Benefits of Dental Implants

benefits of dental implants

Benefits of Dental Implants

benefits of dental implants

Our teeth are often taken for granted. It is not until we begin to feel pain or lose a tooth that we take our oral health seriously. But once your dental health has gone awry, things can start to spiral out of control quickly. Dental problems such as cavities, tooth decay, and periodontal disease become evident. If left untreated, tooth infections and tooth loss will eventually occur. Unfortunately, your dental problems won’t stop there, which is why it’s crucial that you see a Parker, CO dentist for restorative dentistry treatment. Dr. Chris Green, the best dentist in Parker, CO may recommend dentures, dental bridges, or dental implants. Below, we share some benefits of dental implants.

Why You Should Consider Dental Implants

Dental implants offer many benefits. Dentists everywhere agree that this restorative solution is perfect for those looking for a long-term treatment that looks and feels natural. Below are some top reasons why you should consider dental implants.

  • Replace missing teeth and retain the integrity of your dental structure
  • Protect and brace the adjacent teeth to prevent them from getting loose
  • Provide strong anchors for bridges and other dental supplies
  • Are more convenient than dentures and make it much easier to eat and talk
  • Are more appealing and normal than dentures
  • Easy to manage with regular dental hygiene
  • Help you escape the humiliation and the difficulty of having to remove dentures
  • Oral surgery has a high success rate, with a fast recovery time
  • In one day you will leave our office with a brand new set of teeth
  • Dental implants last for decades and have long-lasting elegance and comfort

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants? 

You may have learned that not all individuals are good candidates for dental implants, and many people are doomed to wear painful, loose-fitting dentures for the remainder of their lives. The good news is that the science and technology behind dental implants have advanced immensely over the last 10 years, and implants are increasingly becoming the industry norm for the correction of dental problems for many more patients. Dental Implants Grand Junction specialist, our friend Dr. Helgerson says that nowadays, anybody can be a successful candidate for dental implants. Dental implants are increasingly replacing dentures and dentures as the modern care of choice between physicians and patients alike.

Visit a Restorative Dentist in Parker, CO

If you live in Parker, Colorado, and you have loose teeth, crowns, partials, or dentures that you would love to replace with dental implants, visit our tooth repair Parker CO dental team. Our well-experienced team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about replacing missing teeth with our teeth in a day Parker procedure.

At Green Dental Care, our team of trained oral specialists will offer dental implants and extensive oral restorative treatment to patients in Parker, CO who want to restore natural tooth function by replacing missing teeth with fixed implants in order to achieve and sustain a healthy, natural-looking smile. Contact us today!

Deep Teeth Cleaning Benefits

deep teeth cleaning benefits

Deep Teeth Cleaning Benefits

deep teeth cleaning benefits

Your oral health may have an impact on your overall health. If it’s been a while since your last visit, you should consider scheduling a dental deep cleaning. What is a deep cleaning, and how can it help your health?

Continue reading to find out! Our Parker CO dentist explains everything you need to know before your next appointment in this guide.

What Exactly is a Deep Cleaning Procedure in the Dental System? 

We will begin with a thorough examination of the dental deep cleaning procedure. Dental hygiene is critical for keeping your teeth clean, fighting gum disease, and preventing bad breath. Failure to practice proper dental hygiene can result in problems such as loose teeth, receding gums, and bleeding gums. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, contact your dentist 80134 to make an appointment for a dental deep cleaning.

This treatment is also known as root planing or periodontal scaling. Bacteria can grow and spread if food particles are left between your teeth. This bacteria has the potential to form plaque over time. Plaque is a clingy film that adheres to the surface of your teeth. Every time you brush, you are removing plaque. However, if left unattended, the plaque can harden. It has the potential to harden into tartar over time. Tartar removal from your teeth will require the services of your dentist. Otherwise, you run the risk of developing gum disease, such as gingivitis.

Planing and Scaling

You may need to spread out your dental deep cleaning procedure over two or more visits if they require gum scaling and root planing. Scaling is the process of removing tartar and plaque from beneath your gum line. Planing, on the other hand, removes tartar and plaque from the roots of your teeth. Scaling and planing ensure that your gums properly reattach to your teeth.

What are the Benefits of Dental Deep Cleanings?

