Teeth Whitening Instructions at Green Dental Care

teeth whitening instructions

Teeth Whitening Instructions at Green Dental Care

teeth whitening instructions

Teeth Whitening Instructions for Our Take-Home Kit

When you receive your take-home teeth whitening kit provided by Green Dental Care, the package will contain various items, such as a number of syringes containing a whitening (bleaching) gel, custom dental trays and instructions on how to use the kit for best results. Here is a summarized version of what you need to know to get the best teeth whitening outcomes.

Dental Work

The teeth whitening gel will neither whiten (bleach) nor harm any artificial dental work in your mouth, such as crowns, fillings, caps, and bridges. The bleaching compound will only work on your natural teeth.

It is therefore wise for you to skip putting any whitening gel on the part of the dental tray that will cover the teeth with artificial dental work on them. Dr. Green suggests that you consider having any dental work redone so that its appearance matches your new look after whitening your natural teeth.

Tooth Sensitivity

We asked our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley, CO, about tooth sensitivity and teeth whitening kits. Dr. Dhoon says that the chances are high that your gums and teeth will become sensitive to hot, cold, or pressure while you are whitening your teeth. Discontinue the teeth whitening process if the sensitivity is more than mild. Resume bleaching the teeth after a few days if you notice that the sensitivity has subsided.

For preventive purposes, you could brush with Sensodyne as a precaution to prevent sensitivity from developing. Alternatively, you can talk to Dr. Green, a dentist near Parker CO, about using a desensitizing gel after every teeth whitening session. The desensitizing gel is applied following the same procedure that is used for the teeth whitening product.


Parker dental care professionals recommend that you store the teeth whitening gel in the refrigerator. Refrigeration extends the shelf life of the gel from one to two years. You can, therefore, use the stored gel months later when you want to touch up some teeth that have developed stains. You can also keep the bleaching gel in a cool, dry place that is away from direct sunlight. Don’t freeze the teeth whitening gel.

Prior to Teeth Whitening Treatment

Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before you start using the teeth whitening kit. This will allow the bleaching gel to adhere to the teeth properly for the best results.

It is also prudent for you to try on the custom tray to confirm that it fits well before you add the gel to the tray.

Also, ensure that the whitening tray is clean and dry before you place any whitening gel on it. Dr. Green explains that moisture interferes with the effectiveness of the gel and increases the bleaching time.

Applying the Teeth Whitening Gel

Add just a tiny dab (the size of a grain of rice) of the whitening gel in the portion corresponding to the teeth which you want to whiten. As earlier stated, skip the teeth with any dental work since the gel will not whiten them. Also, it may be wasteful for you to whiten the back teeth since they aren’t visible when you smile. Don’t try to spread the gel in the tray; this will happen on its own once you wear the tray.

Inserting the Bleaching Tray

Insert the bleaching tray gently over the teeth. Make sure that the tray sits firmly over the teeth. Wipe away any excess gel that seeps out to your gums. Otherwise, your gums will be burnt by the gel.

Wearing Time

Dr. Green recommends that you wear the teeth whitening tray for 2-4 hours each day. Do this for 10-14 days. This wearing time will be sufficient to give you the desired results. After wearing the tray for the recommended duration, refrain from consuming any substance, such as coffee, which may stain your teeth.

Experienced Parker dental care experts also advise patients to keep the custom trays even if they have obtained the results that they wanted. This is because the same trays can be used later on to touch up any tooth or teeth that develop stains. You will therefore simply buy more bleaching gel if what you have runs out.

After a Teeth Whitening Session

After keeping the whitening tray in your mouth for 2-4 hours, remove it and rinse your teeth. Brush away any gel remaining on your teeth. Brush and floss as usual during the days when you are whitening your teeth.

Caring for Your Custom Teeth Whitening Trays and Gel

Use a Q-tip/toothbrush and cold water to clean the custom dental tray after wearing it. Thereafter, place the tray inside the tray holder. Place the gel in the refrigerator as earlier recommended.

Warnings and Precautions

The specific instructions (how long to wear the tray, for example) may vary depending on the product that Dr. Green recommends based on your unique requirements. Adhere to the guidelines given to you, rather than those you read elsewhere.

