

Is it possible for me to drive myself to and from my sedated dentist appointment?

It depends on the sedative you’re using. You may feel drowsy for a while after receiving oral or IV sedation, and you will need someone to drive you home.

Is it possible for me to fall asleep during the procedure? Will I be able to recall anything?

That is debatable. You may recall your treatment if you were given oral or inhalation sedation. With IV sedation, you will have little or no recall of the surgery when you wake up.

Is there a risk of dental sedation having any negative effects?

You’ll probably feel drowsy. The medicine can stay in your system for up to 24 hours after you leave the appointment, impairing your coordination and cognition. Our sleep dentist Parker CO will explain all of the benefits and drawbacks so that you can make the best option for you.

Is sedation dentistry available at every dentist?

Nitrous oxide, the lightest kind of sedation, is available from many dentists. In some situations, moderate sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia necessitate further training and certification, and not all dentists are qualified to provide these services.

Contact Green Dental Care for Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

We are proud to offer top-rated sedation dentistry services to Parker CO residents. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of sedation dentistry.

Oral Sedation for Kids: Questions to Ask About

oral sedation for kids - green dental care

Oral Sedation for Kids: Questions to Ask About

oral sedation for kids - green dental care

Going to the dentist can be an overwhelming prospect for children. Being told that they need to work on their teeth can be enough to cause a significant amount of anxiety. Kids are sure to have plenty of questions to ask you about the treatment that they are facing. At Green Dental Care, we are always happy to help our patients in any way we can. 

Oral Sedation for Kids: Questions to Ask Prior

These questions will help you to best know what to expect during your consultation with your child’s dentist in Parker, CO. These questions are similar to the questions that you should ask about your own treatment, including the dental implants Parker dentists can offer.

  • What information about my child’s medical history do you need to know? If your child has a history of complications, it’s important for your dentist to have this information at hand.
  • Will the prescriptions and over-the-counter medications they are taking impact them during the procedure? Some medications can thin the blood and cause complications during procedures. Your child’s dentist will need to be aware of what your child might be taking, even prescribed antibiotics.
  • Does my child need to abstain from food and drink before the procedure? Some procedures will require your child to avoid eating or drinking anything for several hours prior to undergoing a procedure that uses oral sedation or anesthesia.

Oral Sedation for Kids: What Should I Expect?

Asking these questions will help you and your child to know what should be expected during the procedure itself. Your Parker CO dentist and team members will provide you with all of the information that you need to know.

  • How long will my child be under oral sedation or anesthesia? Your Parker CO dentist will take a conservative approach, ensuring that your child receives only the amount of medication needed to complete the procedure pain-free.
  • What are the risks to this procedure and the sedation method being used? You’ll find that even the best dentist in Parker cannot guarantee that there’ll be zero potential for risks during the procedure. Your dentist will place the health and safety of your child above all else.
  • What are the steps you’ll take in the event of an emergency? Your dentist and assisting staff will know the right steps to take in the event of an emergency situation.
  • What type of sedation will be used on my child? Oral conscious sedation is commonly requested at Green Dental Care.  

Oral Sedation for Kids: Post-Care Questions

Knowing what to expect when your child is home and resting can help you to best understand the type of care your child needs during the recovery phase. We asked our friend, Dr. Jordan Smith, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, about which post-care questions parents should ask. Dr. Smith recommends the following:

  • What are some potential sedation dentistry complications to be aware of? Knowing what to look for can help you to ensure your child is safe at all times.
  • What should I do if my child has a fever? Fever could be an indication of infection. Calling your dentist should be your first step so that infection can be ruled out.
  • When should I reach out for urgent treatment? Fever or other signs of infection, bleeding or pain that cannot be readily managed are all signs that you need to call the office for further guidance.
  • Should I call the dental office or go to the emergency room? If the concern is dental related, you should call an emergency dentist in Parker, CO to get further guidance from your dentist. If it is after hours or the fever is very high, you should seek out emergency treatment in the emergency room.

You and your child no longer have to be scared of going to the dentist thanks to oral-conscious sedation. Being reassuring and honest will help heir comfort levels. This can also help make every dental procedure less of an overwhelming process.

To learn more about the types of oral sedation and anesthesia that works well for children, call Green Dental Care and schedule an appointment. Keep in mind that we offer solutions that work for adults, too. 

Does a Root Canal Hurt? 

does a root canal hurt - Green Dental Care

Does a Root Canal Hurt? 

Does a root canal hurt? This is one of the most common questions Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker CO, is asked by his patients. To answer this question, we first need to understand what a root canal is, when is it needed, and how is it performed. 