Many patients report long-term benefits following their deep cleaning appointment. For example, you can halt the progression of gum disease before it progresses to periodontitis explains the best Dentist Lexington KY, Dr. Jinyoung Kim. Oral diseases affect approximately 3.5 billion people worldwide. In fact, approximately 10% of the global population suffers from severe periodontal disease. This type of gum disease may result in tooth loss.

Periodontitis can also cause the following symptoms:

  • Changes in your teeth’s position
  • Chewing discomfort
  • Breath problems
  • Bleeding gums while brushing or flossing
  • You have a bad taste in your mouth.
  • Gums that are receding
  • Tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth
  • Gums that are tender, swollen, and red
  • An inflammatory reaction

Contact Green Dental Care Today

You can protect your teeth and gums from periodontitis by scheduling regular deep cleanings! Are you interested in scheduling an appointment with Green Dental Care? Contact us, today! 

Why Get a Smile Makeover

why get a smile makeover

Why Get a Smile Makeover

why get a smile makeover

Treatments for smile makeovers can enhance your life in a variety of ways. These treatments provide benefits that go beyond a brighter smile. You will not only like the way you appear after your smile makeover, but you will also feel more confident.

The Benefits of a Smile Makeover

With a fresh, confident smile, you can truly do anything. Today on the blog, our cosmetic dentist in Parker CO shares the benefits of a smile makeover. A smile makeover is any combination of cosmetic dental procedures, such as teeth whitening, veneers, and crowns.

An Excellent First Impression

The foundation for effective relationships is laid by first impressions. Consider the last time you met a new person. From the minute he or she shook your hand, you were probably noticed their smile. A gorgeous grin will help your cause whether you’re seeking a new career, hunting for a love companion, or hoping for promotion following a management shakeup.

Our dentist in Parker CO puts it this way: consider the amount of money you spend on a smile makeover as a significant investment in yourself, your work, and your social life.

The Confidence Boost

Confidence is frequently stated to be everything in life. Even if you aren’t the most bright or funny person in the world, a smile makeover will boost your self-esteem to the point where you feel comfortable enough to connect with people. When you’re frightened, afraid, or seeking a solution to de-stress in social situations, you can always rely on your wonderful grin.

Below are some smile makeover treatment options:

You’ll Benefit from Frequent Smiling’s Health Benefits

To start, smiling is beneficial to both your physical and emotional wellbeing. In fact, it is also a calorie-burning activity. Our friends over at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, Colorado Springs dentist, share that smiling even encourages the release of neuropeptides. As follows, these little chemicals allow neurons to communicate with one another and send information throughout your body. Importantly, consider this phenomenon to be the spread of good vibrations throughout your body.

Serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine, among other “happy” chemicals, are released by neuropeptides, which reduce stress. The release of these molecules relieves pain, reduces tension, relaxes the body, and improves blood pressure.

You Want Perfectly White Teeth

Of course, your favorite Hollywood star’s grin is almost certainly the ideal shade of white. If you believe that having such beautiful white teeth is out of reach for someone like you, think again. Our dentist’s teeth whitening procedure will brighten your smile, making you appear more appealing, youthful, and lively.

Light Up The Room

Do you recall the last time someone entered a room and lit it up with a beautiful smile? In the minutes and hours after that individual lit up the room, you were most likely overjoyed. You may boost others in the same way you can yourself by giving your teeth and gums a makeover. A smile makeover is as much a public service as it is a way of improving your confidence and assisting you in living a more fulfilling life.

Contact Green Dental Care Today For Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re ready to take the leap in enhancing your smile, we are here for you! Contact our Parker Co dentists today to schedule your no-obligation smile makeover consultation.


Dental Sedation FAQ

sedation dentistry faq

Dental Sedation FAQ

sedation dental

Our Parker CO dentist will give you a sedative before your operation. You’ll start to feel completely relaxed and tranquil, and you might even fall asleep. You will be aware and able to participate in most types of sedation, but you will not be scared or nervous. You may simply sleep through the surgery with some type of medication. Today on the blog, our Parker CO dental office discusses the most frequently asked dental sedation questions. Check out our Dental Sedation FAQ below.

What is the process of dental sedation?

Sedation dentistry employs nitrous oxide, anti-anxiety medications, and IV therapy.

Is sedation dentistry a safe procedure?

Dental sedation is extremely safe when performed by a properly qualified dentist in the correct setting. Our sedation dentist Parker CO uses only the safest sleep dentistry techniques and keeps a close eye on your health.

Is dental sedation covered by insurance?