Don’t use the whitening tray if you are pregnant or when breastfeeding. Desist from smoking, eating, or drinking anything while the dental bleaching tray is in your mouth. Needless to say, keep the bleaching gel out of reach of children.

Still, have more questions about whitening your teeth at home using a kit provided by a dentist? Call Green Dental Care today or schedule an appointment so that all your questions and concerns can be adequately addressed.


Dental Fillings Post Op Instructions

dental fillings post op instructions - Green Dental Care

Dental Fillings Post Op Instructions

dental fillings post op instructions - Green Dental Care

Dental Fillings Post Op Instructions

Have you just had a tooth fixed with a filling at Green Dental Care? In this article, you’ll discover what you should expect once you leave our office. Read the instructions carefully and do as advised so that nothing goes amiss with the newly fitted filling.

Tooth Sensitivity

Some sensitivity to cold, heat or pressure is normal after getting a dental filling. The degree of sensitivity depends on how deep the cavity was. Dr. Green also reveals that tooth sensitivity is normally greatest within the first 24 hours after the dental filling has been fitted. This sensitivity will gradually reduce over the coming days. For some people, the tooth sensitivity can last a few weeks while others no longer experience it after a few days.

Contact your Parker dental care professional if the tooth sensitivity seems to get worse instead of reducing during the days after you get the dental filling.


It is advisable to wait until you no longer feel numb, and then eat. Eating when still numb can result in biting your tongue, cheek or lip. Composite fillings usually set immediately, so the only thing stopping you from eating as soon as you leave Green Dental Care is the numbness.

If your child had a filling, watch him or her closely in the hours after the procedure. This is because the strange feeling caused by the anesthetic can make the child to chew on his or her lips, cheeks or tongue. Avoid the resultant damage by restraining your child from making this mistake.

Gum Soreness

Dr. Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, explains that your gum is likely to feel sore for a day or two after you get the filling. This is especially true for the injection site used to administer the numbing agent.

To reduce this soreness, prepare a warm salt water solution and rinse your mouth with it several times each day. Simply add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth about four times each day until the soreness stops bothering you.

Bite Issues

We asked our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley, CO, about dental fillings. Dr. Dhoon says that the filling will feel strange in your mouth for a few days. This is because the filling is contoured differently and has a different texture from your natural teeth. Don’t let this textural difference bother you because your tongue will soon get used to it.

However, you should contact Dr. Green if your teeth don’t meet properly within a week or two after the filling was placed. The Parker dental care professional will schedule a simple adjustment in order to rectify that bite issue which you have identified.

Home Care

Dental fillings are designed to last a long time if properly taken care of. It is therefore imperative that you brush and floss on a daily basis. Have your teeth cleaned professionally at least twice each year, and go for a dental exam once a year. This will prevent the tooth with a filling from suffering from tooth decay.

As always, don’t wait for a scheduled visit to Green Dental Care if you have a query or concern about your fillings. Simply give Dr. Green a call or visit the dental office so that your concerns can be addressed as soon as possible.

Temporary Crown Post-Op Instructions

Temporary crown post-op instructions

Temporary Crown Post-Op Instructions

temporary crown post-op instructions

Temporary Crown Post-Op Instructions

Now that your temporary crown is in place, it is important for you to adhere to the following instructions so the final tooth restoration (dental bridge or crown) can be successful.

Chewing and Eating

If an anesthetic was used during the procedure to place the temporary crown, refrain from eating until you no longer feel numb. Dr. Green, a dentist in Parker, CO, explains that this precaution is necessary because you may unknowingly bite your tongue or another part of your mouth while eating when still numb.

It is also important for you to wait for a minimum of half an hour after the temp crown is placed before you eat anything. The emergency dentist in Parker, CO recommends this interval so that the dental cement used when placing the temporary crown can set/cure.

To limit the likelihood that the temporary crown will break or be dislodged, the experts at Green Dental Care recommend that you avoid eating sticky, crunchy or hard foodstuffs using the side where the temp crown is located. If you can, avoid those items altogether until the permanent crown is placed.