What is a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is a dental treatment that is done in order to treat infection in the pulp (inner center) of the tooth. Root canal treatment is performed to save a tooth that otherwise might be removed completely. The correct dental term to describe this procedure is “endodontic therapy.” It removes the contents in the tooth and its roots, which are infection-prone. It enables a tooth to perform its function in the mouth despite having lost the ability to feel pain, pressure, or temperature. 

When and Why is it Needed?

A root canal is performed in order to treat infection in the pulp of a tooth, which otherwise might have to be removed. This infection is usually caused after deep tooth decay, leaky fillings, or damage to the tooth due to other forms of trauma, like a fall. It involves a deep cleaning inside the inner chamber of the root of the infected tooth, which can be the cause of the irritation of the surrounding nerves and gum. We asked our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist who performs root canals in Georgetown, KY, about the risks associated with opting out of root canals. Dr. Neda explains that if you don’t get a root canal done, the infection can spread to your jaw and other surrounding tissue. 

How is it Performed?

The treatment begins with the application of general anesthesia in the affected area. An access hole is then drilled into the tooth which enables the dentist to access the pulp chamber and the root canals. After clearing the pulp contents, a thorough cleansing is carried out throughout the tooth. When the cleansing is finished, the tooth is properly sealed with appropriate filling materials. At last, a crown is placed on the tooth. 

Is it Painful?

Due to advances in modern technology and the use of anesthetics, the process of root canal treatment is generally safe, quick, and pain-free. In fact, the pain that you might feel is actually caused by the infection in the tooth, and this treatment is performed in order to get rid of that pain. Your Parker, CO dentists are experts in pain management and most cases can be treated quickly and comfortably. After the anesthesia wears off, there might be mild discomfort which resolves in a few days and can be managed by over the counter medications. 

does a root canal hurt - Green Dental Care

Sedation Dentistry

sedation dentistry faq

Sedation Dentistry

sedation dentistry faq

Each year, millions of people in the U.S. keep away from making a needed visit to the dentist because of dental anxiety. If you get the jitters each time you think of a dentist, you are not alone. The Green Dental Care team in Parker, CO, understands your concerns, which is why they provide conscious sedation to ease any fear or pain that you may have. This article gives you an overview of what you need to know about conscious sedation dentistry in Parker, CO.

What Is Conscious Sedation?

Dr. Chris Green explains that conscious sedation refers to the ways through which a dental patient who panics or becomes anxious during a needed procedure can be helped to relax and go through that procedure comfortably.

The technique is called conscious sedation because you remain responsive throughout the procedure. The medication simply helps you to relax. This is different from general anesthesia that makes you unconscious until the medication wears off, or its effects are reversed by your Parker, CO dentist at the end of the procedure.

What Dental Procedures Can Conscious Sedation Be Used For?

Green Dental Care can offer conscious sedation dentistry for patients who feel anxious or have a low pain threshold yet they need to undergo procedures like dental cleanings, cavity treatment, root canals and many other procedures. Discuss your dental fears with Dr. Chris Green, and he will determine your suitability for conscious sedation dentistry.

How Are the Sedatives Administered?

The drugs used during conscious sedation dentistry can be administered in a variety of ways depending on the specific circumstances of a patient. For example, you may simply inhale the sedative through a mask placed on your face. Alternatively, the dentist in Parker, CO, may give you a pill that you take before your appointment. Some sedatives can be administered by giving you a shot in your arm or butt. If the situation warrants, Dr. Chris Green can also administer the sedative intravenously (using an IV).

How Long Do the Drugs Take to Kick In?

The mode of administration used has a bearing on how long you will have to wait before you start feeling the effects of the conscious sedation drugs that you have been given.

For example, sedatives administered orally could take anywhere between 30-60 minutes after ingestion while those given through an IV line kick in almost immediately. Dr. Chris Green will explain to you how long the sedative you receive will take to kick in before your procedure. Be assured that the professionals at Green Dental Care will not start the dental procedure until they are certain that the sedation is working as expected.

How Quickly Does Conscious Sedation Wear Off?

One key advantage of conscious sedation over general anesthesia is that conscious sedation wears off quickly. So, most people are able to go back home on their own. However, dentists in Parker, CO usually take the precaution of asking patients who undergo sedation dentistry to have a designated driver. The sedation usually wears off in an hour or so, but some side effects, such as feeling sluggish, could last the rest of the day.

What Are the Stages of Conscious Sedation?

Your Parker, CO dentist determine the degree to which you will be sedated after talking to you about your dental anxiety and other related factors. Three distinct stages of sedation exist.

The first is mild conscious sedation. This minimal sedation is also called anxiolysis. When you are minimally sedated, you become relaxed but remain fully aware of your surroundings and are responsive.

The second degree of sedation is moderate sedation. In this stage, you will be sleepy and may lose consciousness, but are still responsive to some extent.

Deep conscious sedation is a stage of sedation in which you fall asleep once the medication kicks in, and you will be unresponsive most of the time. This stage of conscious sedation is suitable for people with intense dental phobias.