Sedation is covered by some dental insurance policies, notably for patients who have dental anxiety or for youngsters. However, not all insurance companies pay it because it is considered a luxury or elective treatment. Depending on your situation, your health insurance may possibly cover sedation.

How much does sedation dentistry cost in Parker, CO?

The cost depends on a number of things, including the type of sedation you require, the treatment you are having, your insurance, and your own personal requirements. During your consultation, our dentist will explain your alternatives as well as their prospective costs.

What types of procedures may a sleep dentist perform?

Almost every dental procedure might cause worry if you have dental anxiety. Restorations, root canal therapy, extractions, and dental veneers are just a few of the treatment options available from our pain-free dentist.

Is sedation dentistry in Parker CO right for me?

Only a sleep dentist can tell you if you’re a good candidate. We connected with our friends at 4th St. Family Dentistry, Dentist in St. Petersburg, about the requirements. Below, we list common guidelines to follow:

  • Dental phobia or anxiety
  • Gagging reflex that is overly sensitive
  • Treatment that is either complex or invasive is required.
  • Due to a mental or physical handicap, the patient is unable to remain still throughout treatment.

What if I have additional medical issues?

Sleep dentistry is safe, but you must inform us of any recent or continuing health problems, as well as any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are using. You’ll be asked to fill out a health history form, which will include any changes in your health since your last visit.

Is it possible for me to drive myself to and from my sedated dentist appointment?

It depends on the sedative you’re using. You may feel drowsy for a while after receiving oral or IV sedation, and you will need someone to drive you home.

Is it possible for me to fall asleep during the procedure? Will I be able to recall anything?

That is debatable. You may recall your treatment if you were given oral or inhalation sedation. With IV sedation, you will have little or no recall of the surgery when you wake up.

Is there a risk of dental sedation having any negative effects?

You’ll probably feel drowsy. The medicine can stay in your system for up to 24 hours after you leave the appointment, impairing your coordination and cognition. Our sleep dentist Parker CO will explain all of the benefits and drawbacks so that you can make the best option for you.

Is sedation dentistry available at every dentist?

Nitrous oxide, the lightest kind of sedation, is available from many dentists. In some situations, moderate sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia necessitate further training and certification, and not all dentists are qualified to provide these services.

Contact Green Dental Care for Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO

We are proud to offer top-rated sedation dentistry services to Parker CO residents. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of sedation dentistry.

Why Choose Invisalign

Why Choose Invisalign

Why Choose Invisalign

Why Choose Invisalign

Do you have a hard time smiling because you’re self-conscious about it? Every year, individuals just like you undergo Invisalign® treatment that transforms their lives. Our Parker CO dentist gives patients confidence in their smiles by assisting them in achieving ideal tooth alignment.

When choices like Invisalign Parker CO make it possible to improve your smile without the limitations of conventional metal braces, you don’t have to live with crooked teeth.

Why You Should Chose Invisalign

Are you undecided between Invisalign and braces? Green Dental care, dentist 80134, has put together the top five reasons why Invisalign is the best teeth-straightening solution.

1.) You have complete freedom to consume anything you choose.

Yes, you read it correctly. You don’t have to give up your favorite meals throughout orthodontic treatment with Invisalign braces. If you like foods like peanuts, caramel, apples, or carrots, this is really excellent news. Thanks to Dr. Green, the best dentist in Parker CO, you won’t have to avoid sticky or difficult-to-chew meals.

2.) It’s almost undetectable.

Most people cannot see Invisalign because, as the name implies, it is almost invisible. Only if someone was standing uncomfortably near to you would you make an exception. When speaking with family, friends, or coworkers, you may be certain that your clear aligners will remain a well guarded secret. Many of our patients like how inconspicuous Invisalign is. Invisalign aligners may be the best solution for you if you are self-conscious about your smile.

3.) Invisalign braces are more discreet than conventional braces.

Traditional braces might irritate your gums by protruding. Invisalign trays, on the other hand, fit tightly over your teeth to provide an unobtrusive appearance. It may take some time to become accustomed to wearing invisible aligners for teeth, which is why you may talk with a lisp in the beginning. Most of our patients, on the other hand, rapidly adjust to Invisalign and enjoy that it is eventually less bulky than metal braces.

4.) You can keep your sparkling whites.