Brushing and Flossing

Dr. Green encourages patients with temp crowns to brush normally. However, the dentist advises that care needs to be exercised when flossing since incorrect flossing can dislodge the temp crown.

We asked our friend, Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, about temporary crown care. Dr. Kacos says that people with temp crowns should remove the floss from the side of the tooth instead of lifting it upwards in order to remove the floss from the gap between the teeth. As you lift the floss, you could accidentally lift the temp crown too!

It is also normal to feel some tooth sensitivity in the first few days after the temporary crown is placed. While the sensitivity can subside on its own, you could also brush using a desensitizing toothpaste to reduce the sensitivity to hot, cold or pressure.

Contact Green Dental Care if tooth sensitivity lasts for more than a few days, or it appears to get worse as the days go by.

Take All Medications Prescribed

You may have undergone a root canal before the temporary crown was placed. If that happened, the dentist near Parker CO may have prescribed antibiotics and pain medication. Take all that medication in accordance with the instructions provided. This will prevent complications, such as infections, from developing around the tooth with the temporary crown.

You can also reduce any chance of swelling or discomfort by rinsing your mouth with warm salty water at least thrice a day. About half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water is sufficient to prepare the salty water needed for this purpose.

When to Contact Green Dental Care

You should call Dr. Green or any emergency dentist in Parker CO immediately if the temporary crown falls out. Parker dental care professionals insist that you call a dental expert immediately because the success of the permanent restoration largely depends on how well the placement site was preserved by the temporary crown.

You should also call Green Dental Care if you aren’t comfortable with your bite or when you have queries or concerns that you would like a professional to address. Better safe than sorry!

Tooth Extraction Post-Op Instructions

temporary extraction post-op instructions

Tooth Extraction Post-Op Instructions

temporary extraction post-op instructions

Tooth Extraction Post-Op Instructions

Are you worried about compromising the healing process after a tooth extraction? Are you uncertain about what you should or shouldn’t do in the immediate aftermath of a tooth extraction procedure? In this article, you’ll discover some of the tooth extraction site post-operation instructions routinely given by the professionals at Green Dental Care.

Avoid Spicy Foods

It is recommended that you avoid spicy foods during the first few days after your tooth extraction procedure. Spicy foods can trigger pain at the extraction site because some of the active ingredients in the spices could irritate exposed nerves, causing intense pain. Additionally, some of those spices may react with the clot at the extraction site and break it up, resulting in fresh bleeding. It is therefore advisable for you to refrain from consuming any spicy foods in the first week after your tooth extraction surgery.

Avoid Chewy or Sticky Foods

We asked our friend, Dr. Taher Dhoon, a dentist in Greeley, CO, about post tooth extraction recommendations. Dr. Dhoon advises patients to refrain from eating chewy or sticky foods during the first 4-5 days after the tooth has been extracted. Sticky or chewy foods can get stuck in the socket left after the tooth was surgically removed. Additionally, any sticky or chewy foods that you consume can attach to the clot in the extraction site, and these foods will remove the clot.

Brush Carefully

You should not neglect your routine oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing just because you have just had a tooth extracted. However, it is important to brush carefully, especially the areas close to the extraction site. To be on the safe side, don’t brush or rinse the mouth in the first 24 hours after the tooth extraction procedure. Thereafter, brush with care and don’t allow the toothbrush to get close to the extraction site. Also, don’t swish water, mouthwash or any oral care fluid in your mouth. Just lower your mouth and let the oral care liquids (warm salty water, for example) pour out of your mouth under the force of gravity.

Prevent Dry Socket

Dry socket is a painful condition in which one loses the clot during the initial stages of the healing process and the socket remains open. The healing process will be compromised once this happens. Parker dental care experts recommend three key steps to prevent dry socket.

First, patients are advised to avoid sucking through a straw since this may dislodge the blood clot that has formed at the tooth extraction site.

Secondly, Dr. Green advises against spitting forcefully during the first week or so after the tooth extraction procedure. Such a forceful act can dislodge the blood clot and result in dry socket.

Thirdly, it is advisable to avoid smoking for at least one week after your tooth has been extracted. Smoking can interfere with the efficient flow of blood to the extraction site, so healing may take longer. Additionally, the chemicals in cigarettes can also break up the clot and cause bleeding at the extraction site.