Can I Develop Complications?

Like any other medicine, conscious sedation also carries some risks, even if it is considered safe. To minimize these risks, Dr. Chris Green will conduct a detailed evaluation of your overall health before deciding to administer conscious sedation.

It is therefore helpful for you to give the Parker, CO dentist your medical history as well as information about any medication and supplements that you are taking. This information will help Dr. Chris Green to design an appropriate plan for the sedation dentistry procedure. He may postpone the treatment if he discovers any circumstance, such as pregnancy, which elevates the risks of undergoing sedation.

If you are afraid, apprehensive or anxious, let Dr. Chris Green know. Your Green Dental Care team will use conscious sedation to help you keep your attention focused on your dental health rather than on the discomfort that you experience each time you undergo a dental procedure.


Sedation Pre Op & Post Op Instructions

Sedation Pre and Post Op Instructions - Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

Sedation Pre Op & Post Op Instructions

Sedation Pre and Post Op Instructions - Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

Sedation Pre Op and Post Op Instructions

Once you decide to undergo oral conscious sedation at Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, we will give you oral medication before your appointment, and this medication will put you in a dream-like state in which you will be very relaxed throughout your dental procedure. You will have no recollection of the procedure, and the oral sedation medication is very safe. Read on and learn what Dr. Chris Green will explain to you as the sedation pre-op and post-op instructions.

Sedation Pre-Op Instructions

Smoking. The bodies of people who smoke cigarettes are more resistant to the sedative, so you should stop smoking until after your dental procedure.

Alcohol and Other Drugs. It is also advisable for you to refrain from taking any alcohol or other street drugs, such as marijuana, within 24 hours before your dental procedure. Alcohol and drugs slow down the effectiveness of the sedative you will be given, so it is best to avoid these substances.

Caffeine, Food, and Drinks. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything, especially caffeinated drinks, 8 hours before your dental procedure under a sedative. Anything in the stomach delays how soon the sedative can kick in. Dentists in Parker, CO also explain that there is an increased risk that you will throw up during the dental procedure if you eat or drink anything within 8 hours of the procedure.

Medications. Dr. Chris Green urges patients to reveal what medication they are currently taking so that he can review that medication and assess how it will interact with the oral sedative. The sedation dentistry procedure may be put on hold if you are taking any medication other than that for diabetes or hypertension. If you take sleeping aids or any medication that induces sleep or makes you drowsy, then you will need to stop taking such medication the night before the sedation dentistry procedure. Any medication that you have been cleared to take on the morning of the dental procedure should be taken with a little water so that your stomach is empty at the time of the procedure.

Pregnancy. If you are pregnant, then Dr. Chris Green will not sedate you because it may not be safe for you and your unborn baby.

Dressing. Green Dental Care recommends that you wear comfortable clothing on the day you are coming in for your sedation dentistry procedure. Avoid wearing jewelry or any other accessory that could get in the way during the procedure.

Contact Lenses. People who wear contact lenses should use their glasses instead of on the day of the procedure. You will be sleepy, so it isn’t advisable for that to happen while your contact lenses are in place.

Driving. Ask a family member or a friend to drive you to your dental appointment, and then drive you back home. The sedative may take a few hours to wear off, so it isn’t safe for you to drive or be alone during this time.

Sedation Post-Op Instructions

Driving. As already mentioned, it isn’t safe for you to drive in the first 24 hours after your sedation dentistry procedure, so avoid sitting behind the wheel during this time.

Operating Equipment and Machinery. Parker, CO dentists also recommend that you don’t operate any machinery or hazardous devices until a minimum of 24 hours has elapsed after the sedation dentistry procedure.

No Heavy Lifting. In the same vein, it isn’t advisable to engage in any heavy lifting in the first 24 hours after you have undergone a dental procedure in which sedatives were used. 

No Important Decisions. Put off making any important decisions in the first 24 hours from the time of your dental procedure. You may not be in the best state of mind to think clearly and make the right decisions within this time window.

No Stairs. Do not climb any stairs in the first 24 hours after the sedation dentistry procedure at Green Dental Care. You risk falling and hurting yourself if you attempt such an exercise. Stay in a room downstairs if you live in a storied house.

No Staying Alone During the First 24 Hours. As already mentioned, it is unsafe for you to be alone during the first 24 hours because you may still be groggy after your dental procedure. Ask the companion who drove you to Green Dental Care in Parker, CO, to stay and monitor you during this time. The staff at the dental practice will also give your companion a printed copy of these instructions so that he or she knows what is or isn’t permitted before and after your procedure.

Your safety is our number one concern, so get in touch with Dr. Chris Green if you have any questions. Also, get a printed copy of these instructions and follow them so that your procedure goes without a hitch!