After every meal, metal braces are infamous for gathering food particles. Cavities and stains may result from this accumulation over time. Do you want to be left with unattractive stains after your braces are ultimately removed (typically after years of treatment)? You can skip all the wires and brackets that cause tooth discoloration with Invisalign transparent aligners.

5.) Brushing and flossing your teeth is a lot simpler.

During orthodontic therapy, patients with braces may neglect their teeth. This is particularly true for younger patients, such as children, who may not fully comprehend the implications of their behavior.

Because braces make it more difficult to care for your teeth, even adults may abandon good practices like flossing. To get to the space between your teeth when wearing braces, you must thread the floss below the wire. In order to move around each glued-on bracket, this operation must be done for each tooth.

Dr. Hoang, dentist in Bethlehem GA, states that Flossing is simple with Invisalign. Simply remove your aligner out of your mouth and floss your teeth as usual. Invisalign allows you to keep up with your existing oral hygiene practice, ensuring that your teeth remain healthy during and after orthodontic treatment. As a consequence, your dentist may advise you to use Invisalign to straighten your teeth without the use of braces.

Dr. Green and his staff at Green Dental Care are always eager to help their patients feel better about themselves by providing Invisalign and other cosmetic dental procedures. Make an appointment with our Parker, CO dentist if you’re interested in Invisalign treatment.

Holiday Dental Tips

Holiday Dental Tips

Holiday Dental Tips

Holiday Dental Tips

The holidays are here! Of course, with the holidays comes a bounty of delights you’ve probably been looking forward to all year. Your taste buds are ecstatic and ready to savor every moment. Meanwhile, your teeth and gums are trembling in anticipation of the impending assault. Your Parker CO dentist has put together a list of holiday dental tips just for you!

Dental Tips for the Holidays


You can still enjoy the holidays without jeopardizing your white, brilliant smile or the health of your teeth and gums if you follow these easy dental suggestions by the best dentist in Parker CO.

Choose Goods Foods For Your Teeth


The holidays provide several chances to reconnect with friends, interact, and, of course, snack and munch.


Give yourself and your little ones permission to spend a little and indulge in some luxury that won’t come around again for another 12 months. However, be sure to counteract this with crisp fruits and vegetables (carrots are a particularly good option), full grains and lots of water explains Dr. Green, pediatric dentist Parker CO. Your teeth, as well as your pocketbook, will thank you!


Avoid These No-No Foods for Your Teeth


Sticky, hard, chewy, gummy, or sweet foods are delicious, but they are not good for your teeth and gums. Candy canes, mints, ice cubes, chestnuts, and other traditional Christmas goodies are all included.


It might be difficult to say no to these once-a-year delicacies. However, envisioning a costly dental filling fee instead of a candy cane (or whatever off-limits object is in your sights) can serve as a useful deterrent while you search for a safer option. Should you have a dental emergency over the holidays be sure to visit our same-day dentist Parker.


Maintain Your Oral Health Routine on a Daily Basis


Set an aim to follow your daily oral health regimen as closely as possible; maybe even schedule a cleaning before the holiday break, dentist 80134. Twice-daily flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash are not the most enjoyable part of your holiday schedule, but they are necessary.


You may look forward to a clean bill of dental health in the New Year with just a little more preparation and work now.


Schedule A Post Holiday Cleaning

If this isn’t your first Christmas season, you’re probably well aware of how busy you’ll be. You undoubtedly also recognize that, despite your best intentions and promises, there will be times when you don’t floss, brush, gargle, or do anything else you know you should to maintain your teeth and gums healthy.


That’s OK. The good news is that you can book your post-holiday cleaning and checkup right now, so that after the holidays are over, you can start helping your teeth remain clean, bright, and cavity-free right away in the New Year.


5. Drink Lots of Water


Water has several advantages, particularly around the holidays when you will be out and about more than usual and want to look and feel your best. Family dentist New Providence NJ, Dr. Herko, explains that water, helps keep your skin appearing young, moisturized, and free of blemishes.


Water may help with digestion and excretion as well as freshening your breath. It may also help keep you hydrated so you don’t have to keep adding “go on a diet” to your list of New Year’s Resolutions. Water, on the other hand, has the ability to clear away newly produced germs, ensuring that you don’t wake up with a painful tooth and an emergency trip to the dentist.


As always, feel free to contact Green Dental Care with any questions, concerns or appointment requests!