Use an Ice Pack

Green Dental Care also recommends that you apply an ice pack to the exterior of the side of your jaw where a tooth was removed. Keep the ice pack on for a maximum of 20 minutes and then keep it off for a minimum of 10 minutes. Do this during your waking hours in the first 24 hours after the tooth was extracted. The ice pack will help to minimize swelling. After 24 hours, discontinue the use of an ice pack and resort to applying a warm towel to the jaw.

Opt for a Soft Diet

Only eat soft food during the first few days after your tooth is extracted. Foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding and smoothies are suitable for someone who has just undergone tooth extraction. After about 5 days, switch back to your normal diet unless you experience soreness or pain while chewing. In that case, revert to the soft foods once again.

Avoid Sports or Vigorous Activities

Emergency dentists in Parker, CO also recommend that patients avoid taking part in sports or any vigorous activities during the first 5 days after having a tooth extracted. Such activities can apply pressure on the extraction site, and you may end up losing the clot covering the socket.

Take All Meds as Prescribed

Your dentist may prescribe some medications, such as pain medication and antibiotics, after the tooth extraction procedure. Take all those medications in accordance with the instructions given by Dr. Green. This adherence will keep you free from pain, and infections will be warded off during the healing process.

Notify your doctor or dentist as soon as you suspect that you have developed an allergic reaction to the medication you are taking. For example, you could develop a rash, itchiness, swelling or difficulty breathing.

Follow-Up Visits with Your Dentist in Parker, CO

Another important part of your post tooth extraction care is the follow-up visits scheduled by Dr. Green or any other dental care professional who extracted your tooth. The first visit usually happens about a week after the extraction.

These follow-up visits enable the dentist to check the extraction site and confirm that you are healing as expected. The follow-up visit may also provide an opportunity to remove any sutures that were placed during the extraction procedure.

You should honor all the follow-up appointments recommended so that any developing issue during the healing process can be detected and resolved promptly.

While the post-op process is expected to proceed smoothly, it is also wise for you to know when something may be wrong and you need urgent attention. For example, you should contact the dentist or your doctor immediately if you are in severe pain days after the extraction, or when swelling increases. Don’t disregard anything unusual that you experience during the healing process. Contact Green Dental Care immediately so that you can be given professional advice about the next steps to take.

Are Dental Implants a Permanent Solution to Missing Teeth?

dental implants parker co

Are Dental Implants a Permanent Solution to Missing Teeth?

dental implants parker co

A missing tooth not only ruins your smile but can also shatter your confidence. That is why patients that have a broken or missing tooth look immediately to have it repaired.

Dental implants are one of the more common solution to a missing tooth today. Our dental office sees several dental implant consultations a week alone. The clear reason for this is because the solution is as permanent as you can get. It also looks as natural as your original teeth so there is no telling it apart from the rest. The overall benefits of even a single implant can be life changing. We promise, we are not being dramatic! Read on to learn more about dental implant and be surety check out our gallery of case studies next time you are in.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are replacement teeth that have an artificial root, made out of titanium, that is inserted into the jaw. The root acts as a foundation for the replacement crown. The procedure differs drastically from that of dentures which don’t employ an artificial root. When compared to bridges, there is no need for support from neighboring teeth for the replacement. Which makes dental implants a smart solution.

The fact that implants look and can be used like your original teeth make it an ideal option for most individuals with missing teeth. You do, however, need to make sure that you go to a reliable dentist to have the procedure done. After all, you want the implants to look as natural as possible. An experienced dentist can help you achieve that, to restore your smile and give you your confidence back.

Some uses for dental implants are:

  • Replacement of one or more missing teeth.
  • Provide support for dentures. Implant supported dentures help to provide added support so the dentures fits securely.
  • Dental implants can even be used to support bridges which no longer requires the need for a removable partial denture.