Regular Visits Can Save You Money

regular visits can save you money

Regular Visits Can Save You Money

A lot goes on during a regular dental visit beyond poking around inside your mouth and delivering the bad news that your brushing and flossing techniques don’t cut it. The truth is, regular visits to your dentist in Parker CO can not only save you money, but they can also literally save your life! Here are some of the key ways in which regular visits to Green Dental Care can save you money.

Catching Problems Early

Routine dental visits to your Parker CO dentist normally have two main parts. First is the dental cleaning usually performed by a dental hygienist. Second, is a dental exam by the best dentist in Parker CO.

During each of those activities, there is more than ample opportunity to spot any anomaly, such as a cavity or crack. This gives our doctors a chance to spot if before it becomes a major problem. When these defects are treated promptly, the cost you incur is much less than what you would have incurred if you had skipped the routine visit. The contrary would be waiting to visit Green Dental Care when you have a dental health problem that is keeping you awake, which could cost more as an emergency service.

In this regard, regular visits to can save you money in the long run. It could eliminate the need to undergo complicated and costly procedures if every emerging problem is consistently nipped in the bud.

Receiving Customized Dental Health Advice

Regular dental visits also make it possible for you to get dental health advice that is tailored to meet your specific needs. For example, if the hygienist notices a particular arch has a lot more plaque and tartar than other parts of your mouth, he or she will recommend the best way to tweak your flossing and brushing technique in order to address the problem area.

Similarly, the best dentist in Parker CO may also recommend dietary changes. This would be to suit the new threats that your dental health faces in the light of any medication you are currently taking. For example, you may be on medication that causes dry mouth. 

As you may know, dry mouth increases your risk for gum disease and other dental health problems. Our dentists could recommend that you chew sugar-free gum or chewy vegetables to boost saliva production. Such advice can save you money because you will be in a position to prevent dental health challenges.

Professional Cleanings Safeguard You from Gum Infections

As already mentioned, dental cleanings are an integral part of your routine visit. Plaque (a bacterial film) is constantly building up on the teeth. Despite your best efforts at oral hygiene, some of this plaque eventually hardens into calculus (tartar).

Tartar results in the destruction of your teeth and bone beneath the gum line. By having your teeth cleaned by a professional, all that tartar and plaque is removed before it can cause harm. Needless to say, this early intervention stops major problems in their tracks. You will save the money that would have been spent to treat those problems down the road.

Dispelling Potentially Harmful Misinformation and Myths

Dr. Lyons, an orthodontist in El Dorado Hills CA, points out that the advent of the internet has been a blessing and a curse at the same time. A blessing in the sense that you can get great information on almost any topic under the sun. It is a curse in the sense that some of the information online is false and potentially dangerous.

For example, many people have been taking up DIY toothpastes. These can be made from a variety of ingredients, such as charcoal, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar. However, our dentists will tell you that ACV (apple cider vinegar), charcoal and baking soda pose a huge risk to your enamel. The prolonged use of those substances could result in teeth sensitivity due to eroded enamel.

Without those regular visits, you can easily fall for all the hype. Years later, you’ll learn that all your costly dental problems could have been avoided. When you see your Parker CO dentist regularly, you are likely to bring up anything you have heard or read. Then, he will give you a considered opinion on the usefulness of that information you got online. This can save you lots of money that would have gone to fixing the damage caused by implementing some of the advice picked from non-professionals. For instance, the cost of a routine dental visit pales in comparison to the cost of dental implants needed to replace teeth lost to overly abrasive DIY toothpastes.

As you can see, one of the best decisions that you can make for your dental health is to make regular visits to Green Dental Care. Not only will you save money in the long run, but you will also maintain your pearly whites for a lifetime. Give us a call today!

Types of Pain to Bring Up To Your Dentist

types of pain to bring up to your dentist

Types of Pain to Bring Up To Your Dentist

Best Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

People who have ever experienced severe tooth pain will agree that it is hard to find any experience that is as bad as a painful tooth. The pain just constantly bothers you. Even worse, it makes eating and sleeping near-impossible. While some forms of pain may not amount to much, other types could point to a more serious issue. Therefore, it is important for you to alert your Parker CO dentist at Green Dental Care if you experience any of the following kinds of pain.

Pain After You Undergo a Dental Procedure

You may be surprised to hear that there is usually no cause for alarm when you experience some discomfort or even pain after you have undergone an invasive dental procedure, such as oral surgery or tooth extraction.