Dental Implant Treatments

Prior to any treatment, the mouth of the individual is thoroughly examined to devise the right plan for implants. Following are some treatments regarding dental implants:

  • Single tooth implant: Dental implants are the ideal option for individuals with a single missing tooth. The implant acts as a root, this ensures that the jawbone stays intact. Which also ensures that the remaining teeth stay aligned and in place. Since there is no need for support from surrounding teeth, your smile will remain natural.
  • Multiple tooth implants or snap in denture implants: While the procedure takes longer than dentures, you can get implants for multiple or all your teeth. But when it comes to replacing all your teeth, you have the implant-supported full denture option which ensures that your dentures have a proper foundation. We call these “snap-in dentures”. This reduces the chances of discomfort and the dentures falling out.

When replacing missing teeth most people want to find a solution that will last. Dental implants can last for over 20 years if they are maintained well. Dental offices like ours go through extensive training outside of dental school in order to be highly skilled in this procedure.

Our friends over at Greeley Dental Care have that extensive training as well.So we asked our friend Dr. Taher Dhoon to share with us exactly how reliable dental implants are for his patients. As specialists with extensive training and experience with dental implants in Greeley, Colorado Dr. Taher Dhoon gave us his honest take on the solution.

Dr. Dhoon said,

“I have found it to be a much more manageable solution for adults who may be in the gray area. They might have some teeth that are worth saving and others that need to be pulled but they are not quite a candidate for dentures. Patients love the fact that they have a realistic looking tooth replacement solution.”

So whether you are looking to replace a tooth or many, you should give dental implants some serious consideration. The best way to determine if they are a good solution is to schedule a consultation with your trusted Dentist in Parker Co. Hint, that’s us!

Need An Emergency Dentist NOW?

Need An Emergency Dentist NOW?

I think we can all agree that dental emergencies happen at the most inopportune times, but when you have a toothache you will do anything to get relief.

You’re probably asking yourself…

“Where can I find an emergency dentist near me?”

Well, Green Dental Care is here to help. While most dentists are booked out for weeks or out of town when you need them most, we know how important it is to address your dental emergency in a timely manner. Whether you need an emergency extraction or a root canal, our office can help relieve your dental pain without sending you around town to different dental specialists.

In fact, Dr. Green makes it a point to leave time in the schedule for same-day dental emergency treatment. When a tooth breaks, a crown falls off, your jaw becomes swollen, or tooth pain keeps you up all night, you need to see a dentist right away. Call us now at 720-845-5252 or request an appointment online today! Green Dental Care has had the opportunity to relieve many toothaches for residents of Parker, Castle Rock, Elizabeth, Aurora, Kiowa, Franktown and many more throughout Colorado.

Also, if you are on vacation or visiting family in Colorado and have a dental emergency, give us a call; we know how frustrating it can be and we want you to be able to enjoy the rest of your time visiting our lovely state.

A Dental Team That Understands

We understand the serious nature and helpless feeling you have when teeth problems arise. When new or existing patients call with an emergency, our response is “How soon can you be here?” Even if it’s been years since you have seen a dentist, we pass no judgment. Our goal is to get you out of pain and get you back to your normal life.

What’s The Bottom Line?

Tooth pain is no joke. Swollen and painful gums, throbbing teeth, broken fillings, cracked teeth, and wisdom teeth pain are all very serious dental issues. Avoiding treatment of any of these dental problems (especially dental infections) can lead to serious consequences including hospitalization. The good news is that this can all be avoided if you call a dentist near you in a timely manner to address the situation.

Call Today, Get In Today:

Green Dental Care offers same-day dentistry and emergency appointments. Even if you do not have dental insurance we have flexible payment plans and an in-office discount plan to help you get the care you need, now.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, don’t wait. Call our office at 720-845-5252 to get an emergency appointment today. Or stop by our offices at 19551 Hess Road, Suite 100, Parker, Colorado 80134. Let us help you get out of pain!

TOP 5 Questions About Dental Implants – Answered!

Are Dental Implants Right For You

TOP 5 Questions About Dental Implants – Answered!

Are Dental Implants Right For You

Traditionally, dental bridges and dentures have been the ONLY way to replace missing teeth. Then dental implants came along. In the beginning, the cost of dental implants was quite high, but like anything else, the process has become more straightforward and implants are now quite affordable.

You’ve probably heard of Dental Implants, but want to know more about them before you make an appointment for an implant consultation. So let’s answer the 5 most common questions patients ask us about dental implants.