However, Dr. Christopher Green, explains that there is nothing usual about severe pain in the aftermath of your procedure. After all, dental services are primarily intended to make you enjoy better oral health rather than cause you pain. Such severe or persistent pain could be a pointer to a post-procedure complication.

It is therefore crucial that you talk to the Parker CO dentist about what sort of discomfort or pain is associated with the procedure that you are about to undergo. It also important to talk about the typical recovery time for such dental treatments.

Once you experience pain that differs in severity and duration from what you were told to expect, immediately get in touch with Green Dental Care so that our doctors can examine you for dental infections or any other anomalies that could be the cause.

Jaw Pain When You Awaken

Fact: Many people suffer from bruxism and they remain unaware of this problem until they share a room with someone who notices the habit and alerts the sufferer. Over time, teeth grinding has the potential to create serious problems. One problem is making your teeth wear out prematurely. Jaw problems, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, and pain can also result when teeth grinding isn’t addressed.

If you have problems having a good night’s sleep or you get up feeling jaw pain, speak to your dentist in Parker CO. Teeth grinding may be responsible for your symptoms.

Note that not everyone who has difficulty sleeping or wakes up with a painful jaw grinds their teeth. Therefore, don’t rush to any conclusions until a professional at Green Dental Care has assessed and confirmed the underlying cause of your symptoms. Only then will a lasting remedy be recommended.

Chronic Tooth Pain

The human body has an astounding ability to acclimate or get used to abnormalities that persist. For example, people soon forget that the persistent mild pain they feel is unusual. Eventually, that pain soon becomes an integral part of them. When this happens, they don’t see it as abnormal or even notice it at the conscious level of their mind.

Don’t let pain become a part of you. If you experience persisting tooth pain, tell your dental care professional at Green Dental Care. Many factors could trigger ongoing tooth pain. These include tooth abscess, foreign items between your teeth or in your gum, tooth decay, tooth fractures, and many other defects. The only way to be certain about the cause of your chronic tooth pain is by seeing the best dentist in Parker CO for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Are you concerned about pain whose cause you are unable to pinpoint? Our dentists have the necessary skills and experience to quickly get to the bottom of that pain. Contact Green Dental Care today and schedule an appointment to prevent worsening the problem. This way your situation doesn’t get to the point of costing you your tooth or compromising the quality of your life.

What Fluoride Can Do For Your Teeth

what fluoride can do for your teeth

What Fluoride Can Do For Your Teeth

benefits of fluoride treatments

Fluoride treatments are one of the dental tools that have been used for decades by dentists to help people enjoy peak dental health. So, what are fluoride treatments and how does this mineral work? Read on and learn what the experts at Green Dental Care in Parker CO have shared about fluoride and dental health.

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. It can be found in oceans, soil and other water bodies. This mineral can occur in a gaseous, solid or liquid form. Our doctors explain that nearly a century ago, it was observed that fluoride could help rebuild the enamel on teeth once demineralization occurred. This discovery was so profound that dentists started offering fluoride treatments to their patients as a way of increasing resistance to tooth decay and strengthening teeth.

What is a Fluoride Treatment?

Your Parker CO dentist is likely to give you a fluoride treatment when you visit for your routine dental cleanings. The treatment is applied as a highly concentrated foam, rinse, gel or even varnish.

Dr. Green and Dr. Ionescu can use a swab, tray, mouthwash or brush to apply the fluoride on your teeth.

This quick treatment delivers a lot more fluoride to your teeth than what is typically found in your toothpaste or in the municipal water supply. Fluoride treatments need just a few minutes to be applied. However, the dentist at Green Dental Care is likely to advise you to refrain from eating or drinking anything for at least 30 minutes after the fluoride treatment. This interval is intended to allow your teeth to absorb the fluoride sufficiently so that you can enjoy its protective benefits.

When you visit Green Dental Care, reveal your full history (medications you are taking and dental issues you have been facing, for example) so that the dental care professional can select the most appropriate fluoride treatment for your needs.

How Fluoride Protects Your Teeth

While some people may think that fluoride treatments are primarily intended for children, this is far from the truth. Everyone, including adults, can benefit from getting periodic fluoride treatments.

For kids whose teeth are still developing, Dr. Green explains that fluoride helps harden the enamel during the formative stages. This is when the teeth are most susceptible to decay due to weak enamel. The fluoride hardens the teeth and makes them better able to resist acid damage.