1. What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a titanium screw (similar to the root of a tooth) that is surgically positioned in the jaw bone beneath the gums, the implant allows the dentist to place a post (aka abutment) with a cap (aka crown) or bridge on it that feels and works like a tooth. Implants can also be used to stabilize a loose denture.

2. Are dental implants a good option for me to replace my teeth?

If you are thinking about dental implants to replace missing or broken teeth you have to have good gums and jaw bone to support the implant(s). In the event your bone is too narrow, short, or soft you may require a bone graft to rebuild your bone so it is able to accommodate an implant.

3. Are there different types of dental implants?

Yes! There are two types: endosteal (the most common) and subperiosteal implants. Endosteal implants are surgically screwed into the jaw bone, whereas subperiosteal implants rest on top of the jaw bone, but under the gums. Depending on the implant company, Implants can also be machined and shaped differently.

4. What is the implant procedure like?

There are a few steps to dental implant installation…
Following the initial evaluation and 3D CBCT X-ray, the dentist will determine if bone grafting is necessary and measure to see what size implant is appropriate for the area that you desire to have an implant placed. Once ready for implant surgery, a pilot hole is made to line up the location of the titanium screw and the titanium implant screw is inserted into the jaw bone. This is followed by a period of 4-6 months of healing. Finally, impressions of the implant are made so that a dental lab can custom-fabricate an abutment and crown that attach to your implant.

5. What problems can arise with dental implants?

As with any medical or dental procedure complications can arise. Although dental implants are very successful, possible complications include: infection around the implant site, nerve damage or tingling sensation, pain to gums or teeth, or sinus complications from an implant that protrudes into the sinus cavity.

Choose A Doctor You Can Trust!

Christopher Green, DMD has taken advanced training in dental implants where he has gained the skills and experience to perform dental implant procedures from start to finish all at one office, conveniently located at 19551 Hess Road, Suite 100, Parker, Colorado 80134.

Dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth or adding extra support to a loose denture. They feel great, look natural, and allow you to chew normally again.

Call us today at 720-845-5252 and mention this article to receive a complimentary gift of $200 off an implant consultation or treatment. Or, for a virtual consultation with Dr. Green, click here and answer a few easy questions so we can better assist you.

Your Guide to Safe Sedation Dentistry

Your Guide to Safe Sedation Dentistry

Your Guide to Safe Sedation Dentistry

Your Guide to Safe Sedation Dentistry

In the United States alone, there are over 30 million people that start to sweat when they hear the word dentist. These fears can lead to patients who put off going to the dentist for a long time. Dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, broken teeth and other dental problems tend to snowball the longer we put them off.

But with Sedation Dentistry, you can get caught up on all the dental work you need, comfortably.

Dentistry Doesn’t Have To Be Torture

At Green Dental Care, Dr. Christopher Green has training in oral conscious dental sedation, which allows you to relax in an almost dream-like state where you often entirely forget your visit to the dentist’s office. With sedation, dental procedures are finished more quickly and typically allow the dentist to fix all of your teeth in one sitting without the need for additional visits.

Here’s How It Works

First, we perform a thorough review of your medical history during your dental examination and together we develop a plan to fix your teeth — one that fits your desires and budget. This appointment is easy and relaxed. We just want to get to know each other.

Second, we get you back for your sedation and dental treatment appointment. You won’t be able to drive the day you are sedated. So, we will ask that you have a friend or family member drive you to our office. Once at our office, we get you comfy with a blanket and movie — even a pillow if you want. Then we give you some medicine to take by mouth, a very safe sedative called a benzodiazepine. You can learn more about before and after sedation instructions here.

Once the medicine kicks in, you’ll feel relaxed and in the “dream state” that we mentioned, Dr. Green can get to work on giving you a healthy smile again.

Whether you have a low pain threshold, have had bad dental experiences in the past, know that you have years of dental work that you need to get done, or all of the above, dental sedation may be the best option for you to comfortably get all of the dental treatment you need.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

Call us today at 720-845-5252 and mention this article to receive $200 off any dental sedation consultation or treatment at Green Dental Care!