Dr. Lesson, a dentist in St. Petersburg FL, adds that fluoride boosts remineralization. This is a process through which leached minerals are restored to the structure of the teeth. Demineralization (the loss of minerals like calcium from the teeth) is normally accelerated by the action of plaque-causing bacteria. Fluoride helps to accelerate the remineralization process.

Fluoride also helps reduce the size of tiny holes in your teeth called fissures. By filling most of those gaps, fluoride prevents food particles and oral bacteria from lodging in those fissures. In this way, the experts at Green Dental Care assert that you will be less prone to cavities and other dental issues.

Using Fluoride at Home

The fluoride treatments administered our doctors need to be supplemented by adequate fluoride use at home. This can take the form of using fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice each day. Another way is by drinking fluoridated water (instead of bottled water that may not have any fluoride in it).

There is only one place to seek help if you aren’t sure whether you are getting as much fluoride as you need. Your Parker CO dentist at Green Dental Care is best to advise you on your fluoride intake since he knows your dental health and the risks you face as you seek to maintain peak oral health. Contact Green Dental Care today for answers to all your questions about fluoride or any other aspect of your oral health.


Interesting Facts About Chipped Teeth

interesting facts about chipped teeth

Interesting Facts About Chipped Teeth

Best Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

If you have ever had your tooth chip or fracture, then are very aware of the pain that comes along with it. However, there is no need to overly worry when you chip a tooth because the professionals at Green Dental Care in Parker CO can get it fixed in one quick visit. Here are three interesting facts about chipped teeth.

Interesting Fact One: Causes of a Chipped Tooth

Each person is different, but the best dentist Parker CO has observed that most causes of chipped teeth can be traced to poor oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can make your dental health worsen and this will predispose your teeth to chipping or cracking.

For example, the Parker CO dentist points out that someone who is irregular at brushing their teeth could develop tooth decay and one or more teeth could chip the moment that person bites down hard on a hard food substance, such as hard candy.

The Parker CO dental implant providers at Green Dental Care have also observed that other circumstances, such as old fillings that fail and drop out, can also cause your teeth to chip or fracture. Severe tooth decay, trauma to the face and using your teeth in unusual ways (cracking nut kernels, for example) can also cause one or more teeth to chip.

Interesting Fact Two: Teeth Can Be Chipped Without Warning

Cosmetic dentists in Parker CO aren’t surprised to hear patients say that they cannot recall when their tooth was chipped. This lack of recall is largely because a tooth may chip when you are unaware until months later when you start feeling pain.

When that pain sets in, patients rush to see a Parker CO dentist for an urgent fix to their problem. Other patients immediately notice that a tooth has chipped. For such people, the chip may have caused noticeable symptoms, such as rough edges on the surface of the tooth or a visible indentation on the front of the tooth.

When you chip a tooth, it is best to contact Green Dental Care so that a solution can be implemented promptly. Luckily, most cases of chipped teeth can be treated on the very day that you see the dentist at Green Dental Care.

If you are unable to see the cosmetic dentist in Parker CO immediately, take some steps to safeguard yourself in the interim. These include taking an OTC painkiller to deal with the pain, placing paraffin wax or gum over the sharp edges of the chipped tooth, and rinsing your mouth using a saltwater solution. You might also want to restrict yourself to just soft foods to avoid aggravating the damage as you wait to see the dentist.

Interesting Fact Three: Several Treatment Options Exist

Depending on your specific circumstances, our doctors will recommend the most appropriate treatment option to fix your chipped or fractured tooth. For example, dental veneers may be recommended to restore the beauty of your smile if you chipped a front tooth.

Replacing old metal fillings with white fillings could also be part of your treatment if failed fillings contributed to the chip. However, if the damage is extensive, then dental implants may be best.

Dr. Farhart, a dentist in Sterling Heights MI, adds that dental bonding may also be a viable option if a front tooth was chipped on the visible front surface. Dental crowns, bridges or even implants can all be considered depending on the specific circumstances surrounding your chipped or fractured teeth.

As you can see, chips can develop on your teeth without being aware of this problem. The best way to catch this anomaly early is by visiting Green Dental Care every six months or as often as recommended by your Parker CO dentist. Such regular visits will allow our professionals to examine your teeth and identify any chip or other defects. Many possible remedies exist, so you will have your beautiful and functional smile back once you put your dental health in the hands of the capable professionals at Green Dental Care.